- 'kh hob gevart oyf dir, 'kh hob gegart tsu dir, kh'hob nor oysgekukt oyf dayn…
(first line)
- 'kh ken a meydele, iz zi frum, hot nit keyn shum Aveyres, geyt a slukh...
(first line)
- 'm a sheep in a storm, come keep me warm when I am cold.
(first line)
- 'S Wonderful
(song title)
- 'S wonderful! 'S marvelous! (that) you should care for me! 'S awful nice!...
(first line)
- 'Twas May, and all the blossoms circled it; blue lilac spindles did bloom…
(first line)
- <<Jewish Chronicle>> <<From Jewish Folk Poetry OP 79>>
- "Atqinu se'udata" and "Mizmor le David"`
(song title)
- "Avreml, ven veln mir hobn a kind? Mir zenen beyde shoyn alte leyt..."
(first line)
- "Borsht with Bread Brothers" Klezmer/ Yale Strom & Hot Pstromi
- "Borukh ato" zingt der tate un er tsind di likht, un di shtraln, milde faln af..
(first line)
- "Contributed to the World" Of songs/songs of the months/Israeli Music Festival
- "El jiwneh Hagalil"
(song title)
- "Havel, mayn bruder, du shlofst un du bist azoy vunderlekh sheyn,..."
(first line)
- "Hekher Beser*"
(first line)
- "LIKE THAT UH!" this is Chantel outside down Klzmer band
(first line)
- "Lut, ikh muz dir zogn, s'iz -- fe! Du shikerest a yede nakht,..."
(first line)
- "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart.."
(first line)
- "Seventh Star" in memory of Ilan Ramon/ Musical Arrangement and Keyboards by Ofer Hamerman
- "Shorty kan hayta veShorty ne'elma, aval lifnei lakeeta heesh'eera po at shama.
(first line)
- "There's a song under the stair", she said as she led me...
(first line)
- "There's no cooking after coocking:" once a dream has been in the oven for…
(first line)
- "Unzere" In America
(song title)
- (Areyea! yelling) Yona, at yodat yefeh emshel em sheli lo mistaklim bayim
(first line)
- (Come Let Us Sing)
(song title)
- (English narration)...Bin ikh mir a shnayderl (2X), leb ikh mir tog oys tog ayn.
(first line)
- (English narration)...Di mekhutonim geyn, kinder lomir freyen shot nor shot...
(first line)
- (English narration)...Lekhayim rebenyu hot a gute vokh, shrayt yeder...
(first line)
- (English narration)...Rabosay, rabosay,ikh vil bay aykh fregn...
(first line)
- (English narration)…der rebe mit der khasidim, tantsn, pletskn, zingen…
(first line)
- (Goldenshteyn, German's) Anthem
(song title)
- (hiss) Zingen Katz hemen bloy afen dakh tzuru salt du ra katz dura sach
(first line)
- (How To) Sweat (Parts 1 & 2, Yid)
(song title)
- (How To) Sweat - Part 1
(song title)
- (Inaudable)
(first line)
- (Inaudible)
(2 first lines)
- (Label Obscured)
(song title)
- (not intelligible), di yidishe tsaytung in di gantse velt…
(first line)
- (Patter)...ikh hob a meydl, heyst zi dvoyra, vil zi vil zi, hot zi…
(first line)
- (Rock the) Belz
(song title)
- (spoken word)
(first line)
- (TRACK DAMAGED-Inaudable
(first line)
- (Words Inaudible)
(first line)
- .
(first line)
- ... omeyn (omayn) loyfn zolstu tsum foter kenig in zal arayn,
(first line)
- ... Vu ken ikh dikh nokh amol zen...
(first line)
- .....a kenig vos kumt oyf a shney vaysn ferd,
(first line)
- ...a papir a vaybl gebn, az vos zi darf hobn tsum lebn,
(first line)
- ...and young and handsome, the boy from Ipanima goes walking
(first line)
- ...az ikh dermon zikh, heyb ikh un tsu beyken,..in kheyder bin ikh..
(first line)
- ...az s'iz tsu mir keyner glaykh, ven es kumt mir oys tsu...
(first line)
- ...dem gurl mayne, fun mayn harts, zogt tsigaynerin vos...
(first line)
- ...gezungen far aykh sheyne lider alerley,
(first line)
- ...Ikh tur zikh oysredn vel ikh aykh oysgeshnitn di meyse, un di hoybt zakh,..
(first line)
- ...kukt aykh nisht arum, geyt aheym, ganz aleyn,
(first line)
- ...Meg men tantsn, keren veltn, in attorney strit, me hert men vayber shrayen..
(first line)
- ...meyselekh sheyne fun di oves fun amol,
(2 first lines)
- ...Odesa odesa, mayn shtot oyf shvartsn yam,
(first line)
- ...shtilerheyd, a geln bleter falt, an altn veys harmonist shpilt...in dem vald
(first line)
- ...tantsn mir ale in kon, gelofn ahin un aher, tantsn mir ale in kon,
(first line)
- ...tate..geforen tsu amerike, shlof zhe zunenyu,...mir geforen, ay lu lu,
(first line)
- ...tsu fun kehinever progrom derhert, di zakh vos hot zikh..
(first line)
- ...vi azoy iz di shtot yerusholayim geblibn?
(first line)
- ..ale shabos...di frume yidn ale, libn nur di kale,
(first line)
- ..mayn man, a klug tsu dir, vi bistu geven azoy shpet, di vetshera...
(first line)
- ..nor a yidish shtikele, mit yidishe..a kraft in moyekh...
(first line)
- ..oy zi hot es, oy oy zi hot es, zi iz a beauty
(first line)
- .S'brent! Briderlekh, s'brent! Oy, undzer orem shtetl…
(first line)
- / Dorozenka/ Perikola
- 1 Chronicles 16:23
(song title)
- 1 Chronicles 29:11
(song title)
- 100 Zemer V'zemer Chelek 1/ 100 Songs Part 2
- 100 Zemer V'zemer Chelek 1/ 100 Songs Part 3
- 100 Zemer V'zemer Chelek 1/ 100 Songs Part I
- 10er
(song title)
- 125 Yor Yidish Teater - Komish Iberblik
(song title)
- 14 Great Jewish Songs Sung by Avrasha Einshtein
- 15 Chants Juifs Pour Vioncelle Et Piano
- 15th Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow/15. Festiwal Kultury Zyd owskiej w Krakowie 2005 Zichrojines
- 16th Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow/16. Festiwal Kultury Zyd owskiej w Krakowie 01-09.07.2006/ Mir Farbetn Aykh
- 17..Ukrainian Dances Michael Skorr & His Ukrainian Ensemble
- 17th Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow/17. Festiwal Kultury Zyd owskiej w Krakowie 23.06-01.07 2007
- 18th Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow/18. Festiwal Kultury Zyd owskiej w Krakowie 28.06-06.07.2008
- 19 Beloved Yiddish Folk Songs sung in English by Meyer Zaremba
- 1904
(song title)
- 1963 Bar-Bas Mitvah Class of Center Island Jewish School presents "A Ballad For Our Time"/Text by Doris Jacoby
- 19th Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow/19. Festiwal Kultury Zydowskiej w Krakowie 27.06-5.07.2009
- 19th Jewish Festival in Krakow (Video)
(song title)
- 19th Jewish Festival in Krakow (Video)/ with Katya Nov 15, 2011
- 1st Kings 08:57
(song title)
- 2 Berele Zaltsman
- 20 Best Folk Songs From Israel
- 20 Biz 120 / Yidishshpiel 2
- 20 Israels' Chassidic Greatest Hits
- 2000 and Thirteen/ Carl Reiner & Mel Brooks
- 2013 Year Old Man (Pt. 1)
(song title)
- 2013 Year Old Man (Pt. 2)
(song title)
- 20th Century Yiddish Humor
- 20th Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow/ Festiwal Kultury Zydowskiej w Krakowie 26.06-4.07. 2010
- 21,000 Doctors
(song title)
- 21st Century Chicken Shack Blues
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 1 in C Opus 34/1
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 10 in C Sharp Minor
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 11 in B Op. 34/11
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 12 in G Sharp Minor
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 13 in F Sharp Minor
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 14 in E Flat Minor
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 15 in D Flat
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 16 in B Flat
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 17 in A Flat
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 18 in F Minor
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 19 in E Flat
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 2 in A Minor Op.34/2
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 20 in C Minor
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 21 in B Flat
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 22 in G Minor
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 23 in F
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 24 in D minor
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 3 in G Opus 34/3
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 4 in A Minor Op. 34/4
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 5 in D Op. 34/5
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 6 in B Minor op. 34/6
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 7 in A Opus 34/7
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 8 in F Sharp Minor
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano # 9 in E Opus 34/9
(song title)
- 24 preludes for Piano (1933)
(song title)
- 30 Years of Israel
- 32 World Famous Artists Sing Oldies Of The Yiddish Theatre
- 3: A.M. Nigun
(song title)
- 3: A.M. Nigun (alt take)
(song title)
- 4 Kartisei Ashrei
(song title)
- 4 Wochen un 4 yuren noch der chassene
(song title)
- 40 Favorite Jewish Melodies
- 5 Kabbalah Variations-Dybbuk Suite
(song title)
- 51 Children's Songs/ Shiri Yelodim 51
- 5757
(song title)
- 7 Blessings
(song title)
- 70th Anniv. Choir/ Shir Hama-alos/ Haneros Halolu
- 70th Anniversary Choir/ Shir Hama-alos/ Haneros Hololu
- 78 rpm recordings donated by Barry and Linda Roth
(1 album,1 track)
- 7:40
(song title)
- 7:40 A.M.
(song title)
- 80's
(song title)
- 900 Miles From My Home
(song title)
- 999 / Yom ha-Shabbes
(song title)
- ?/ Erotekhmenoi (?)/ Panotemenoi (?)
- ?/ Kak Diva Starovo/ Katusha
- `
(first line)
- a
(song title)
- A A Lyu Lyu
(song title)
- A a lyu lyu,...ketsele mayns,
(first line)
- A a mame tsu zayn iz yede froys farlang, a mame tsu zayn is a getlekher geshank,
(first line)
- A ayngelfoyf, a tumel oyfn hoyf, loyfn yidn der arop...
(first line)
- A Badkhn (Marovitz)
(song title)
- A Bal Agole Lid
(song title)
- A Bal Agole Shul
(song title)
- A Balade Fun Tsirisene Shikh
(song title)
- A Balade Vegn A Muter
(song title)
- A Banquet Dream
(song title)
- A Banquet Song
(song title)
- A Bar Mitzva
(song title)
- A barg fun shikh -- shvartse, broyne un hele,
(first line)
- A Bas Kol - Declamatsie
(song title)
- A bas kol fun himlen, kum aher, du mentsh, in der nayer velt, tsu dem nayem...
(first line)
- A beauty so fine and rare, That's my yiddishe girl,
(first line)
- A Bee Gezindt
(song title)
- A Bekher Mit Vayn
(song title)
- A bekher mit vayn, un mashke a sakh, un freylekh zol zayn, a lid un a lakh,
(first line)
- A Benkl Far'm Gan-eydn
(song title)
- A bentshung dir, du naye velt: Dayn shvel oyf frayhayt iz..
(first line)
- A Besere Velt/ Yiddish Community Chorus of Boston Workmen's Circle
- A Betler Hot Haynt, Malkele
(song title)
- A betler hot haynt, malkele, gezungen unter mayn hoyf,
(first line)
- A Better and More Pleasent Future
(song title)
- A Beygele (Ellis Island Band)
(song title)
- A Beygele Papir
(song title)
- A Beymele
(song title)
- A beymele hobn undzere oves avoseynu in der vilder viste…
(first line)
- A Beyt Mitn Reboynu Shel Oylam
(song title)
- A Big Red Tomato
(song title)
- A Bin
(song title)
- A bin, (3), flit aher un ahin, flit aroyf un arop,
(first line)
- A Bintl Vitsn
(song title)
- A bird is free to fly, because freedom has no border.
(2 first lines)
- A Bisele Frier
(song title)
- A Bisele Fun Oybn
(song title)
- A Bisele Glik
(song title)
- A bisele glik, a bisl glik in lebn, a bisele glik konst...
(first line)
- A Bisele Shpayz
(song title)
- A bisil zun a bisl regn a ruikh ort, dem kop tsu legn, abi gezunt, ken men…
(first line)
- A Bisl Fefer, A Bisl Zalts
(song title)
- A Bisl Frier
(song title)
- A Bisl Glik
(song title)
- A Bisl Libe
(song title)
- A Bisl Libe Un A Bisele Glik
(song title)
- A bisl libe un a bisele glik, di zun zol shaynen nor oyf...
(first line)
- A bisl libe un a bisele glik, di zun zol shaynen nor oyf…
(first line)
- A bisl libe un a bisele glik, di zun zol shaynen, nor af..
(2 first lines)
- A Bisl Mazl
(song title)
- A bisl mazl (2x), felt ir dos mazl iz dayn lebn shver,
(first line)
- A Bisl Tsu Shpet
(song title)
- A Bisl Zun A Bisl Regn
(song title)
- A bisl zun, a bisl regn, a ruhik ort dem kop tsu leygn,
(first line)
- A bisl zun, a bisl regn, a ruik ort dem kop tsu legn
(first line)
- A bisl zun, a bisl regn, a ruik ort dem kop tsu leygn,
(42 first lines)
- A bisl zun, a bisl regn, a ruik ort dem kop tsu leygn, abi gezunt ken men...
(6 first lines)
- A bisl zun, a bisl regn, a ruik ort dem kop tsu leygn, abi gezunt ken men…
(first line)
- A bisl zun, a bisl regn, far gezunt in kinders vegn,
(first line)
- A Bisl'n Lieb'n
(song title)
- A bit of sun, a drop of rain, a quiet place to rest again,
(first line)
- A Bizl Mazel / Klezmerhits
- A Bizl Mazl Medley
(song title)
- A Blade Of Grass Sings To The River
(song title)
- A Bloyer Nign
(song title)
- A blumen tog iz haynt, mayne libe fraynd, far oreme elende
(first line)
- A blumen tog iz heynt meyne libe freynt far....
(first line)
- A Bobes Gebet
(song title)
- A Bokher Mit A Keyle
(song title)
- A Boppin' Crib
(song title)
- A Bord
(song title)
- A Bouquet of Stars
- A boy geyt mit a meydl fun arum a lange tsayt,
(first line)
- A Boy Named Sureh: Marty Green
- A boy stands thinking, all through the night,
(first line)
- A boy was happy, it was easy to see, the boy was whistling..
(first line)
- A Boy's Birth
(song title)
- A Boydem
(song title)
- A Brighter Day
(song title)
- A Bris
(song title)
- A Bris In Moskve (Der Bris)
(song title)
- A Briv
(song title)
- A Briv (Gorovets)
(song title)
- A Briv (Korn)
(song title)
- A Briv (Papir Iz Dokh Vays)
(song title)
- A Briv Fun 1916
(song title)
- A Briv Fun 1920
(song title)
- A briv fun a khosid tsu dem rebn, yetst shteyt dem adres,
(first line)
- A Briv Fun Amerike
(song title)
- A Briv Fun Der Muter Tsien
(song title)
- A Briv Fun Mayn Vayb
(song title)
- A Briv Fun Tel-Aviv
(song title)
- A Briv Tsum Liader Rebn
(song title)
- A Brivele Dem Tatn
(song title)
- A Brivele Der Mame / A Brivele Der Mame (Video)
- A Brivele Der Mamen
(song title)
- A Brivele Der Mamen (Medley)
(song title)
- A brivele der mamen, zolstu nit farzamen, shrayb geshvind...
(9 first lines)
- A Brivele Fun Der Heym
(song title)
- A Brivele Fun Khusn
(song title)
- A Brivele Fun Rusland
(song title)
- A brivele geshribn hot mayn manenyu mir, "Shmilikl, hob dortn got in harts,...
(first line)
- A brivele geshribn hot mayn manenyu mir, "Yankele, zindele..
(6 first lines)
- A Brivele Tsu Got
(song title)
- A Brivele Tsu Natser
(song title)
- A Briven-Treiger
(song title)
- A brizant shos iz di zun, ligt tsegosn oyf arum, ful mit mildkeyt shmekhlt zi,
(first line)
- A Broken Heart
(song title)
- A Brokhe Tsum Nayem Yor
(song title)
- A bruder bin ikh dir a trayer, Oy, shversterl, her zikh...
(first line)
- A Bruder Monument
(song title)
- A Brunem Shteyt Bay Undz In Hoyf
(song title)
- A brunem shteyt bay undz in hoyf, a tifer keyn eynore,
(3 first lines)
- A Bulgar
(song title)
- A butsherl a kinstler, bin ikh...
(first line)
- A Call From Greenwich Village
(song title)
- A Call From Long Island
(song title)
- A Call From The Bank
(song title)
- A Call To Remember Sacred Songs of the High Holy Days
- A Candle In The Middle
(song title)
- A Cantor In The Navy ( Parody)
(song title)
- A Cantor On The Sabbath (Parody)
(song title)
- A Cantorial Concert / Cantors in Russia / Choral Synagogue, Moscow(Video)
- A Cantors Tale (Video)
- A Career
(song title)
- A Carriage Of Chairs
(song title)
- A Castle of Blocks
(song title)
- A Celeb of Light & Select..Liturg Music by Charles Davidson
- A certain girl I know, is so afraid her beau, will never...
(first line)
- A certain maid I know, is so afraid a boy will never ask...
(first line)
- A certain maid I know, is so afraid her beau will never...
(2 first lines)
- A Chanuke Quiz
(song title)
- A Child's Hanukkah with the Jewish Wedding Band
- A City By The Sea
(song title)
- A Coat of Many Colors Voice of the Turtle Vol 2
- A cold night, dark and foggy, the rain is coming down,
(first line)
- A Collection of Jewish Folk Songs
- A Collection of Yiddish Songs Lyrics by Abraham Joachimowicz
- A comer vos zingt…iz a liriker, ober a floy vos kitslt…
(first line)
- A Complete Live Selichos, Cantor Moshe Koussevitzky
- A Concert of Jewish Music by Sidor Belarsky
- A Concert with Hillel and Aviva
- A Concert With Lillian Lux
- A Cotton Picker's Lullaby
(song title)
- A Dance for Everyone
(song title)
- A Dank
(song title)
- A dank (3x) far di teg un di nekht, a dank (2x) iz geven...
(first line)
- A dank Ben Bonus, A dank Emil Gorovets…
(first line)
- A dank dem libe krigl, vost shepst zikh gor nit oys,
(first line)
- A dank dir gotenyu, lib hartsiker, getrayer, far ale dayne..
(3 first lines)
- A dank dir gotenyu, lib hartsiker, getrayer, far dayne groyse vunder,
(first line)
- A dank iz der hoykhstn oysdruk fun a dank, dos ken ikh zogn,
(first line)
- A Day For Daddy
(song title)
- A Day In Warsaw (Video)
- A Day In Warsaw/ Text and Narration by Asher Lerner (Video)
- A Day Will Come
(song title)
- A Deal Is A Deal
(song title)
- A Dermonung Funem Appellatz
(song title)
- A Deypeshele Arop
(song title)
- A dikhter fun yedn natzion hot mit zayn harts nit
(first line)
- A Din Toyre Mit Got
(song title)
- A Disgusted Millionaire
(song title)
- A Disgusted Millionaire (Bell)
(song title)
- A Doktor Nebekh
(song title)
- A Double Mazl Tov
(song title)
- A Doyne
(song title)
- A Doyne (Variant)
(song title)
- A Doyne Un Skotshma
(song title)
- A Doynele
(song title)
- A Dream in Yiddish
(song title)
- A Dreydele Far Ale - Freylekhs
(song title)
- A Dreydl (A Karahod)
(song title)
- A Droshe (Fisher)
(song title)
- A Dudele
(song title)
- A Dudele (Parody)
(song title)
- A Dudele Zingen
(song title)
- A El Novio No Quere Dinero
(song title)
- A Europayesher Kolemayke
(song title)
- A Europeshe Kolemeyke
(song title)
- A Fabl Un Moral
(song title)
- A Falshe Libe
(song title)
- A Falsher Krants
(song title)
- A falsher krants hot men oyfgehangen, a krantz mit plastishe blumen,
(first line)
- A Farbotener Zog
(song title)
- A Farewell To Shabos (Video)
(song title)
- A Farshvartser Foygl Doyna un Hora
(song title)
- A fayrest fayre, o fayrest fair, princes most pleasant...
(first line)
- A Fenster In Shtot
(song title)
- A Festival of Jewish Music (Video)
(1 song title,1 album)
- A Few Bowls Terkish
(song title)
- A Feygele
(song title)
- A Feygele In Harbst
(song title)
- A Feygele Zingt/Yiddish Theatre & Folksongs/Faye Kellerstein
- A fiddler on the roof, sounds crazy, but here in our...
(first line)
- A fiddler on the roof, sounds crazy, no, but in our...
(first line)
- A Fiddler on the roof, sounds crazy, no? But in our little village Arnikifka,
(first line)
- A Fidele
(song title)
- A Fidl
(song title)
- A fidl mit a royz, nit nor in sheynem lid zey kenen hoyzn, dariber take glit...
(first line)
- A Fidler
(song title)
- A Fidler (Video)
(song title)
- A Fidler Oyfn Dakh (A Fiddler..)
(song title)
- A fidler oyfn dakh, a mayse nit tsu gloybn,
(2 first lines)
- A fidler oyfn dakh, ah, arop fun zinen…
(first line)
- A fidler oyfn dakh,..arop fun zinene....
(first line)
- A fidler oyfn dakh. Meshuge nayn? Ober bay undz in anatevle iz yeder eyner a min fiddler oyfn dakh, vos vil oyskritsn a.
(first line)
- A fidler oyfn dakh. Meshuge neyn? Ober bay undz in Anatevke iz yeder eyner a min fidler oyfn dakh vos vil oyskritsn a..
(first line)
- A Fine Life (The Fair New Life)
(song title)
- A Fire Burns Robyn Helzner
- A Fisbank in Himl
(song title)
- A Fish Out Of Water (Sardines On Rye)
(song title)
- A Fishele (Malin)
(song title)
- A fishele hot amol in yardn gelebt. Gefilt zikh azoy gut in dem taykh.
(first line)
- A Fleshele Vayn
(song title)
- A Flig
(song title)
- A flig gezogt hot tsu a flig, ver iz azoy vi flign klig ?
(first line)
- A foggy night, a bitter night, that cuts you to the bone.
(2 first lines)
- A Folk Un A Heym
(song title)
- A Fon
(song title)
- A fon, a fon, a fon mit a likhtl,
(first line)
- A Football Game
(song title)
- A Foter Tsu Zayn Zun
(song title)
- A four hour pass in the desert, I wonder where I'll go…
(first line)
- A Foygl Hot Haynt, Malkele
(song title)
- A foygl hot haynt, malkele, gezungen oyf mayn dakh,
(5 first lines)
- A foygl hot haynt, Malkele, gezungen oyf mayn dakh, dort, vu s'endikt zik di
(first line)
- A Frage
(song title)
- A Frayer Foygl
(song title)
- A Frayntlekhe Hant
(song title)
- A Frelekhe Kretshme
(song title)
- A Freylekh Khosid
(song title)
- A Freylekh Land
(song title)
- A Freylekh Lidl
(song title)
- A Freylekhe Khasene
(song title)
- A Freylekhe Nakht In Gan Eydn
(song title)
- A Freylekhe Nakht In Odesa
(song title)
- A Freylekhe Tants
(song title)
- A Freylekhs (Bialik)
(song title)
- A Freylekhs (Fun "Di Dray Kales")
(song title)
- A Freylekhs (Gorby)
(song title)
- A Freylekhs (Kharik)
(song title)
- A Freylekhs (Leon Schwartz)
(song title)
- A Freylekhs (Yardeini)
(song title)
- A Freylekhs Far Ale
(song title)
- A Freylekhs Fun Di Khupe
(song title)
- A Freylekhs Tsu Der Khasene
(song title)
- A freylikhe nesie-makhnes yunge yatn-s'hikt di shtot dem dorf likhtike otriyadn.
(first line)
- A Friend Of Kafka
(song title)
- A Friend of Kafka (Strom)
(song title)
- A frost, a gepileder, a vint, zeyr a vilder, a shney...
(first line)
- A froy ayne shteyt far got un zi beyt, a kind vil zi hobn..
(first line)
- A Froy In Mayn Shikzal Iz Shuldik
(song title)
- A froy kumt haynt tsu mir tsu loyfn, klogt zikh oyf ir zun,
(first line)
- A Froy Kumt Tsum Rov (Joke)
(song title)
- A froy kumt tsum rov in shtetl mit a geveyn,
(first line)
- A Galitsianer In Yisroel
(song title)
- A Galitsianer Tentsl
(song title)
- A Ganev (Mišpacha, Prauge Choir)
(song title)
- A Ganev (Nisht Gavenen Nor Nemen)
(song title)
- A Ganeyve
(song title)
- A Gants Fayn Mazltov
(song title)
- A Gants Yor Freylekh
(song title)
- A gants yor freylekh (2x), a gants yor freylekh zol men zayn
(first line)
- A gantser nar iz a halber novi, a halber novi iz a gantser..
(first line)
- A Gas Nign
(song title)
- A Gdye Ti Mili Nacheval
(song title)
- A Gebet
(song title)
- A Gebet (Weiner)
(song title)
- A Gedank
(song title)
- A Gefalener Shtern
(song title)
- A geroysh baym mir, di yidn tuen yogen, dos vaser brimt...
(first line)
- A Gesheft
(song title)
- A Gesheft (Video)
- A Geshikhte Fun Libe
(song title)
- A geshikhte fun libe, vel ikh aykh dertsayln,
(first line)
- A Gevir Un A Kaptsn
(song title)
- A Gevirish Khasene
(song title)
- A Gezang Fun A Traktorist
(song title)
- A Gezang Funem Berditshever...
(song title)
- A Gezang Tsu Yisroel
(song title)
- A Gezangl
(song title)
- A Gezind Zalbe Akht (Alberstein)
(song title)
- A Gezind Zalbe Akht (Bogdanski)
(song title)
- A gezind zalbe akht, un betn nor tsvey, un falt tsu di nakht, vu shlofn dan zey?
(first line)
- A gezind zalbe akht, un betn nor tsvey-un kumt on di nakht, vu shlofn dan zey?
(first line)
- A Gezind Zalbe Drit
(song title)
- A Gift From Israel
- A git morgn dir, mayn tayer kind, mayn zise neshome, a git morgn dir tatenyu,
(first line)
- a git vort, lai lai lai, di kinder araim in shteib
(first line)
- A gitn peysekh dir mirke, a finstere sonim oyf dayn kop, azoy shpet kimst men...
(first line)
- A gitn purim, a gitn purim, mayne libe geverim,
(first line)
- A Gitn Ubend Jidden Volkslieder Max Reichard
- A Glezele Bitokhn
(song title)
- A Glezele Bronfn
(song title)
- A Glezele Lekhaim
(song title)
- A glezele lekhaim es shadtg nit nemen haynt, az men zitst bay a yontevdikn
(first line)
- A glezele lekhaim, es shat nit nemen haynt,
(20 first lines)
- A glezele lekhaim, es shat nit nemen haynt, ven men zitst bay a yomtevdikn..
(first line)
- A glezele lekhaim, es shat nit nemen haynt, ven men zitst bay a yomtevdikn…
(first line)
- A Glezele Mashke
(song title)
- A Glezele Tey
(song title)
- A Glezele Vayn
(song title)
- A Glezele Vayn (Oy Bruderl,...)
(song title)
- A Glezele Yash
(song title)
- A Glezl Shnaps
(song title)
- A Gliklekhe Sher
(song title)
- A Gliklekher Nigun
(song title)
- A gliklikhe nakht, zikh geendikt di letste shlakht,
(first line)
- A gliklikhe nakht, zikh geendikt di letste shlakht, Berlin iz…
(first line)
- A Goldene Ban
(song title)
- A good day to Thee, Lord God Almighty, I, Levi Isaac...
(2 first lines)
- A gorten fun libe vel ikh far dir flantsen, fun blumen…
(first line)
- A Griner In Buenos Aires
(song title)
- A Griner Politsant
(song title)
- A groyer kelershtub, ful mit betn, freydele... Shloft shoyn lang,
(first line)
- A Groyse Naye Velt
(song title)
- A groyse, vilde, hoykhe geshray, fun im iz aroysgekumen,
(first line)
- A Groyser Vilde Hoykhe Geshray
(song title)
- A groyser, vilde, hoykhe geshray, fun im iz aroysgekumen,
(first line)
- A Grus Fun Amerike
(song title)
- A grus fun aykh fun di shtalekh, di vikleykh, di sheyninke,
(first line)
- A Grus Fun Dem Nayem Rusland
(song title)
- A Grus Fun Der Heym
(song title)
- A Grus Fun Der Mame
(song title)
- A Grus Fun Der Nayer Rusland
(song title)
- A Grus Fun Di Shtetlekh
(song title)
- A Grus Fun Di Trenches
(song title)
- A Grus Fun Di Trenches (Video)
(song title)
- A Grus Fun Yisroel
(song title)
- A Gut Mazldik Yor
(song title)
- A gut morgen radio tsuherers, do kumt tsu aykh WEVD, da station dot speaks…
(first line)
- A Gut Morgn
(song title)
- A Gut Morgn Dir, Hirsh Dovid
(song title)
- A gut morgn dir, hirsh dovid! A gut morgn, borukh!
(4 first lines)
- A gut morgn dir, hirsh dovid! A gut morgn, zerekh!
(2 first lines)
- A gut morgn dir, Reboynu Shel Oylam, Ikh, Levi Yitskhok Ben Soreh mibarditshev
(3 first lines)
- A gut morgn dir, Reboynu Shel Oylam, Ikh, Levi Yitskhok...
(32 first lines)
- A gut morgn kinder, gekumen bin ikh do, hert mayn katerinke
(first line)
- A gut morgn kinder, gekumen bin ikh do, hert mayn katerinke,
(first line)
- A gut morgn lererin, a gut morgn kinderlakh,
(first line)
- A gut morgn, libe mentshen! Varft undz a shtikele broyt!
(4 first lines)
- A Gut Ovnt Zol Got Gebn
(song title)
- A Gut Vort
(song title)
- A Gut Yom Tov Yidn
(song title)
- A gut yom tov, yidn, a gut purim zog ikh.
(first line)
- A gut yom tov, yidn, brider, tsu dem yom tov fun der frey,
(first line)
- A gut yontev yidn! A gut purim zog ikh.
(first line)
- A Gute Bsure / Yonotan Schwartz
(1 album,1 track)
- A Gute Heym
(song title)
- A Gute Nakht
(song title)
- A gute nakht (12x), zi hot gezogt "a gute nakht",
(first line)
- A gute nakht (3), mayn mishigas, shlof mayn tsuris, shlof mayn troyerik harts
(first line)
- A Gute Nakht (Charny)
(song title)
- A Gute Nakht (Driz)
(song title)
- A Gute Nakht (Instrumental)
(song title)
- A Gute Nakht (Tshorny)
(song title)
- A Gute Nakht Boiberik
(song title)
- A gute nakht boiberik, boiberik, a gute nakht boiberik, a gute nakht,
(first line)
- A Gute Nakht Mishigas (Video)
(song title)
- A gute nakht un zise khaloymes(3), zise khaloymes far moyshes un shloymes
(first line)
- A Gute Nakht Velt
(song title)
- A gute vokh
(first line)
- A Gute Vokh (Breslever Nign)
(song title)
- A Gute Vokh (Brody)
(song title)
- A Gute Vokh (Ehrlich & Fried)
(song title)
- A Gute Vokh (Grossman)
(song title)
- A Gute Vokh (Klingen Gleker)
(song title)
- A Gute Vokh (Lipovsky)
(song title)
- A Gute Vokh A Gezunte Vokh
(song title)
- A Gute Vokh A Gutn Khoydesh
(song title)
- A Gute Vokh Fun Der Alter Heym
(song title)
- A gute vokh vuntsh ikh atsind, dir yankenyu mayn tayer kind,
(first line)
- A Gute Vokh Zol Kumen Atsind
(song title)
- A gute vokh, a gezunte vokh, oy vinshen mir tsu ale khasidim
(first line)
- A gute vokh, a gezunte vokh, oy vintshn mir tsu ale yidn, un tsu ale fayne...
(first line)
- A gute vokh, a gezunte vokh, oy vuntshn mir tsu a khasidim,
(2 first lines)
- A gute vokh, a gezunte vokh, oy, vintshn mir tsu ale yidn,
(first line)
- A gute vokh, a gute vokh zol kumen oyf undz atsind,
(first line)
- A gute vokh, mit brokhe hatslokhe, yeshues refues un...
(first line)
- A Gute Zise Nakht
(song title)
- A Guter Yid/ Yonaton Shwartz
- A gutn frimorgn aykh, mayne libe radio tsuherers,
(2 first lines)
- A gutn morgn dir, Reboynu Shel Oylam, Ikh, Levi Yitskhok...
(first line)
- A Gutn Ovent
(song title)
- A gutn ovent (2), a gants simpatish bukher…
(first line)
- A gutn ovent a mekhaye (3) far dem lebn far dem nayem, ya-ba-ba-bay, mazl tov,
(first line)
- A Gutn Ovnt Aykh, Yidn
(song title)
- A Gutn Ovnt Brayne
(song title)
- A gutn ovnt brayne, di beste shkheyne mayne, dos harts vert in mir farbrent,
(first line)
- A gutn ovnt zol got gebn, mamele, brengen zikh aheym a sheyne sho,
(first line)
- A gutn ovnt, aykh yidn ikh ben zeyer tsufridn,
(first line)
- A gutn ovnt, brayne, di beste shkheyne mayne.
(2 first lines)
- A Gutn Purim
(song title)
- A gutn purim (2x), mayn libe gevirim, haynt hobn mir yom...
(first line)
- A gutn purim dir, mayn vayb. A gutn purim, dir, mayn man.
(first line)
- A gutn wokh,...ven mir zaynen ale freylekh,
(first line)
- A gvir hot genumen a melamed tsu lernen mit zayn zun toyre..
(first line)
- A Gypsy Song
(song title)
- A harsh storm approaches, the eastern darkness frays
(first line)
- A Hartsik Vort
(song title)
- A Hartsik Yidish Lid
(song title)
- A hartsik yidish lid iz a mekhaye, zi iz azoy batamt...
(first line)
- A Hayntiks Meydl
(song title)
- A Heylung Far Di Nerven
(song title)
- A Heym
(song title)
- A Heym Far Undz Beydn
(song title)
- A Heym In Palestine
(song title)
- A Heymish Freylekhs
(song title)
- A Heymisher Bulgar
(song title)
- A Heymisher Bulgar (Instrumental)
(song title)
- A Heymisher Sher
(song title)
- A Heymland Faran Iz Nor Eyne
(song title)
- A heymland nor eyne faranen, men kleybt in lebn nit oys,
(first line)
- A hi geboyrene, an eyngezamene oyszen, ful mit lebns lust, an eyngeordente…
(first line)
- A High Class Wedding (Parody)
(song title)
- A Himen
(song title)
- A Hopkele
(song title)
- A Hor Fun A Bord
(song title)
- A Hora Mit Bronfn
(song title)
- A hora tantsn veln mir ale do, mit gezang baglayt in a ...
(first line)
- A hoyker boym in bloyn ovnt, mit yeder blat vi oysgeshnitn,
(first line)
- A Hoykher Boym (Driz)(Levin)
(song title)
- A Hoykher Boym (Driz)(Poliansky)
(song title)
- A Hoykher Boym (Heller)
(song title)
- A Hoyz Bay An Ozere
(song title)
- A Hymn To Him
(song title)
- A Hymn to Him (Ophir)
(song title)
- A ikh volt zayn a shoykhet hob ikh nit keyn khalef,
(first line)
- A Janowski Concert/ Cartor Richard Allen and the Keneseth Israel Choir
- A Jew At Christmas
(song title)
- A Jew Dares To Dream
(song title)
- A Jewish Child
(song title)
- A Jewish Odyssey
- A Jewish Waltz
(song title)
- A Joyful Noise: Lost Jewish Music of Philadelpha (Video)
- A Jumpin Night in the Garden of Eden
(song title)
- A Jumpin Night in the Garden of Eden (Video)
- A Kadishl A Kleynem
(song title)
- A Kadril
(song title)
- A Kafrah
(song title)
- A Kale Bazetsn
(song title)
- A Kale Bazingen (Peppler)
(song title)
- A Kalte Nakht
(song title)
- A Kalte Nakht (Ehrlikh)
(song title)
- A Kalte Nakht (Papirosn)
(song title)
- A kalte nakht a nebeldike, finster umetum,
(first line)
- A kalte nakht, a finsterdike nebel umetum, shteyt a...
(first line)
- A kalte nakht, a finsterdike nepl umetum, shteyt a…
(first line)
- A kalte nakht, a nebeldike finster umetum, shteyt a...
(21 first lines)
- A kalte nakht, a nebeldiker finster umetum, shteyt a yingele fartroyert un kukt zikh arum, fun regn shtist im nor a vant
(first line)
- A kalte nakht, a nebldike finster umetum, shteyt a…
(3 first lines)
- A kalte nakht, a neblikdike, finster umentum, shteyt a...
(first line)
- A kalte nakht, a neldike finster umetum, shteyt a…
(2 first lines)
- A kalte nakht, a nepldike finster umetum shteyt a yingele fartroyert un fartrakt
(2 first lines)
- A kalte nakht, a nepldike finster umetum shteyt a yingl fartroyert un kukt zikh arum, fun regn shist zikh arum, fun regn
(first line)
- A kalte nakht, a nepldike finster umetum, sheyt a yingele
(first line)
- A kalte nakht, a nepldike finster umetum, shteyt a yingele fartroyert un…
(10 first lines)
- A kalte nakht, a nepldike finster umetum, shteyt a yingele…
(first line)
- A kalte nakht, a nepldike finster umetum, shteyt a...
(4 first lines)
- A kalte nakht, a nepldike finster umetum, shteyt a…
(34 first lines)
- A kalte nakht, a shney badekt di felder, bay der volge...
(first line)
- A kalte un a ... finster miese nakht, sheyt a yingele...
(first line)
- A kalte vint blozt in der nakht, Mir zitsn baym fayer...
(3 first lines)
- A kapelye kontsertistn-dos bin ikh aleyn, ikh gib aykh kontsert. Ay der shpiler
(first line)
- A kapelye kontsertistn-dos bin ikh aleyn, ikh gib aykh kontsert. I di shpiler...
(first line)
- A kaptsn tsu zayn iz paskudne, dos lebn iz biter vi gal,
(first line)
- A Karahod
(song title)
- A karahod, a karahod, un lomir ale tantsn, arayn in kreyz,
(3 first lines)
- A Kats Mit Bloye Oygn
(song title)
- A katsef, a kinstler, bin ikh eyner,
(first line)
- A Kenig Zeyer Farshtandik
(song title)
- A kepl vi a boy, ungeton azoy az men derkent zi zisht afile, poder, a chemodan,
(first line)
- A Ketsele
(song title)
- A Khanike Nign
(song title)
- A Khasene
(song title)
- A Khasene (Chai)
(song title)
- A Khasene (Ehrlich)
(song title)
- A Khasene (Klenitskis)
(song title)
- A Khasene (Leyb)
(song title)
- A Khasene (Oppenheim)
(song title)
- A Khasene (Shvester Bari)
(song title)
- A Khasene (Singer)
(song title)
- A khasene a sheyne, di shtetl iz a fayne, men geyt,
(first line)
- A khasene bay goldele vet zayn, tantsn vet men biz in tog...
(first line)
- A khasene bay khasidim, a khasene bay yididem,
(first line)
- A khasene bay yidn iz dokh a mekhaye, men est, men trinkt,..
(2 first lines)
- A khasene bay yidn, a mekhaye, men est, men trinkt,
(first line)
- A Khasene Freylekhs
(song title)
- A Khasene In Birobidzan
(song title)
- A Khasene In Brownsville
(song title)
- A khasene in brownsville, a khasene in brownsville,
(first line)
- A khasene in brunsvil, a khasene in brunsvil,
(first line)
- A Khasene In Shtetl
(song title)
- A Khasene In Shtetl Oysgefirt Durkh Di 4 Burshteyns
- A Khasene In Shtetl (Di Shikerte)
(song title)
- A Khasene In Shtetl (Rubin)
(song title)
- A Khasene In Shtetl (Segal-Wohl)
(song title)
- A Khasene In Shtetl (Tarras)
(song title)
- A Khasene In Shtetl (Video)
(1 song title,1 album)
- A khasene in shtetl, es freyen zikh ale khasidim,
(2 first lines)
- A khasene in vaudville, a khasene in brownsville,
(first line)
- A Khasene In Yisroel (Medley)
(song title)
- A Khasene Iz A Kharifis
(song title)
- A Khasene Lid
(song title)
- A Khasene Mit A Sheyne Kale
(song title)
- A Khasene, A Khasene
(song title)
- A Khasidisher Nign
(song title)
- A Khasidisher Nign (Bilotserkovsky)
(song title)
- A Khaver In Lebn
(song title)
- A Khazendl Oyf Shabos
(song title)
- A Khazendl Oyf Shabos & Other..Songs Mikhail Alexandrovitch
- A Khazn A Shiker
(song title)
- A Khazn A Shiker -
(song title)
- A Khazn Mit A Gabe
(song title)
- A Khazn Oyf Shabos
(song title)
- A Khazn Oyf Yom Tov
(song title)
- A khazn tsu zayn iz a zakh nisht keyn kleynem,
(first line)
- A Khazn Vos Hust
(song title)
- A Khazndl Af Shabos
(song title)
- A Khazndl Af Shabos (Video)
(song title)
- A Khazndl In Amerika
(song title)
- A Khazndl Oyf Shabes
(song title)
- A Khazndl Oyf Shabos (Parody)
(song title)
- A Kheylek Fun Hallel
(song title)
- A Kholem
(song title)
- A Kholem (Bagleytn Bagleytn...)
(song title)
- A Kholem (Ehrlich)
(song title)
- A Kholem (Fisher)
(song title)
- A Kholem (Vergelis)
(song title)
- A kholem, A kholem oy hot zikh mir gekholemt, a kholem hot..
(first line)
- A kholem, a kholem, hot zikh mir gekholemt A kholem, lyube, hot zikh mir gedakht
(first line)
- A kholem, a kholem, hot zikh mir gekholemt,
(7 first lines)
- A kholem, a kholem, hot zikh mir gekholemt, a kholem hots..
(first line)
- A kholem, a kholem, hot zikh mir gekholemt, a kholem, hot zikh mir gedakht…
(first line)
- A kholem, a kholem, hot zikh mir gekholemt, az mir beyde...
(first line)
- A kholem, a kholem, I had a wonderous kholem, I dreamt...
(first line)
- A kholem, a kholem, oy hot zikh mir gekholemt, a kholem...
(first line)
- A kholem, hot zikh mir gekholemt, a kholem, lyube,
(first line)
- A khosen bokheril mayn kindele genumen hostu emetsins,,,
(first line)
- A khosid zetst zikh avek un shreybt a briv tsu zayn rebn,
(first line)
- A Khosidl (Medley)
(song title)
- A Khosidl (Zimet)
(song title)
- A Khosn Bokher
(song title)
- A Khosn On A Kale (Gorovets)
(song title)
- A Khosn On A Kale (Poliansky)
(song title)
- A Khosn On A Kale (Shrogin)
(song title)
- A Khupe Marsh
(song title)
- A Khutspe Fun A Turist
(song title)
- A Kiele
(song title)
- A kin on a heymele, an upgehakt beymele, keyn fraynd ,
(first line)
- A Kind A Goldene
(song title)
- A Kind A Goldene (Video)
(song title)
- A kind iz dos a goldene, un shpilt zikh frank un fray.
(3 first lines)
- A kind nokh in kheyder, bin ikh dokh atsind, lib hot mikh yeyder, vi an eygn...
(first line)
- A kind nokh in kheyder, bin ikh dokh atsind, lib hot mikh yeyder, vi an eygn…
(first line)
- A kind nor in kheyder, bin ikh dort atsind,
(first line)
- A Kind On A Heym
(song title)
- A kind on a heymele, an opgehakt beymele,
(first line)
- A Kind Shloft
(song title)
- A kind ven s'vert geboyrn, dem zin fum dem velt...
(2 first lines)
- A Kinder Shpil (Meisell)
(song title)
- A Kinder Shpil (Yablakoff)
(song title)
- A kinder shpil, a kinder shpil, in freydn un fun laydn...
(first line)
- A kinder shpil, a kinder shpil, keyn leydn un keyn...
(first line)
- A Kinds Gebet
(song title)
- A Kinds kholom
(song title)
- A Kiss For Flora
(song title)
- A Kiss In Jerusalem (Birshteyn)
(song title)
- A Kitsl In Hartsn/Willie Epstein (Video)
(song title)
- A Klal Tuer
(song title)
- A kleyn Hollindish meydl, Lucette iz gor nit freylekh, a voyl baysheyden meydl..
(first line)
- A Kleyn Melamedl
(song title)
- A Kleyn Meydele Klapt In Tir
(song title)
- A kleyn meydele klapt in tir, tuk, tuk, tuk, libe mame, efn mir- tuk, tuk, tu. A gantse tog geven farnumen, tralala…,
(first line)
- A Kleyn Meydl Klapt In Tir
(song title)
- A Kleyn Shtibele
(song title)
- A kleyn shtibele shteyt geboygn, in a grinem gortn,
(first line)
- A kleyn shtibele shteyt geboygn, sheyt geboygn, in a grine..
(first line)
- A Kleyn Viglidl Far A Groyse Libe
(song title)
- A Kleyn Yidele
(song title)
- A kleyner, shlanker, zilber boym, a boym fun vunderbarn...
(first line)
- A Klezmer Nutcracker
(song title)
- A Klezmer Service by Jose Bowen/ For Cantor, Mixed Choirs and Klezmer Band
- A Klezmer Wedding
(song title)
- A Klots Kashe
(song title)
- A Koidonover Tish Nign (Nign)
(song title)
- A Korbn
(song title)
- A kosher yidl bin ikh mir do ongekumen fun galutsyen, njsht far aykh gedakht, ikh hob mayn talis un tfilin…
(first line)
- A Kragn
(song title)
- A Krants Yisroel Lider (Med)
(song title)
- A Krenitse
(song title)
- A Kunts
(song title)
- A kuter, a preser, experience iz beser, a kekher a veyter...
(first line)
- A L'ombre D'un Oliver
(song title)
- A La Claire Fontaine
(song title)
- A la claire fontaine m'en allant promener, j'ai trouve...
(first line)
- A La Nana
(song title)
- A la nana y a la buba, se durma la criatura,
(first line)
- A La Puerto Del Cielo
(song title)
- A la Una
(song title)
- A La Una Yo Naci
(song title)
- A la una yo naci, A las dos m'engrandeci, a las tes tomi amante
(first line)
- A la una yo nasi, a laz dos m'engrandesi; A laz tre tomi un amante...
(first line)
- A Lady Sweet And Kind
(song title)
- A lamp that kept on burning-a miricle they say; but the world has kept on…
(first line)
- A land ful mit pogromen, fargosn blut mit strumen,…
(first line)
- A Land Reborn
(song title)
- A landsleyt hot tsuredt zikh, funem khazn moyshe ber,
(first line)
- A last little bird on a pale feather riding,
(first line)
- A Latke Tango
(song title)
- A lay una yo naci, a laz dos m'engrandesi;
(2 first lines)
- A Lebedike Honga
(song title)
- A Lebedike Honga (Medley)
(song title)
- A Lebn
(song title)
- A Lebn (Khaim)
(song title)
- A lebn ful mit payn, es shver es iz a yid tsu zayn,
(first line)
- A Legende
(song title)
- A Lekhaim Far Ale Freylekhs
(song title)
- A lemon tastes as sweet as sugar cane, you're flying to...
(first line)
- A lere in di toyre iz undz farblibn, zi iz di shenste...
(first line)
- A Lesson In Libe
(song title)
- A Letter (Eng, A Briv)
(song title)
- A Letter From Daddy
(song title)
- A Letter To Harvey Milk
(song title)
- A Letter To My Mother
(song title)
- A Levaye (?) Fon
(song title)
- A Levaye Far A Klal Tuer
(song title)
- A Leybs Boykh
(song title)
- A Leyterl Tsum Himl
(song title)
- A leyterl tsum himl vel ikh shteln, aroyfkrikhn vel ikh tsu dir got,
(first line)
- A leyterl tsum himl vel ikh shteln, tsu got vel ikh oyfkrikhn,
(first line)
- A leyterl tsum himl vel ikh shteln, un ikh vel arufkrikhn tsu got, oy eyne tsvey
(first line)
- A Libe
(song title)
- A Libe Geshikhte
(song title)
- A libe heym iz a brokhe nor fun got, a zise heym...
(first line)
- A Libe Iz An Umglik Oyf Der Velt
(song title)
- A Libe Iz Keday Tsu Firn
(song title)
- A libe iz keday tsu firn, mit a mentshn, nit mit dir,
(first line)
- A Libe Mir Hobn Geshlosn
(song title)
- A libe mir hobn geshlosn, oyf lebn un toyt um farband,
(3 first lines)
- A libe shpiln iz nisht keday, nor mit der vos iz gefeln,
(3 first lines)
- A libe, a libe iz gut tsu shpiln, mit a mentshn, ober nit...
(2 first lines)
- A Libe/Aleyn In Veg/Betty Visser/Paul Custers/Mathijs van der Heide
- A Libes Lid Fun A Kolvirtke
(song title)
- A libeslid zing ikh far dir, akh, vi es gliet in hartzn...
(first line)
- A Lid (Abelson)
(song title)
- A Lid (Greenblatt)
(song title)
- A lid a freylekh zing undz oys du vint du shtifer,
(first line)
- A Lid Fun A Feygele
(song title)
- A Lid Fun Khanike
(song title)
- A Lid Fun Sholom
(song title)
- A lid iz a grezl, A lid iz a blum, A lid iz a harts,
(2 first lines)
- A Lid Ken Ikh Aykh Brider...
(song title)
- A lid ken ikh aykh, brider, aroysgebn, mit a troyerdike...
(first line)
- A Lid Mit Verter (Betler Lid)
(song title)
- A Lid Tsu Di Beymer
(song title)
- A Lid Tsu Zikh (Miranski 1)
(song title)
- A Lid Tsu Zikh (Miranski 2)
(song title)
- A Lid Vegn Eliyahu Hanovi
(song title)
- A Lid Vegn Freydshaft Un Sholem
(song title)
- A Lid Vegn Khelmer Melamed
(song title)
- A lid vel ikh far aykh zingen,
(first line)
- A Lid Vel Ikh Zingen
(song title)
- A lid vel ikk zingen, a lid fun mayn hartsn, tsum gold...
(first line)
- A lid vil ikh zingei, A lid fun mayn hartsn, tsum gold funem ovnt,
(first line)
- A Lid Vil Ikh Zingen
(song title)
- A Lidele Fun Sholem
(song title)
- A Lidele Oyf Yidish
(song title)
- A Lidele Oyf Yidish ( Medley)
(song title)
- A Lidele Oyf Yidish (Refrain)
(song title)
- A lider bukh, a troyer bukh, a tunkl groyer umet bukh, a sheyner bukh,...
(first line)
- A lidl far a fraynd, tus zing ikh, veyst ir, ken ikh,
(first line)
- A Lidl Mayne Yorn
(song title)
- A lidl vel ikh zingen itst far aykh vos iz a mekhaye, der melodie iz alt,…
(first line)
- A lidl zing ikh itst far aykh, vos iz a mekhaye,
(3 first lines)
- A lidl zing ikh itst far aykh, vos iz a mekhaye, di melodi is an alte,
(first line)
- A lidl zing ikh itst far aykh, vos iz a mekhaye, di melodie's an alte nor di..
(first line)
- A life full of olives and almonds and raisins, that's what..
(first line)
- A Life of Song/ A Portrait of Ruth Rubin (Video)
- A likhtiken frimorgn hot zikh tsushaynt iber di getseltn un baraken fun…
(first line)
- A Little Bit In Love
(song title)
- A little garden, Fragrant and full of roses,
(2 first lines)
- A little garden, fragrant and full of roses, the path is...
(first line)
- A Little Off the Top, Intro
(song title)
- A little rain, alittle sunlight, a place to rest your head..
(first line)
- A little rain, little sun, to rest your head when day is...
(first line)
- A Little Room On Hoza Street
(song title)
- A Litvak Joke
(song title)
- A Litvak Serenade
(song title)
- A Litviser Magid
(song title)
- A Locked Garden
(song title)
- A Lodge Meeting
(song title)
- A Lomp Tsvishn Beymer
(song title)
- A Lonely Sail Shines
(song title)
- A lot of piple gotta pay here, pay da dues…who didn't pay, may be for six years
(first line)
- A Lot Of Rain, A Lot Of Mud
(song title)
- A Mabl Fun Mashke
(song title)
- A Maiden Fair To See
(song title)
- A Maiden's Prayer
(song title)
- A Malekh Vert Geborn
(song title)
- A Malekh Veynt (Alberstein)
(song title)
- A Malekh Veynt (Hirshbeyn)
(song title)
- A malekh veynt, a malekh veynt un badekt di groz..
(first line)
- A malekh veynt, a malekh veynt, un bakekt di groz mit toy…
(first line)
- A malekh veynt, a malekh veynt, un badekt di groz mit toy,
(10 first lines)
- A malekh veynt, a malekh veynt, un badekt di groz mit toy, libster Mayne...
(first line)
- A malekh veynt, a malekh veynt, un banetst dos groz mit toy,
(first line)
- A MalekhVeynt
(song title)
- A Malke
(song title)
- A Malke Oyf Peysekh
(song title)
- A Mama Gezegnt Zikh Mit…
(song title)
- A mama hot a tekhterl, a tekhterl gehat, sheyne blonde herelekh hot dos kind…
(first line)
- A Mama Sings A Liedele featuring Rose Padden
- A Mame
(song title)
- A Mame Darf Men Hern
(song title)
- A mame hot a tekhterl, a tekhterl gehat, sheyne blonde herelekh hot's tekhterl.
(first line)
- A mame hot a yingele..., vi zayne yunge yor fort avek, zi hot gornisht vos...
(first line)
- A mame hot gehat a tekhterl, a tekhterl gehat. Sheyne blonde herelekh hot...
(first line)
- A Mame Iz Der Bester Fraynd
(song title)
- A mame tsu zayn iz yede froys farlang, a mame tsu zayn iz a getlekher geshank,
(first line)
- A mame tsu zayn iz yeder froys farlang,
(first line)
- A Mamelige
(song title)
- A Mames Brokhe
(song title)
- A Mames Harts
(song title)
- A Mames Harts (Tauber)
(song title)
- A Mames Nign
(song title)
- A Mames Treren
(song title)
- A Mames Trern
(song title)
- A Mames Vert
(song title)
- A man knocked three times. I never seen him before.
(first line)
- A man once came home from the war, and tossed his weapons...
(first line)
- A Mantl (Hob Ikh Mir A Mantl)
(song title)
- A Mantle Fun Alt-Tsaytikn Shtof (Video)
(song title)
- A Many Years Ago (A Mol Mit..)
(song title)
- A Mape Fun Geruder
(song title)
- A Marants
(song title)
- A Matone
(song title)
- A matone fun dem himl hot undz got geshikt, a malakh far...
(2 first lines)
- A Matter Of Advice (An Eytse)
(song title)
- A Maydl in Di Yorn
(song title)
- A maynsele vil ikh mayn kind dir dertsaylen…
(first line)
- A Mayse
(song title)
- A Mayse (Weinper)
(song title)
- A Mayse (Zeitlin)
(song title)
- A mayse a kleyne, oder a sheyne, dertseylen vel ikh aykh...
(first line)
- A Mayse Aza
(song title)
- A Mayse Fun A Libe (Love Story)
(song title)
- A Mayse Mit A Grinhorn
(song title)
- A Mayse Mit A Mantl
(song title)
- A Mayse Mit A Tsigele
(song title)
- A mayse vil ikh mayn kind dir dertsaylen, a maysele...
(5 first lines)
- A Maysele
(song title)
- A Maysele (Bialostotsky)
(song title)
- A Maysele (Elkin)
(song title)
- A Maysele (Hirshbeyn)
(song title)
- A Maysele (Yablakoff, Joke)
(song title)
- A Maysele Azoy Zikh
(song title)
- A maysele fun okh un vey, hoo tsa tsa, hu tsa tsa,
(3 first lines)
- A maysele fun okh un vey, hoo tsa tsa, hu tsa tsa, pasirt in land fun KGB,…
(first line)
- A Mazeldiker Yid
(song title)
- A Mazl Tov Farn Mekhutn
(song title)
- A Mazldiker Yid
(song title)
- A mejdele fun Pojln
(song title)
- A Mekhaye
(song title)
- A Melave Malke with Avraham Fried
- A Memorial To The Victims of War
- A menazshke anshtot a top, a marinazsh oyfn kop, un a palke in der hant,
(first line)
- A Mensh Darf Hobn Mazl
(song title)
- A Mensh Mit A Maske
(song title)
- A Mensh Tsu A Mensh
(song title)
- A mensh tsu a mensh iz a vort tsu a vort,
(first line)
- A Mensh Zol Men Zayn
(song title)
- A Mensh Zol Nit Zayn Vi A Mamzer Geboyrn
(song title)
- A mensh zol nit zayn vi a mamzer geboyrn, (2x), vos hot nisht dem nekhnin harts…
(first line)
- A Mentsh Darf Men Zayn
(song title)
- A Mentsh Ken Dokh Makhn A Mol A...
(song title)
- A Mentsh Ken Hobn Ales
(song title)
- A mentsh ken hobn ales oyb er vil,
(first line)
- A mentsh muz hobn, mazl, es iz dokh geshtelt, as me hot a bisl mazl,
(first line)
- A mentsh vos hot nor mazl, dos iz fest getshtelt, as du…
(first line)
- A mesikes aza shvimt un gliet durkh mayne glider,
(first line)
- A Message From Shlomo Bardin
- A Mexikaner Maysele
(song title)
- A Meydele Fun Poylen
(song title)
- A Meydele Fun Tel-Aviv
(song title)
- A meydele geyt in gas, kopit eyn a regn,
(first line)
- A meydele hot a khusn gekrign...iz geven zeyer...
(first line)
- A meydele hot zikh farlibt, zi redt mit der levone,
(first line)
- A Meydele Vi Du
(song title)
- A Meydl An Oytser
(song title)
- A meydl fun atorni strit, ven zi hot keyn sekhl nit,
(first line)
- A meydl fun atorni strit, ven zi hot keyn seykhl nit, un zi firt a...
(first line)
- A Meydl In Di Yorn
(song title)
- A Meydl Like A Tsimmes
(song title)
- A meydl sheyn un umshuldik, fun oremen shtam, nor blien vi..
(3 first lines)
- A meydl shteyt umshuldik in an orem land, bliendik vi a...
(first line)
- A meydl shteyt umshuldik in an orem land, fliendik ir sheyne blum,
(first line)
- A Meysele
(song title)
- A Mi Manera (My Way)
(song title)
- A Milyoner Oyf Tsores
(song title)
- A minig iz do bay undz yidn, mir megen shtoltsiren mit dem…
(first line)
- A Mishpokhe
(song title)
- A misnogid kon zayn a talmud khokhm, kon zayn a goyml khosid, un afile a...
(first line)
- A Mistake
(song title)
- A Modne Velt
(song title)
- A Moiseyev Spectacular Orch of the Moiseyev Dance Ensemble
- A Mol A Heym
(song title)
- A mol a heym, a nest, gelebt zikh ruik frey, mit tate...
(first line)
- A Mol Hob Ikh Moyre Gehat
(song title)
- A mol hob ikh moyre gehat, gefiln oystsudrukn, biz hob...
(first line)
- A mol is geven a yidele, a yidele, a yidele, hot er gehat…
(2 first lines)
- A mol iz a bokher a klezmer geven, er hot di velt shtelekh..
(2 first lines)
- A mol iz a bokher a klezmer geven, er hot....
(first line)
- A Mol Iz Geven
(song title)
- A Mol Iz Geven (Helfman)
(song title)
- A Mol Iz Geven A Boiberik
(song title)
- A mol iz geven a keyln yidele, hot er gehat a kleyn fidele,
(first line)
- A mol iz geven a keyln yidele, hot er gevolt a kleyn fidele,
(first line)
- A Mol Iz Geven A Kleyn Yidele
(song title)
- A Mol Iz Geven A Mayse
(song title)
- A Mol Iz Geven A Mayse (Medley)
(song title)
- A mol iz geven a mayse, di mayse is gor nit freylekh….
(first line)
- A mol iz geven a mayse, di meyse iz gor nisht freylekh…
(first line)
- A mol iz geven a mayse, Di meyse iz gor nit freylekh.
(17 first lines)
- A mol iz geven a mayse, di meyse iz gor nit freylekh.
(2 first lines)
- A mol iz geven a mayse, Di meyse iz gor nit freylekh. a meyse heybt zikh un...
(5 first lines)
- A mol iz geven a mayse, Di meyse iz gor nit freylekh. Di meyse heybt zikh un…
(first line)
- A mol iz geven a mayse, Di meyse iz nit freylekh.
(3 first lines)
- A mol iz geven a mentsh, a mol iz geven an ovnt,
(first line)
- A mol iz geven a pastekh, hot er gepashet shof,
(4 first lines)
- A mol iz geven a pastekhl, gepashet hot er shof,
(first line)
- A mol iz geven a pastekhl, gepashet hot er shof, iz oyf im..
(first line)
- A Mol Iz Geven A Yid
(song title)
- A mol iz geven a yid, hot er gehat a yidene,
(first line)
- A Mol Iz Geven A Yidele
(song title)
- A mol iz geven a yidele, a yidele, a yidele, hot er gehat..
(first line)
- A mol iz geven a yingele, a yingle, hot er gehat a tsingele
(first line)
- A mol iz geven, a mol iz geven a kleyn yidele, hot zi gehat,
(first line)
- A Mol Iz Gevezn A Meydl
(song title)
- A mol iz gevezn a meydl, hot zi a yingl gelibt,
(first line)
- A Mol Iz Gut, A Mol Iz Shlekht
(song title)
- A mol iz undzer rebenyu gegangen unter vegns,
(first line)
- A Mol Mit Yorn Tsurik (A Many...)
(song title)
- A mol mit yorn tsurik, ikh bin geven a sheyner,
(2 first lines)
- A Mol Un Haynt
(song title)
- A Mol Veynt Mayn Harts
(song title)
- A mol veynt mayn harts, ikh veys nit far vos,
(first line)
- A mol zenen geven tsvey brider...eyner an oysher un eyner..
(first line)
- A mol, azoy dertsaylt shakhne far a reydl yidn in...
(first line)
- A mol, mit yorn un doyres tsurik, iz ergets nifter gevorn...
(first line)
- A mol, mit yorn, yorn tsurik, iz in a vinterdikn tog...
(first line)
- A Moment
(song title)
- A monolog fun Sholom Aleichem: Ay, ven ikh zol zayn rotshild,
(first line)
- A Mother's Love Is A Blessing
(song title)
- A Mother's Prayer
(song title)
- A mousie sat on a shelf, Catching fleas in his coat of fur,
(3 first lines)
- A mousie sat upon a shelf, catching fleas in his coat of fur
(first line)
- A Moyd Mit A Bombe
(song title)
- A Musical Shabbat/Taste of Eternity and Table Songs (Z'mirot)/Sung by the Wester Wind and Guest Choir
- A Musical Tour of Israel The Phila Jewish Community Chorus
- A Musical Tribute to Israel Sam Appel sings "Songs I Love"
- A muter fun a trern folk hot mikh geboren,
(first line)
- A muter fun a trern folk hot mikh geborn..
(first line)
- A Muter's Gebet
(song title)
- A Muters Gebet
(song title)
- A Muters Harts
(song title)
- A Mystic Medley
(song title)
- A Naketer
(song title)
- A naketer bin ikh gekumen oyf der velt,
(first line)
- A Nakht
(song title)
- A Nakht In Gan Eydn
(song title)
- A nakht, a nakht a khoyshekhdike iber barg un tol,
(first line)
- A nakht, sheyne nakht, bay di levone sheyn, dayn ponim a...
(first line)
- A Nar (Bachlund)
(song title)
- A Nar (Satz)
(song title)
- A Nay Gezets In Nyu York
(song title)
- A Naye Feld
(song title)
- A Naye Freylekhs
(song title)
- A Naye Klole
(song title)
- A Naye Klule
(song title)
- A Naye Tsayt
(song title)
- A naye tsayt far undz gekumen, a tsayt fun yomer, noyt un...
(first line)
- A Naye velt itst, kinder freyt zikh. Zet nokh vi der...
(first line)
- A Nayem Shtokh
(song title)
- A Nayer Gezang
(song title)
- A nayer gezets is yetst faran, men fregt bald vi men zet…
(first line)
- A nayer gezets iz yetst faran, men fregt bald vi me zet a man: mister bay vos…
(first line)
- A Nayer Shtayer
(song title)
- A Nayer Steier
(song title)
- A nayer yor yetst geyt un a yeder bet ot git men..
(first line)
- A Neduve
(song title)
- A Nekhomele
(song title)
- A Nepl
(song title)
- A nepl hot tsugeshprinklt zikh, a regndiker nepl,
(first line)
- A nepldike finster umetum, shteyt a yingele fartroyert…
(first line)
- A Nes
(song title)
- A nes min hashomayim! Got, s'iz a vunder, nisemlekh...
(2 first lines)
- A Nestele
(song title)
- A New Bulgar
(song title)
- A New World of Mozart
(song title)
- A Nig'n After My Heart | Lea Szlanger
- A Night In Tunisa
(song title)
- A Night of Questions/ a Passover Haggadah/ Shabbat Unplugged
- A Nign
(song title)
- A Nign D
(song title)
- A Nign Fun A Shnayder
(song title)
- A Nign Fun Sheyke Fayfer
(song title)
- A Nign Un Verter
(song title)
- A Nign Vi Du
(song title)
- A Nigndl (Driz)
(song title)
- A Nigndl (Undzer Nigndl)
(song title)
- A Nigndl (Vergelis)
(song title)
- A Nigun
(song title)
- A nigundl, a stoliner nigun, vel aykh, tayere, zingen atsind,
(first line)
- A Nigundl/ Jewish Folksongs/ Soloists of the State Theatre of Bucharest
- A Nikhpe Zol Es Trefn
(song title)
- A Nisref
(song title)
- A nogid, hert ir, bin ikh nit. Vayt fun a nogid.
(2 first lines)
- A Nomen
(song title)
- A Oleh Fun Sovyet Rusland
(song title)
- A Pair From Heaven
(song title)
- A Pair From Heaven (Video)
- A papir iz nimis gevorn dos lebn, iz er tsugefaln tsu a rels
(first line)
- A Papir Vil Bageyn Zelbstmord
(song title)
- A Paradox (She's Orthodox)
(song title)
- A Partizaner Lid
(song title)
- A Party Born Tune
(song title)
- A Passover Seder with Jan Peerce
- A Pastekhl (Felsenbaum)
(song title)
- A Pastekhl (Folk)
(song title)
- A Pastekhl (Folk, Video)
(song title)
- A Pastekhl (Goldfadn)
(song title)
- A Pastekhl (Nirenberg)
(song title)
- A Pastekhl (Variant)
(song title)
- A Pastekhl (Variant, Video)
(song title)
- A Pastekhl A Troymer
(song title)
- A pastekhl iz geven a mol, in dem land kenan,
(5 first lines)
- A pastekhl iz geven amol in dem land knan!
(first line)
- A Pastekhs Kholem
(song title)
- A Pastekhs Tsores
(song title)
- A Pastukhl (Varient)
(song title)
- A pastukhl is geven a mol in dem land kenaan, shof un rinder on a tsol flegt zayn handl zayn, az er..
(first line)
- A Pensionat
(song title)
- A Perekh Fun Geshikhte
(song title)
- A Personal Opinion
(song title)
- A Pinch Of Snuff
(song title)
- A Pinch of Snuff and other stories by Boris Sandler read by: Mina Bern, Shifre Lerer, David Rogow
- A Pintele
(song title)
- A Pintl Mitn Oyg
(song title)
- A pissl tuit's schon lachozn fa zeit zi zait gor juchazn….
(first line)
- A pitsele beryoze, mit knespelekh geshipst, es hot a zhulik mit a hak, a vund in ir gektist, farbay, farbay a zumer mit
(first line)
- A Place Called Kushta
(song title)
- A Plea To God (Shulamis)
(song title)
- A Plonter Fun Makhshoves
(song title)
- A poem is the smile of a drowsing child, a poem is heavens golden orb,
(first line)
- A Policeman's Lot (Eng)
(song title)
- A Policeman's Lot (Yid)
(song title)
- A Polit
(song title)
- A Politsiant
(song title)
- A Politsiantke
(song title)
- A Polka-Marzurke (Levin)
(song title)
- A Polkele
(song title)
- A por folk ven zey viln shporzm zayn, nemen zey a border in shtub arayn, di shentste room klaybt men far im oys, vayl…
(first line)
- A Porfolk Mit A Hintl
(song title)
- A Poshiter Yid
(song title)
- A Poyln On Yidn
(song title)
- A Prayer
(song title)
- A Private Zhok
(song title)
- A Psalm A Song Of Hope (Reefer..)
(song title)
- A Pshat Fun Dem Vilner Goan
(song title)
- A Pusheter Farlang
(song title)
- A pushte kholem iz dos gantse lebn, un on an inhalt loyft es shnel,
(first line)
- A Puster Kholem Iz Dos Gantse Lebn
(song title)
- A puster kholom iz dos gantse lebn on an inhalt loyft es bay undz shnel,…
(first line)
- A Que Por Nos Salvar
(song title)
- A rabbi sat one evening, with bible on his knee,
(first line)
- A Rabbi's Daughter
(song title)
- A Rabbi's Dilemma
(song title)
- A Radio Miks Op
(song title)
- A rais gona vise a yidisher vase, amck a l'chaim, di bist mayn tyre
(first line)
- A Randevou
(song title)
- A randevou, dos iz a kholem, nor a shpas, dos leben vinkt...
(first line)
- A Randevu
(song title)
- A rat done bit my sister Nell, with whitey on the moon, her face and arms began
(first line)
- A rebi redn akegn, zet ir, ot dos hob ikh faynt, mayn rebi zogt az shpiln iz a..
(first line)
- A Recital by Pierre Bernac, Baritone/ Frances Poulenc, Piano
- A Recital of Israeli and Yiddish Songs by Elly Stone
- A Recital of Jewish Music Solomon Gisser, baritone
- A Redele Iz Di Gore Velt
(song title)
- A redele iz di gore velt, gekatshet iz di tsayt,
(first line)
- A Redl & A Volikh
(song title)
- A refue shleyme, a refue shleyme bashefer shik….
(first line)
- A refue shleyme, a refue shleyme, bashefer shik tsu,
(first line)
- A Refue Shleymo
(song title)
- A Rege
(song title)
- A Rege (Berk)
(song title)
- A Regendl
(song title)
- A regendl, a regendl, a regen trift un trift, in regn, libe kinderlekh, vos veyniker dos shtift, dort tsien zikh gold.
(first line)
- A Rendl A Vort
(song title)
- A Retenish
(song title)
- A Retenish Maysele
(song title)
- A rod mit a rindl. Di gantse gezindl, ale kinder tantsn,
(first line)
- A rod un a ran, ikh shtey mikh tsu zan, bay riva's verter, mayn tukhes aran.
(first line)
- A Rod Un A Rane
(song title)
- A rod un a rane, a shtroyene pane, zibn mol arum-ikh ker zikh um!
(first line)
- A Room Without Windows
(song title)
- A room without windows, a room without doors, where no guide, but I can spy...
(first line)
- A roykh geyt aroys, aroys durkhn koymen,
(first line)
- A Royte Blum
(song title)
- A Royter Tseykhn
(song title)
- A Rud Un A Ran
(song title)
- A Rumenish Lidl
(song title)
- A Rumenisher Doyne
(song title)
- A Rumeynisher Nign
(song title)
- A Russian Folk Song
(song title)
- A Ruth Midrash (Cantata)
(song title)
- A Sach Meloches
(song title)
- A sailor from the USA, stopped for a day in Haifa bay,
(first line)
- A sakh melokhes, un veynik brokhes, oy vi a tsure iz oyf...
(first line)
- A Sakh Melokhes, Veynik Brokhes
(song title)
- A sakh mentshn hobn lib dem yam, forn tsu im, leynen vegn im in bikher,...
(first line)
- A Scholar's Song (Lernt Yingele..)
(song title)
- A Seat By The Eastern Wall
(song title)
- A Sentimental Briv
(song title)
- A Serious Man (Video)
- A Servant Of God
(song title)
- A Service Composed by Cantor Norman Summers/A Evening of Song/ Temple B'nai Jeshurn
- A Service on the Receiving and Transmission of the Torah on the Occasion of the Inaguaration of President Alfred Gottschalk Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religioun, Composed & Arranged by Cantor William Sharlin
- A Shabbos In Modzitz sung by Ben Zion Shenker
- A Shabesdike Zemerl
(song title)
- A Shadkhn Bin Ikh
(song title)
- A shadkhn bin ikh, a fine berye, (?) ikh ken zakh groys vi..
(first line)
- A Shadkhn Darf Men Kenen Zayn
(song title)
- A shadkhn darf men kenen zayn, es iz fun got a brokhe,
(2 first lines)
- A shadkhn tsu zayn iz a gute zakh, s'iz fun got a brokhe,
(first line)
- A Shadkhn's Lot
(song title)
- A shadkhn, a shadkhn iz gekumen tsu mayn zeydn,
(first line)
- A Shadow Of Change
(song title)
- A shamar
(song title)
- A Sharade
(song title)
- A Shayle Baym Rebn
(song title)
- A Sheliekh Fun Yisroel
(song title)
- A Shem Hob Ikh Gehat
(song title)
- A shem hob ikh gehat far an erlekh meydl, Der shem iz mir...
(first line)
- A Shepherd's Song
(song title)
- A Shepherds Dream
(song title)
- A sheyinke meydl hob ikh oysgeklibn, a sheninke meydele iz alts keday,…
(first line)
- A Sheyn Meydele (Vidio)
- A sheyne moyd, a zaftike, a freylekhe, a glustike,
(first line)
- A sheyne velt, a likhtike, a lebn ful mit freyd,
(first line)
- A Sheyne Vokh (Medley)
(song title)
- A Sheyner Kholem
(song title)
- A sheyner kholem hob ikh oysgetrakht, a likhtikn, a klorn.
(first line)
- A Sheyner Tog In Grin Un Blo
(song title)
- A sheyner tog in grin un blo, du nemst im uf mit borekhhabo, er shmeykhlt dir..
(first line)
- A Sheyninke
(song title)
- A Shidukh
(song title)
- A Shidukh Fun Himl
(song title)
- A Shidukh Fun Himl / A Match From Heaven (Video)
- A Shiker In Umet
(song title)
- A shiker in umet, zingt zikh a nigun, der vint helft im tsu,
(first line)
- A Shiker Iz a Bloyzer-Shpiler
(song title)
- A Shikers Kholem
(song title)
- A shikorer bin ikh, oy zogt mir a yeder,
(first line)
- A shlof zhe, mayn tayere zindele, es...shoyn tsu bald di...
(first line)
- A Shmek Tabeke
(song title)
- A Shmeykhl
(song title)
- A Shmo Is A Shmo
(song title)
- A Shmues Mit Dem Reboynu Shel Olam
(song title)
- A Shmues Mit Sholom Aleichem
(song title)
- A Shnayderl
(song title)
- A shnurer, a mamzer, a khutspedik, me kumt farbeyten ikh un du, a modne...
(first line)
- A Sho In Gan Eydn (Medley)
(song title)
- A Shod
(song title)
- A Shod Dayne Trern
(song title)
- A shod der foygl vos zitst inem shtaygl, gefangen, ver veyst oyf vi lang,
(first line)
- A sholem aleichem, Rabosay, rabosay, khakhomim un a breg, kh'vel aykh fregn,
(first line)
- A Show's Not a Show Without A Star
(song title)
- A Shpanishe Parodia
(song title)
- A Shpay In Yam
(song title)
- A shperl hot a perele gefunen by di shaln, a perele fun a trerele fun oyg…
(first line)
- A Shpil Aza
(song title)
- A Shpil Forshtelung Hasaar Mekitsi S. Sandel
- A Shtekele
(song title)
- A Shtetele Amerike
(song title)
- A shtetl iz Amerika, Except a little bigger, To leave a...
(first line)
- A shtetl iz Amerike, a mekhaye, kh'lebn, es rut af ir di shkinele, mir zoln azoy
(first line)
- A shtetl iz amerike, a mekhaye, kh'lebn; Es rut oyf ir...
(4 first lines)
- A shtetl iz amerike, a mekhaye, kh'lebn; Es rut oyf ir... ..
(first line)
- A Shtetl Khasene
(song title)
- A Shtetl Wedding Artistic Director Dora Wasserman
- A Shteyn Tsu A Shteyn
(song title)
- A shtibele, a zibele, nem nemt es on in hant, a ganikl...
(first line)
- A Shtibl Oyfn Veg
(song title)
- A Shtikele Broyt
(song title)
- A Shtikl Papir (Gelbart)
(song title)
- A Shtikl Papir (Leyvik)
(song title)
- A Shtiler Nign -Eysh Khaya Khosid
(song title)
- A Shtot Baym Yam
(song title)
- A Shtral Fun Khesed Ton
(song title)
- A shtral fun zunen sheyn, in fenster kukt arayn,
(first line)
- A shtralike lomp farlikhtikt tsvey beymer un tsum shayniken likht kumt keyner,
(first line)
- A Shturem
(song title)
- A Shturemvint
(song title)
- A shturemvint,a shturemvint, mit doner un blitzn, az der velt vet vern shtil, az m'vet oysgeleshen di fritsn,
(2 first lines)
- A Shvarts Tsayml Far A Vays Ferdl (I)
(song title)
- A Shvarts Tsayml Far A Vays Ferdl (II)
(song title)
- A Shvarts Tsayml Far A Vays Ferdl (III)
(song title)
- A Shvarts Tsayml Far A Vays Ferdl (IV)
(song title)
- A Shvartse Nakht In Droysn
(song title)
- A shvartse nakht in droysn, der tsimer ful mit likht, in blumen bekher royzn,
(first line)
- A shvester bin ikh a traye, oy bruderl her zikh nor ayn,
(2 first lines)
- A shvester bin ikh dir a tayere, Oy, bruderl, her zikh nor..
(first line)
- A shvester bin ikh dir a traye, oy bruderl her zikh nor ayn,
(first line)
- A shvester bin ikh dir a trayer, Oy, bruderl, her zikh nor
(first line)
- A shvester bin ikh dir a trayer, Oy, bruderl, her zikh nor ayn, a piksha bistu..
(first line)
- A shvester bin ikh dir a trayer, Oy, bruderl, her zikh nor..
(9 first lines)
- A Silent Love
(song title)
- A Silly King,
(song title)
- A Simkhe (Salomon Klezmorim)
(song title)
- A simkhe mit a gedilder, kumt nokh dir a gilder, khasenes tsu hern bay yidn,
(first line)
- A simkhe, a freyd, a glik a nekhume….
(first line)
- A simkhe, a gdule, a yom tov iz in shetl,
(first line)
- A Singer
(song title)
- A Singing of Angels Music by Charles Davidson
- A Sinyora Novia
(song title)
- A slek taym song megt ir hern, vos ikh hob farfast, ir vet im hobn zeyer gern, vayl di verter yedn past,…
(first line)
- A Slow Walk
(song title)
- A Snowy Road
(song title)
- A Society Shlemiel
(song title)
- A Song About my Grandfather
(song title)
- A Song Book: My Family/A Lider Bukh
(song title)
- A Song For Lot
(song title)
- A Song For You Jerusalem
(song title)
- A Song of Praise
(song title)
- A Song Trip Around The World/ Montreal/ Absolutely Illegal so called old music mix
- A Soulcake
(song title)
- A Soundtrack by Frank London/Divan/ Klezmatics/Shekhina/Kol Isha/Klezmer Brass Allstars/Hasidic New Wave
- A spacecraft falls out of the sky, the clocks are wrong...
(first line)
- A Spanish Song
(song title)
- A Spodik
(song title)
- A Staff of Strength in the Hands of the Right
(song title)
- A Story Of A Bright Lamp
(song title)
- A story, a story, a story about a horse with a white star...
(2 first lines)
- A Storyteller's Journey as told by Peninnah Schram
- A Storyteller's Journey II as told by Peninnah Schram
- A Strange People
(song title)
- A String OF Yarns
(song title)
- A Sudenyu
(song title)
- A Sudenyu (Parody)
(song title)
- A Sukeh
(song title)
- A Sukeh A Kleyne
(song title)
- A sukeh a kleyne, fun bretlakh gemayne, hob ikh koym mit…
(first line)
- A sukeh a kleyne, fun bretlakh gemayne, hob ikh mir a…
(first line)
- A sukeh a kleyne, mit breytlakh gemayne, hob ikh mir a…
(first line)
- A sukeh, a sukeh, fir vent, a tir, a dakh,
(first line)
- A Survivor From Warsaw
(song title)
- A Svedanye
(song title)
- A Tale Of Khelm
(song title)
- A Tamganeydndiker Nign
(song title)
- A Tan Alta Va La Luna
(song title)
- A Tangerl Oyf Yidish
(song title)
- A Tants
(song title)
- A Tants Far Ale Mekhutonim
(song title)
- A tants fun sholem un fun fridn veln tantsn ale Yidn,
(4 first lines)
- A tants fun sholem, men tsufriden, veln tantsn ale yidn…
(first line)
- a tants fun sholem, un fun fridn
(first line)
- A Tants In Step
(song title)
- A Tants Oyf A Shtrik
(song title)
- A Taste of Klez Kanada (Video)
- A Taste of KlezKanada 2005 (Video)
(1 song title,1 album)
- A Taste of Passover featuring Theodore Bikel/ Cantor David Levine & Chasia Segal
- A Tate bistu gor a getrayer, dayn libshaft tsu undz iz...
(first line)
- A tate hat amol geveyn a klien tzigale loifen
(first line)
- A Tate Mame
(song title)
- A tate, a mame, a kind in der mitn, di kar yogt oyf glatikn asfalt vi a shlitn
(first line)
- A taten redn antkegn, zet ir, ot dem hob ikh faynt, mayn…
(first line)
- A Tatenyu
(song title)
- A tatn redn antkegn zet ir, ot dos hob ikh faynt, Mayn tate
(first line)
- A tatn redn antkegn, zet ir, ot dos hob ikh faynt.
(4 first lines)
- A Tavern In Pinsk
(song title)
- A tayne hob ikh, got, tsu dir, dos harts vos du bashfst in..
(first line)
- A Tayne Tsu Got
(song title)
- A taynik tsu zayn a yid, zol ikh gezunt zayn, ay vey, vist azoy...
(first line)
- A Tel-Aviver Shnorer
(song title)
- A tensl makh, shtern…oys gern, bay dokh yidn, groyse freyd bi zey, ay ay ay…unter der khupe dos kind shteyn vi der tate
(first line)
- A Tentsl Far Di Mekhutonim
(song title)
- A Tepl Zup
(song title)
- A Teres Eli Eli: No 44 Original
(song title)
- A Terkish Gebet
(song title)
- A Tfile (Belarsky)
(song title)
- A Tfile (Reisen)
(song title)
- A Tfile (Shazar)
(song title)
- A Tfile (Yudovitz)
(song title)
- A Tfile Far Sholom
(song title)
- A Tfile Fun Beymer
(song title)
- A Tfile Fun Mendl Beylis
(song title)
- A Tfile Oyfn Grinem Gruz
(song title)
- A Tfile Tsu Der Velt
(song title)
- A Tickle In The Heart (Video)
(song title)
- A Tickle in the Heart/ (Video)
(1 song title,1 album)
- A Tikhele
(song title)
- A Time For Music Part II Mordechai Ben David & Others
(2 albums)
- A Tish Nign (Brave Old World)
(song title)
- A Toast To Romance
(song title)
- A Tog Fargeyt
(song title)
- A tog fargeyt, un vos iz likhtiker fun tog? Es geyt a fraynt avek,
(first line)
- A Tog Fun Nekome (Gorovets)
(song title)
- A Tog Fun Nekome (Lemm)
(song title)
- A Tog Fun Ofene Hertser
(song title)
- A tog iz ayn, zunenshayn, a tog iz oys, un s'blaybn bloyz vi shotns grau…
(first line)
- A Tog Mit Farganign
(song title)
- A tog nokh a tog, a vokh nokh a vokh,
(first line)
- A Tost
(song title)
- A Touch of Klez! The Klezmer Conservatory Band
- A Tourist In Yisroel
(song title)
- A Town Hall Concert Oranim Zabar Geula Gill
- A Town Marked by Tragedy/ Chapters from Terezin's History (Video)
- A Toyb Mit A Toyb
(song title)
- A Toyber Hot Gehert
(song title)
- A toyber hot gehert vi a shtimer hot gezugt, a plotke es...
(first line)
- A toyre hot got gegebn far undz yidn, geloybt iz got, un mit ir zenen mir…
(first line)
- A Toyve Far A Toyve
(song title)
- A treacherous night in October, as the windows are lashed by rain, and a blasted
(first line)
- A Treasury of Chassidic Song / Chorus conducted by Velvl Pasternak
- A Treasury of Jewish Folk Music: Old Favorites/ Folk Songs of the Shtetl, Mordecai Hershman/ Yiddish Melodies, Isa Kremer/Israel Today
- A Tree Beside The Pathway Translated Yiddish Songs
- A Treyn (Yid)
(song title)
- A Tribute To Sholem Secunda
(song title)
- A Trink Lid
(song title)
- A Tropn Shtilkeyt
(song title)
- A Tropn Toy
(song title)
- A troyerik bild hob ikh gezen, vos ikh ken es fargesn, neyn, a man a …
(first line)
- A troyerik bild hob ikh gezen, vos ikh ken es nit fargesn...
(first line)
- A troyerik bild hob ikh gezen, vos ikh ken nit fargesn neyn.
(5 first lines)
- A Troyerik Lid
(song title)
- A Troym
(song title)
- A Trubute to Entebbe, Music of the Israeli Army: Zahal Orchestra conducted by Itzhak Graziani
- A tselozenes, an oysgetsertltn fun file froyen-hent, hob ikh dikh oyf mayn veg..
(first line)
- A Tsigayner Libe
(song title)
- A Tsigayner Vunderlid
(song title)
- A tsirung hot mir nisht gegebn, a kroyn fun parmet gemakht,
(first line)
- A Tsiter Far A Lets
(song title)
- A tsuzamen loyf, a tumel oyfn hoyf, loyfn yidn der arop...
(2 first lines)
- A Tsvaygl B…
(song title)
- A tu vuelta las madres lloraran de alegrias Y templadas Pregonaran sus voces en
(first line)
- A Tune About The Messiah
(song title)
- A Turkish Woman In Berlin
(song title)
- A Valts
(song title)
- A Varem Vint
(song title)
- A Vayb
(song title)
- A vayb ken dir bringen oyfn fayer. Ikh'l azoy lozn farfiren.
(first line)
- A Vaybele a tsnie
(song title)
- A vaybele a tsnie a koshere metsie,
(first line)
- A vaybele a tsnie, a koshere metsie, git iz deym nor vus dus gefinen, a
(first line)
- A Vaybele A Tsnue
(song title)
- A Vaybl A Tayvl
(song title)
- A vayse bord vil antloyfn fun an altn yidn in vintikn droysn
(first line)
- A Vayser Nign
(song title)
- A velt es dreyt zikh, yede freyt zikh, yeder simkha iz...
(first line)
- A velt fun khaloymes un shlofloze nekht, du shvebst in mykoymes fun bilder…
(first line)
- A velt mit eyzenbanen iz in undzer tseyt gevorn,
(first line)
- A vertele iz do faran, vos past zikh zeyer oft,
(first line)
- A vertl hert men yetst in shtot, fun yedn eynems moyl in yedn shop, in yedn hoyz
(first line)
- A very, very long time age, there was once a king that I...
(first line)
- A veykhe harts, ver nor es hot is nebekh farsholtn fun got,
(first line)
- A Vicious Bulgar
(song title)
- A Vig Lid
(song title)
- A Vig Lid (Khayatovsky)
(song title)
- A Vig Lid Far Dir
(song title)
- A Viglid (S'loyfn S'yugn Shvartse Volkns)
(song title)
- A Viglid Far Zikh Aleyn
(song title)
- A Viglid Fun Svetlane
(song title)
- A Vilde Nakht In Odes
(song title)
- A Viln Tsu Lebn
(song title)
- A Vilna Legend (Video)
- A vilגe khaya, on gevisn, im farglust hot blut fargisn…
(first line)
- A Vint
(song title)
- A Vinter Frimorgn
(song title)
- A Vinter Lid
(song title)
- A Vivat Far Di Mekhutonim
(song title)
- A Vizit In Shpitol
(song title)
- A Vogn Shikh
(song title)
- A Voice Called
(song title)
- A Voice Still Heard (Accompanies book by Prof Eric Werner)
- A Volekh and Freylekhs
(song title)
- A Volekhl
(song title)
- A Volekhl (Peppler)
(song title)
- A Volekhl Geyt Durkhn Shtetl
(song title)
- A volekhl lomir zingen, a volekhl lomir zingen, a volekhl…
(first line)
- A volekhl lomir zingen, a volekhl lomir shrayen,
(4 first lines)
- A voyler yat, der khoydesh shvat, der frost iz shtark, der ayz iz glat,
(first line)
- A vu iz dos, mayn tayere mazl, a vu iz er fun mir antrunen,
(first line)
- A vu iz yetst dos shtele, di geslekh vos ikh hob gekent,
(first line)
- A Vu Iz Yetst Mayn Shtetl
(song title)
- A vu tut dir, a vey, a vu.
(first line)
- A Warm Wind
(song title)
- A Way Of Life
(song title)
- A Wedding (Medley)
(song title)
- A Wedding In Brownsville
(song title)
- A Wedding In Shtetl Lillian Lux Peseach & Mike Burstein
- A Wedding Ode
(song title)
- A Wedding Song (Kolemeyer Badkhn)
(song title)
- A Wheel In A Pan
(song title)
- A White Room
(song title)
- A Wicked Wicked Man
(song title)
- A Wild Night In Odessa
(song title)
- A wise old man said, "I'm as rich as can be,.."
(first line)
- A Wish
(song title)
- a with Moishe Oysher & The Barry Sisters Vol 2
- A Woman in a Watermelon
(song title)
- A Woman Walked
(song title)
- A Word
(song title)
- A Yarmulke Mit Tsitses
(song title)
- A yeder eyner zogt, a yeder eyner zogt, s'iz nayer tsaytn,
(4 first lines)
- A yeder men shpilt, a yeder men shelt, in hartsn klangt…
(2 first lines)
- A yeder mentsh darf dos farshteyn, az fun vanen er kumt...
(first line)
- A yeder mentsh filt, a yeder mentsh hert in hartsn klangn muzik, a yeder mentsh
(first line)
- A yeder mentsh ken esn un ken trinkn vos er vil,
(first line)
- A yeder mikh kent, in tsimer zikh vend, der gerutenor yosl..
(first line)
- A yeder oyf der nakht, zits ikh un trakht, Mayn lebn hot nit keyn vert,...
(first line)
- A yeder veyst az do in dem land iz biznes zeyer fil faran, koym hot ir nor a bisl farshtand, vert ir zeyer laykht a...
(first line)
- A yeder zogt, a yeder klugt, az ikh zol nor mazl hobn,
(first line)
- A yesome, on tate mame, meg zi zayn vi rayk, meg zi vaynen..
(first line)
- A Yesomele
(song title)
- A Yesoyme Besetsens
(song title)
- A Yid A Kaptsn (Leybush...Nign)
(song title)
- A Yid A Shmid
(song title)
- A Yid Bin Ikh Geboyren
(song title)
- A Yid Bistu, Gey Vayter, Gey
(song title)
- A Yid Darf Geyn In Shul
(song title)
- A yid gelezen hot der forverts un iz nisht gevorn krum,
(first line)
- A yid geyt in gas farzorkt, bagegent im a bakanter un git...
(first line)
- A Yid Mit Kunst
(song title)
- A yid tsu zayn is tayer, a yid tsu zayn is gut,
(first line)
- A Yid Tsu Zayn Iz Tayer
(song title)
- A yid tsu zayn iz tayer, a yid tsu zayn iz gut, lomir ale...
(first line)
- A yid vos hot gezindikt mit a ishe oyf der velt,
(first line)
- A yid, a talmud khokhem, fun der alter heym, gerufn hot...
(first line)
- A Yiddish Winterreise/ Mark Glanville, Bass Baritone/Alexander Knapp, Piano/ A Holocaust Survivor's Inner Journey Told Through Yiddish Song
- A Yiddish World Remembered
(song title)
- A Yiddish World Remembered (Video)
(3 albums)
- A Yiddishe Chaconne
(song title)
- A Yiddishe Khupe
(song title)
- A Yiddishe Protzes in Russland
(song title)
- A Yidele In Yisroel
(song title)
- A Yidish Khupe
(song title)
- A Yidish Kind
(song title)
- A Yidish Kind (Video)
(song title)
- A Yidish Kind Fun Poylen
(song title)
- A Yidish Lid
(song title)
- A Yidish Lidele
(song title)
- A Yidish Lidele (Epstein)
(song title)
- A Yidish Lidl
(song title)
- A Yidish Lidl (Erlbikh)
(song title)
- A Yidish Lidl (Witler)
(song title)
- A Yidish lidl, a kheynivdik yidish lidl,
(first line)
- A Yidish Meydele
(song title)
- A yidish meydele, hot yidishn kheyn, a yidish meydele,
(first line)
- A Yidish Meydl Darf A Yidishn Boy
(song title)
- A yidish meydl darf a yidishn boy, a sheyne meydl un er..
(2 first lines)
- A yidish meydl darf a yidishn boy, a sheyne meydl un men...
(first line)
- A yidish meydl darf a yidishn boy, s'iz sheyn un eydl,
(first line)
- A Yidish Shtikele
(song title)
- A Yidish Shtikele (Gilrod)
(song title)
- A Yidish Simkhele
(song title)
- A Yidish Vaybele
(song title)
- A Yidish Yingele
(song title)
- A yidish, yidish vaybele, a tayer yidsih vaybele,
(first line)
- A Yidishe Doyne (Felsenbaum)
(song title)
- A Yidishe Doyne (Rubin)
(song title)
- A Yidishe Honga
(song title)
- A Yidishe Khasene (Eynshteyn)
(song title)
- A Yidishe Khasene (Fefer)
(song title)
- A Yidishe Khasene (Fefer, Video)
(song title)
- A Yidishe Khasene (Fuchs)
(song title)
- A Yidishe Khasene (Picon)
(song title)
- A Yidishe Khasene (Schwartz)
(song title)
- A Yidishe Khasene (Witler)
(song title)
- A yidishe khasene vet men pravn far dir, a yidishe khasene..
(first line)
- A Yidishe Kroyn
(song title)
- A Yidishe Mame
(song title)
- A Yidishe Mame (Medley)
(song title)
- A Yidishe Mame (Mir Geyen)
(song title)
- A Yidishe Mame (Video)
(song title)
- A Yidishe Mame in 10 Lectsias (Video)
(song title)
- A Yidishe Mame in Tsen Lectsias/ A Jewish Mother in Ten Lectures (Video)
- A Yidishe mame, es gibt nisht keyn besers oyf der velt,
(first line)
- A yidishe mame, es gibt nit beser af der velt, a yidishe mame, oy vey vi...
(first line)
- A yidishe mame, es gibt nit beser in der velt,
(first line)
- A Yidishe mame, es gibt nit beser in der velt.
(8 first lines)
- A Yidishe mame, nito keyn besers in der velt.
(first line)
- A Yidishe mame, zi iz di beste in der velt.
(first line)
- A Yidishe mame, zi makht aykh zis di gantse velt,
(5 first lines)
- A yidishe mame- es gut nit beser oyf der velt,
(first line)
- A yidishe meydele, zi iz azoy sheyn, A yidishe meydele...
(first line)
- A Yidishe Meydl Darf...
(song title)
- A Yidishe Neshome
(song title)
- A Yidishe Neshome (Medley)
(song title)
- A yidisher ... klingt dokh a mekhaye, a yid hot lib a...
(first line)
- A yidisher khupe! Kumt aher…firt dem khusn
(first line)
- A Yidisher nign
(song title)
- A Yidisher nign (Di Yidishe..)
(song title)
- A Yidisher Protses In Rusland
(song title)
- A Yidisher Tants
(song title)
- A Yidisher tokhter farzitst nisht bay Yidn, geredt hot...
(4 first lines)
- A Yidisher Vals
(song title)
- A yidl mit zayn fidl iz vert milionen gelt,
(first line)
- A Yingele Belz (Parody)
(song title)
- A Yingele Fun Poyln
(song title)
- A Yingele Fun Teymen
(song title)
- A yingele fun teymener, mit eygelekh tseglit,
(first line)
- A yingele iz geven a mol, geheysn hot er ayzik,
(first line)
- A Yingele Vet Zey Firn
(song title)
- A Yingele, A Meydele
(song title)
- A yingele, a meydele, a meydele, a yingele, lomir ale geyn tantsn…
(first line)
- A yingele, a meydele, a meydele, a yingele, lomir ale...
(2 first lines)
- A yingele, a meydele, a meydele, a yingele, lomir beyde geyn tantsn.
(first line)
- A Yinger Yusem
(song title)
- A Yom Kippur Scandal
(song title)
- A Yom Tov Lid
(song title)
- A Yontev In Kibuts
(song title)
- A yor ersht nokh mayn khasene un zet vi kuk ikh oys…
(first line)
- A yor ersht nokh mayn khasene Un zet vi kuk ikh oys Taynet a yung vaybele un...
(first line)
- A yor ersht nokh mayn khasene un zet vi kuk ikh oys, taynet a yung vaybele un…
(first line)
- A yor ersht nokh mayn khasene un zet vi kuk ikh oyst aynet a yung vaybele un…
(first line)
- A Yor ersht nokh mayn khasene un zet vi kuk ikh...
(first line)
- A yor iz shoyn farfloygn zint mayn spayzer iz nishto,
(2 first lines)
- A Yor Nokh Mayn Khasene
(song title)
- A yor nokh mayn khasene, zet vi ikh kuk oys!
(4 first lines)
- A yor nokh mayn khasene, zet vi ikh ze oys!
(first line)
- A yor shoyn milkhome, vi shreklekh vi groys! Vi lebt men...
(2 first lines)
- A Young Girl Named Maria
(song title)
- A young man strung his ... balalayke, wooed his love with...
(first line)
- A Young Man's Path
(song title)
- A yuker, a loyfer, a lakshn, a koyfer, a khaper,
(first line)
- A Yung Fun Di Blotes
(song title)
- A yung meydl dem khaver ven, bakrikt oyfn front, in vartn hot tsugeskikt,
(first line)
- A Yunge Medina Mit An Altn Shofer
(song title)
- A yunger man fun a kleyn poylishe shtot, shteyt gants...
(first line)
- A yunger tate, ayngeboygn, In Ellis Island, vind un vey,
(2 first lines)
- A yunger tate, ayngegoygn, in Ellis Island, vind un vey, tsvey kinder kleyne...
(first line)
- A Zang In Hant
(song title)
- A Zekele Gelt
(song title)
- A Zelner Bay Froyem-Yosl
(song title)
- A Zemer
(song title)
- A Zemerl
(song title)
- A Zemerl (Yukem Bembe)
(song title)
- A Zemerl Aza
(song title)
- A Zemerl, A nigndl
(song title)
- A zemerl, a zemerl, oy lomir zingen a zemerl,
(first line)
- A Zhok
(song title)
- A Zin In Di Velt
(song title)
- A Zivig Fun Himl/YiddishShpiel/ GidiYigil/ Anat Atzmun (Video)
- A zivig vert az got bashert, dokh veyst a yeder eyner.
(first line)
- A Zumer Geven
(song title)
- A zumer geven un a taykh dort gerunen, ayngebet tsvishn grozn un blumen un...
(first line)
- A Zumer Libe
(song title)
- A Zun Mit A Regn
(song title)
- A zun mit a regn, a zun mit a regn, es lakhn mir goldene...
(3 first lines)
- A zun mit a regn, a zun mit a regn, es lakhn mir goldene…
(first line)
- A Zundele Vil Ikh
(song title)
- A zundele vil ikh, zolstu mir gebn, zolst afile qvitshen as ikh shtarb,
(first line)
- A Zuniker Shtral (Kempin)
(song title)
- A Zuniker Shtral (Lemm)
(song title)
- A Zuniker Shtral (Verheijen)
(song title)
- A zuniker shtral iz aroyf oyf mayn bet, fun libinkn friling, dem ershtn statfet,
(first line)
- A zuniker shtral iz aroyf oyf mayn bet, fun libinkn friling, der ershtn shafet,
(first line)
- A zuniker shtral iz aroyf oyf mayn bet, fun libinkn...
(first line)
- A zuniker shtral iz aroyf oyf mayn bet, fun libinkn…
(2 first lines)
- A, a, leyzer volf, motl, tsaytl, a.. Vos iz gesheyn, vos?
(2 first lines)
- A, hunderte lider gezungen als kind in der heym,
(first line)
- A-A Lyu Lyu
(song title)
- A-a lyu(7), Ay lyu(4), ketzele mayns, lyu(5), a-a, patyu, lyu, lyu, lyu.
(first line)
- A. Elinkrig's Yidishe Orch/ Mekhutonim Tsum Tish/ Nokh A Bisl
- A. Elinkrig's Yidishe Orch/ Nisht Gezorkt/ Yidelekh Briderlekh
- A. Elinkrig's Yidishe Orchestra/ Ikh Benk Nokh Odesa/ Fun Der Khupe
- A. Introduction-Fanfare
(song title)
- A. Schwartz Orch./ Odesa Bulgar/ Besarabye Hangi Tants
- A. U. Boskovich Semitic Suite Golden Chain Suite
- A...From Ghetto
(song title)
- A..Caravan..Stars Featuring Seymour Rechtzeit & Molly Picon
- Aaron Lebedeff
- Aaron Lebedeff on 2nd. Avenue 24 Songs Hits...Yiddish Stage
- Aaron Lebedeff Sings Fifteen Favorites of .. Yiddish Theatre
- Aaron Lebedeff Sings Fourteen Yiddish Favorites - Volume 2
- Aaron Lebedeff/ Fraytik Oyf Der Nakht/ Oy Kaptsn Hulye
- Aaron Lebedoff Sings Rumania, Rumania and other Yiddish...
- AAta Kidashta
(song title)
- Ab"m (Ish Boded Meod)
(song title)
- Aba
(song title)
- Aba shar ani lecha ad she'yom echad kimat vetlech
(first line)
- Aba shav min hayarid,
(first line)
- aba, ema, yonah, v'ani...ema, ema hu yagi yashuv vashesh
(first line)
- Aba, Shel Na El Shuk
(song title)
- Abanibi
(song title)
- Abanibi obohebev, abanibi obohevov abotabach (2x), k'shehayinu yadim…
(first line)
- Abayudaya / Music from the Jewish People of Uganda/ Compiled and Annotated by Jeffrey A. Summit
- Abba Eban:Israel's Finest Hour, Address Before The United Nations Security Council, June 6, 1967
- Abba Imma
(song title)
- Abba Kovner - Comments (Video)
(song title)
- Abby Gostein /Each Blessing
- Abe Elinkrig's Yiddish Orchestra/ Nisht Gezorgt/ Yidelekh Briderlekh
- Abe Ellstein Orchestra/ Rebns Khasene/ Khasene Tants
- Abe Ellstein Orchestra/ Tsigayner Khasene/ Mazl Tov
- Abe Inc Techno Mix
(song title)
- Abe Kabibble At The Ball Game
(song title)
- Abe Kabibble Dictates A Letter
(song title)
- Abe Lincoln
(song title)
- Abe Lincoln, Abe Lincoln, you're take aleyn,
(first line)
- Abe Lincoln, Abe Lincoln, your popular...der bafrayer iz...
(first line)
- Abe Luski /Wildacres 2012 /Original Unedited Copy
- Abe Luski /Wildacres 2012/ Edited
(1 album,3 tracks)
- Abe Luski Evening Charlotte, North Carolina (1968)
- Abe Luski/ The Journey (Video)
- Abe Neff Orchestra/ Der Shtiler Bulgar/ Old Time Freylekhs
- Abe Neff Orchestra/ Russian Sher/ Russian Kazatska
- Abe Schwartz Master of Klezmer Music Volume One
- Abe Schwartz Orchestra/ A Yor Nokh Mayn Khasene/ A Glezele Vayn
- Abe Schwartz Orchestra/ Der Rebe Hot Geheysn.../ A Tants Far Ale Mekhutonim
- Abe Schwartz Orchestra/ Sher (Morris Fried, Phila)/
- Abe Schwartz The Klezmer King
- Abe Schwartz's Orch./ A Vivat Far Di Mekhutonim/ Khosn-Kale Tants
- Abe Schwartz's Orch./ Oyf Shabes In Vilne/ Shatser Khosidl
- Abe Schwartz's Orch./ Sher Tants - 1te teyl/ Sher Tants - 2te teyl
- Abe Schwartz's Orchestra/ Ale in Eynem Tants/ Voliner Bulgar Tants
- Abe Schwartz's Orchestra/ Briderlekh Aheym/ Bay Di Toyern Fun...
- Abe Schwartz's Orchestra/ Shver Un Shviger Tants/ Der Simkhe Tants
- Abe Schwartz's Orkester/ Zorg Nit Mame "Ni Plotsh Mama"/ In Odes, In Odes
- Abe Schwartz/ National Hora /Master of Klezmer Music Volume 2
- Abenamar
(song title)
- Abenamar, Abenamar/ moro de la moreria,/ el dia que tu naciste/
(first line)
- Abi
(song title)
- Abi Er Ken Tantsn
(song title)
- Abi Gezunt
(song title)
- Abi Gezunt (Blue Katz/Pryziska)
(song title)
- Abi Gezunt (Klein)
(song title)
- Abi Gezunt (Nemo, American Swing)
(song title)
- Abi gezunt bruder, abi gezunt, men lebt nor eynmol…
(first line)
- Abi Gezunt Medley
(song title)
- Abi Men Zeyt Zikh
(song title)
- Abi men zeyt zikh, darf men dankn loybn got,
(first line)
- Abi men zeyt zikh, darf men tsufridn zayn,
(first line)
- Abi men zeyt zikh, s'iz a freyd a groyse, abi men zeyt zikh, trinkt mit mir a..
(first line)
- Abi meyn zeyt zikh, oy oy, abi meyn zeyt zikh,
(7 first lines)
- Abi Mir Hobn Khasene Gehat
(song title)
- Abi Tzu Sein
(song title)
- Abi Tzu Sein mit dir, means aslong as I'm with you, each day, each month,
(first line)
- Abie Cohen, Abie Cohen, he vent to Paris and Germany, and learned how to play…
(first line)
- Abie Rosenthal was much in love wit a little goil named Sadie,
(2 first lines)
- Abigail Wood/ PhD dissertation/ Yiddish Song in Contemporary North America, Cambridge 2004
- Abismo
(song title)
- Abney eqdah
(song title)
- About a thousand Jews had come home from Germany before...
(first line)
- About Luxuries Yom Tov Ehrlikh
- Above & Beyond
(song title)
- Above and Beyond
(song title)
- Above and Beyond (Video)
- Abracadabra
(song title)
- Abraham And Solomon
(song title)
- Abraham Go Forth
(song title)
- Abraham Goldfaden's Shulamith English Narration
- Abraham Luski / Pilke Fus (Video)
- Abraham Our Father Light of Israel
(song title)
- Abraham, Inc /Tweet Tweet
- Abrahams Freylekh
(song title)
- Abscheulicher! Vo Eilst Du Hin?
(song title)
- Abscheulicher! Vo eilst du hin? Was hast du vor in wildem...
(first line)
- Abschied Von Der Mutter
(song title)
- Abschied Von Einem Ausreisenden...
(song title)
- Abschied/ Farewell (Oy, Avrom, German)
(song title)
- Absholom Baym Brunem
(song title)
- Abu's Courtyard
(song title)
- Abue
(song title)
- Abus Hoyf Nign
(song title)
- Acacia Lane
(song title)
- Acaj Pene Rakije (Gypsy)
(song title)
- According To Ancient Legend
(song title)
- According to ancient legend, there is a turbulent river...
(2 first lines)
- According to the columnists, a rumor somehow still persists,
(first line)
- Accordion
(song title)
- Acemaşiran devrikebir beste: Basmacı Abdi Efe
(song title)
- Ach Rechenki
(song title)
- Ach Sheli
(song title)
- ach sheli nadmah shkabar ain l'cholom ach sheli shtah v'ani v'atah zah hakol
(first line)
- Ach Te Oczy
(song title)
- Ach Tov
(song title)
- Ach ty Nochenka
(song title)
- Ach! Du bist gerettet! Grosser Gott!
(first line)
- Ach! Du Bist Getettet!
(song title)
- Ach, Ahizah Yom Haoldat
(song title)
- Ach, Vater, eilet!
(first line)
- Ach, Vater, Eilet!
(song title)
- Achad B'Mafrah Oochad Bfa
(first line)
- Achar Katzir
(song title)
- Achar Katzir / Gevatron in Naomi Shemer Songs
- Achar katzir nafshi ha'mitavelet anenah mashilmah yim echletoach
(first line)
- Acharei Sheazav
(song title)
- Acharei sheazav, basatashi lrikod, ich amadti livkot, achri
(first line)
- Achat tag bum beris, vi shoin un prectig, a kliener zisser yid
(first line)
- Achi ha'tzarir Yehudah h'aim atah shoma atah yivada
(first line)
- Achi HaTahir Yehudah
(song title)
- Achi Hokor
(song title)
- achi nikor ani kotav lech maktav malav al lev bahavat chinum
(first line)
- Achinoam Nini / Gol Dor / Live
- Achlahl b'chalili
(song title)
- Achol itzcor
(song title)
- Achoron Achoron Choviv
(song title)
- Achoti Hakatnah
(song title)
- achoti hakatnah ho kmot vet shanah
(first line)
- Achoti Ruchama
(song title)
- Achron achron habib sheli
(first line)
- Achron habib
(song title)
- Achsav
(song title)
- Achshav Avru Yamim
(song title)
- Achshav B'etzem Tov
(song title)
- Achshav efshar lanuach achshav afsher lishon
(first line)
- Achshaz Ani tzmar
(song title)
- Achshin Ani Tzsor
(first line)
- achshov achtov es hashir bamakifach
(first line)
- Achzik her und zibezik zie
(song title)
- Ack Varmeland, Du Skona
(song title)
- Ack Värmeland, du sköna, du härliga land! Du krona bland Svearikes länder!
(first line)
- Acquainted With The Night
(song title)
- Acre Prisoners
(song title)
- Across Boundries/ Discovering Russia 1910-1940, Vol 2/The New Jewish School/Jascha Nemstov, Piano
- Across The Park
(song title)
- Across The River
(song title)
- Act I Introduction The Tomashevskys (Video)
(song title)
- Actual Partition Vote at Flush
(song title)
- Ad 120 (God Bless For 120..)
(song title)
- Ad Akhrit Yam
(song title)
- Ad ana adonay tishkakheni netsakh, ad ana tstir et panekha mimeni
(2 first lines)
- Ad Ana Adoshem
(song title)
- Ad Ana Adoshem, tishkacheyni netsach, ad ana tastir et…
(first line)
- Ad Anu Adonay
(song title)
- Ad Halayla
(song title)
- Ad Heyno Azorunu
(song title)
- Ad machar
(song title)
- Ad neshuv machar
(song title)
- Ad Or Haboker
(song title)
- Ad or haboker, Ad shakhar yenatsnets, Shekhem el shekhem,
(3 first lines)
- Ad radat ha'erev geshem ha'kashev laneshim bacholon
(first line)
- Ad Sheyafuakh Yom
(song title)
- Ad sheyafuakh yom venasu hatslalim, sov deme lekha dodi...
(2 first lines)
- Ad Shnashiv
(song title)
- Ad Shtazov
(song title)
- Ad Sof Hakayits
(song title)
- Ad Yom Ekhad
(song title)
- Ada
(song title)
- adagio
(song title)
- Adah
(song title)
- Adam
(song title)
- Adam Chozeh ouktir yomo tzanua hu odal
(first line)
- Adam In The Garden Hiding
(song title)
- Adam in the garden, hidin', hidin', hidn', hidn' from the...
(first line)
- Adam kemo tzipur kol od nafsho boshsar bain shehu begapour shemarlo bain shehu m
(first line)
- Adam Peshout
(song title)
- Adam Tzoor Adam Tzken
(song title)
- Adama Chant, Danses Et Musiques Des Traditions Juives
- Adama (Manor)
(song title)
- Adama (Zeira)
(song title)
- Adama, adamati, rekhuma ad moti, ruakh rav kharvonayikh...
(5 first lines)
- Adamah Adamah (medely)
(song title)
- Adar
(song title)
- Adaraba
(song title)
- Adarim (4x), mistavim vetaym veroeim, me me me me,
(3 first lines)
- Adarim (Chajes)
(song title)
- Adarim (Shelem)
(song title)
- Adaya Henis..Traditional Songs in Yiddish, Ladino and Hebrew
- Adayin Kan
(song title)
- Adazhio
(song title)
- Addio Bel Sogno
(song title)
- Addio Dolce Amico Mio
(song title)
- Adele Dear
(song title)
- Aderabe, aderabe, kumt tsu undz arayn di bobe, kumt tsu undz arayn di zeyde,
(first line)
- Adeste Fideles (Video)
(song title)
- Adi Dikhon
(song title)
- Adie Adie
(song title)
- Adie adie mayn oyg fun kop, dayn bester fraynd fort fun…
(first line)
- Adin Bimilichu bochim kahlahu gididov
(first line)
- Adio Kerida
(song title)
- Adio Querida
(song title)
- Adio Querida (Aroeste)
(song title)
- Adio querida...
(first line)
- Adio Rashel Levi
(song title)
- Adio Rashel Levi, k'ez l'afrika ke me vo ir.
(first line)
- Adio, adio querida, no quero la vida, me l'armagates tu…
(first line)
- Adios Estella brillante
(song title)
- Adios Nonino
(song title)
- Adios tengo que ireme me esta esperando la soledad solo he venido a despedirme`
(first line)
- Adios, meu homino, adios, xa que te marchas pr'a guerra...
(first line)
- Adir (Aerobics)
(song title)
- Adir bimlucha, bakhur kahur kahalakha, bdudav yomru lo: lekha ulekha lakh…
(first line)
- Adir Bimlukha
(song title)
- Adir Hu
(song title)
- Adir Hu (Carlibach)
(song title)
- Adir Hu (Hyams)
(song title)
- Adir Hu (Rittangel)
(song title)
- Adir Hu (Yassinovsky)
(song title)
- Adir hu boelyonim bokhur hu batakhtonim. Boelyonim,...
(first line)
- Adir hu yibinah ni bekuriv bashefer dinah kinder nem shoin tzuniof
(first line)
- Adir hu, adir hu, yivne veyso, bekarov
(first line)
- Adir hu, adir hu, yivne veyso,veyso bekarov
(first line)
- Adir hu, adir hu, yivne veyto bekarov. Bimheyra...
(4 first lines)
- Adir hu, velo yonum, ba ohur hu velo yishan…
(first line)
- Adir hu, yivne veyto bekarov. Bimheyra...
(3 first lines)
- Adir Hu/Echod Mi Yodea
(song title)
- Adir Oyom Venora
(song title)
- Adiray Ayoumo (Eternal Kingdom)
(song title)
- Adisha
(song title)
- Adje Jano
(song title)
- Adler, Hyman/ Hot Ir Gezen Mayn Moyshe/ Veyeten Lekho
- Adlers Elevator Shoes
(song title)
- Adom Yesado Meofor
(song title)
- Adom Yesodo Meofer
(song title)
- Adon B'meluchah
(song title)
- Adon Beringer
(song title)
- Adon Beringer, shebno nafal beta'ah,
(first line)
- Adon Hakol
(song title)
- Adon Hakol mehaye kol neshama Yetsav hasdo levat nadiv hakhama Levousha
(first line)
- Adon Olam
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Amranim)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Avraham)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Bat-Kol)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Bloch)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Davidson)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Dyck)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Fisher)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Gavatron)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Gold)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Helfman)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Israeli Temple of Milan)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Kalmanoff)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Khitman)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Levitan)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Mellul)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Milhaud)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Nomi)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Palestinian March)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Rabinowitz)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Rathom)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Rossi)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Steinberg)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Stern, Video)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (The Amranim)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Warron)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Zevitt)
(song title)
- Adon Olam (Zim)
(song title)
- Adon Olam asher Malach b'terem kol yetzir nivra, l'eit na'asah b'cheftzo kol…
(2 first lines)
- Adon olam asher malach be'terem kol yetzir nierah
(first line)
- Adon olam asher malach beterem kol yetzir nivra. Le'eit nasa vecheftzo kol azai
(first line)
- Adon olam asher malach, Beterm kol yetsir nivra,
(14 first lines)
- Adon olam asher malakh, Beterm kol yetsir nivra,
(27 first lines)
- Adon olam asher malakh…
(first line)
- Adon Olam Asher Melach
(song title)
- Adon Olam asher mulach beterim kol yizternirah
(first line)
- Adon olam asher, asher malakh, Beterm kol yetsir nivra,
(first line)
- Adon Slikhot
(song title)
- Adonai Afuga
(song title)
- Adonai Echad / The Lord Is One / Complete Friday Evening and Saturday Service/ Chorus of Israeli Temple of Milan
- Adonai Melekh (Hashem Melekh, Heb)
(song title)
- Adonai roi lo echsar, binot deshe yarbitzeini al mei...
(first line)
- Adonai roi lo echsar: binot deshe yarbitzei el-mei m'nuchoti
(first line)
- adonai rotzai l'rakad? Ken okshiv
(first line)
- Adonai Shima T'Filati (Greenberg)
(song title)
- Adonay Adonay
(song title)
- Adonay Adonay (Davidson)
(song title)
- Adonay Adonay (Kalib)
(song title)
- Adonay Adonay (Naumberg)
(song title)
- Adonay eloheyhem emet
(song title)
- Adonay Mi Adam
(song title)
- Adonay Mo Rabu Tsoroy (Psalm 003)
(song title)
- Adonay Molokh (Gottschal)
(song title)
- Adonay Molokh (Ionian Melody)
(song title)
- Adonay Molokh (Kalib)
(song title)
- Adonay Molokh (Rosenblatt)
(song title)
- Adonay Molokh (Unknown)
(song title)
- Adonay ro'i lo ekhsor, binot deshe yarbitseni,
(first line)
- Adonay seftay tifakh ofey yagid, ofey yagid tfile,
(first line)
- Adonay Seftay Tiftakh
(song title)
- Adonay sham'ati shim'akha yareti
(song title)
- Adonay Zekharanu (Gold)
(song title)
- Adonay Zekharanu (Miron)
(song title)
- Adonay Zekharanu (Nowakowsky)
(song title)
- Adonay zekharanu yevorekh, yevorekh et beyt yisroel,
(3 first lines)
- Adonay, lo giva libi, velo ramu eynay, velo hilakhti,
(first line)
- Adonenu
(song title)
- Adonenu Elohenu bara et Moshe rabeinu para darmos toratenu que empesa con Anokhi
(first line)
- Adonenu, Elohenu, bara et Moxe rabbenu para darnos...
(first line)
- Adoni Olamu Asheru Malakha, betermu kolu..
(first line)
- Adonoy molokh geyus loveysh, loveysh hashem oz hisazor.
(3 first lines)
- Adoration
(song title)
- Adorned By Ori
(song title)
- Adoro
(song title)
- Adoshem
(song title)
- Adoshem Adoshem
(song title)
- Adoshem Molokh
(song title)
- Adoshem yishmorkha mikol ra, yishmor et nafshekha,
(first line)
- Adrianne Cooper & Zalmen Mlotek/An Afternoon Of Jewish Music
- Adrienne Cooper / Enchanted/ A New Generation of Yiddishsong
- Adrienne Cooper In Memoram/ Podcast
- Adrienne Cooper in Memoriam / Podcast
(song title)
- Adrienne Cooper, Voice / Marilyn Lerner, Piano
- Adurkh In Oysgus Fun Tiran
(song title)
- Adventures Of An Afikomen
(song title)
- Adyey Mayn Foterland
(song title)
- Aeolian String Quartet
(song title)
- Af a groysn maskn bal bin ikh amol geven, un dortn in mitn..
(first line)
- Af Ba'anamin ( Haughtiness)
(song title)
- Af Bri
(song title)
- Af Bri (Weiner)
(song title)
- Af bri af morgen nokh yomtov in der fri,
(first line)
- Af Bri! - Oyf morgn nokh yontev in der fri - In gas darf..
(first line)
- Af Bri! - Oyf morgn nokh yontev in der fri - In mark darf..
(4 first lines)
- Af bri, s'iz nito vos tsu gebn esen di kinder…
(first line)
- Af Dayn Altn Veg
(song title)
- Af dayn kop der harbst zikh tsetsvitet nor in dayn oyg...
(first line)
- Af dayn kop der harbst zikh tsetsvitet nor in dayn oyg…
(first line)
- Af Dem Nayem Yor
(song title)
- Af der gantser velt gibt felker zayer fil, farshidene natsionen on a tsol,…
(first line)
- Af Der Moldevanke
(song title)
- Af di axlen, nit zey konen, tut der ber tsum brunem shpanen,
(2 first lines)
- Af Di Gasn Fun Der Shtot
(song title)
- Af di gasn fun der shtot in a likhtikn frimorgn,
(first line)
- Af Di Gasn Fun Der Shtot: Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman
- Af di gasn fun Tsien-Tsin, loyft a mider Tchen So Lin, in a rikshe ayngeshpant
(first line)
- af di haachn of di pingl schmekt man nicht vi a gitschingl…
(first line)
- Af Katoves
(song title)
- Af paam lo tokhli lerot, et simni hamelakim, et ma shecaver kharot kemo ot,
(first line)
- Af Soroker barg shteyt a bruder monument,
(first line)
- Af tselokhes ale sonim, lomir frank un fray, lomir zingen...
(first line)
- Af tsvey oysgegete shtuln, zitst mayn tate oybon (2x), zogt di hagode,
(first line)
- Af Yatzam Rach
(song title)
- Af yedn ort, hert men a vort, vu ir geyt iberal, in yedn land, iz dos bakant,…
(first line)
- Af yener zeyt yam iz geshtanen a mol, af hinershe fislekh,
(first line)
- Afarin efendisisin, gounulleri sinayansin Derindekileri kesfedensin, adaletle…
(first line)
- Afikomon Song
(song title)
- Afile
(song title)
- Aflame, my brothers, aflame! O see, our little village is..
(first line)
- Aflarin efendisi
(song title)
- Afn Boydem Shloft Der Dakh
(song title)
- Afn feld tzu fabrik, in dorf oder shtot….
(first line)
- Afn Glitsh
(song title)
- Afn hoykhn barg un afn grinum groz, shteyn zey di daytshelekh arupgelost di nuz, zog vos hot ihr getrofn…
(first line)
- Afn Nil
(song title)
- Afn Pripetshik
(song title)
- Afn pripetshik brent a fayerl, un in shtub iz heys.
(first line)
- Afn Sheydveg
(song title)
- Afn Veg Fun Haifa Keyn Ako
(song title)
- Afn Veg Shteyt A Boym
(song title)
- Afn veg shteyt a boym, shteyt er ayngeboygn, ale feygl funem boym zaynen...
(2 first lines)
- Afn veg shteyt a boym, shteyt er eyngeboygn, ale feygl funem boym zaynen…
(first line)
- Afn yenem vaysn tsimer, vel ikh keynmol nit fargesn,
(first line)
- Africa Bulgar
(song title)
- African Bulgar
(song title)
- Afshar od L'chatan
(song title)
- After 50 Long and Longing Years Historic Visit to America
- After a lifetime, a piece of paper, an edict from the...
(first line)
- After my first shot of testosterone, only two weeks and my shmeki had grown,
(first line)
- After The Reading Of The Torah
(song title)
- After the reading of the Torah, comes the additional prayer,
(2 first lines)
- After the songs...Bar-Cohen and Orly Timsit
- After The Wedding
(song title)
- After Three Glasses
(song title)
- After We Get What We Want We Don't Want It
(song title)
- After You've Gone
(song title)
- After you've gone, and left me cryin' after you've gone,
(first line)
- Afterglow
(song title)
- Agada (Achron)
(song title)
- Agada (Kretchevsky)
(song title)
- Agadat Halamed Hey
(song title)
- Agadat Kineret (Agada)
(song title)
- Agadot
(song title)
- Again With You (Shuv Itkhem)
(song title)
- Agala Im Susa
(song title)
- Agentn
(song title)
- Aggravatin' Papa
(song title)
- Agil Veesmakh (Ogil Vesemakh)
(song title)
- Agnus Dei
(song title)
- Agrigento
(song title)
- Aguda Ahat
(song title)
- Agus molaim su na heornan go deo agus choiche, nakh mairg nach a mbionn toir...
(first line)
- Ah Der Walzer
(song title)
- Ah Dir Kivodo
(song title)
- Ah dir kivodo, khag natan, bakhur kivodo, khag natan
(first line)
- Ah el novio no quere dinero! Quere a la novia de mazal bueno
(first line)
- Ah My Darling
(song title)
- ah oney koshata
(first line)
- Ah Piu Forte Sapore
(song title)
- Ah Sarika bre, trae me un poco d'agua, ah sarika linda e...
(first line)
- Ah Sinora Novia Abajes Abajo
(song title)
- Ah Zoy
(song title)
- Ah! Stay Your Hand
(song title)
- Ah, Ca Ira
(song title)
- Ah, eyn religion un eyn naTsiun, nor libe, libe nor
(first line)
- Ah, hello Moyshe Kapoyer, goodbye, grist ayer yidene, vos far a goodby?
(first line)
- Ah, hello Moyshe Kapoyer, goodbye,grist ayer yidene, vos far a goodby?
(first line)
- ah, ozeh yom yefehbo nifkah et ha'enayim et ha'shemsh b'shamiam ochim ho mashgah
(first line)
- Ah, s'mekhaye, o, what a beautiful day. I'm so glad...
(first line)
- Ah, sinora novia, abajes abajo. - Non puedo, non puedo...
(first line)
- Aha aha foye verde meynt grine bleter, shpilt a fidl a tsigayner iz dos azoy…
(first line)
- Aha, aha mayn man, vos vet zayn mekoakh borikes,
(first line)
- Ahaim mizmor shir
(song title)
- Ahar Noghenium
(song title)
- Aharon
(song title)
- Ahat sha'alti
(song title)
- Ahati Yonati
(song title)
- Ahava
(song title)
- Ahava Bat Esrim
(song title)
- Ahava Birmazim
(song title)
- Ahava Dos Heyst Libe
(song title)
- Ahava He Beit
(song title)
- Ahava Ktzara
(song title)
- Ahava Mayta
(song title)
- Ahava Raba
(song title)
- Ahava raba ahavtanu…
(first line)
- Ahava Rishona
(song title)
- Ahava shetatzil oti metzipurni harasha, ahava shetakhzir oti lemaslut,
(first line)
- Ahava Yesh Umrim (A Love Song)
(song title)
- Ahavah Ahsorah
(song title)
- Ahavas Olam
(song title)
- Ahavas Olam (Alter)
(song title)
- Ahavas Olam (Barash)
(song title)
- Ahavas Olam (Bloemendal)
(song title)
- Ahavas Olam (Davidson)
(song title)
- Ahavas Olam (Ellstein)
(song title)
- Ahavas Olam (Helfman)
(song title)
- Ahavas Olam (Piket)
(song title)
- Ahavas olam beit Yisrael amcha ahavta
(first line)
- Ahavas olam beys Yisroel amkho ahavto. Toyre umitsvos...
(8 first lines)
- Ahavas Olam: Red Buttons Chassidic
(song title)
- Ahavas Oylam/Eternal Love
(song title)
- Ahavat Chessed
(song title)
- Ahavat Hadassa
(song title)
- Ahavat Hadassa al levavi nikshera Va'ani betokh gola...
(first line)
- Ahavat Olam
(song title)
- Ahavat Olam (Alexandrovich, Misha)
(song title)
- Ahavat olam beys yisrael amcha ahavta, torah umitzos chukim, umishpatim otanu…
(first line)
- Ahavat olam beyt Yisroel amkho ahavto. Toyre umitsvos...
(5 first lines)
- Ahavat Poalai Habinyan
(song title)
- Ahavat Poaley Binyan
(song title)
- Ahavat Raaya
(song title)
- Ahavat yisrael
(song title)
- Ahavateha
(song title)
- Ahavati Ki Yishma (Psalm 116)
(song title)
- Ahavo Rabbo (Pedutser)
(song title)
- Ahavo Rabbo Shteyger (01)
(song title)
- Ahavo Rabbo Shteyger (02)
(song title)
- Ahavo Rabo (Beregovsky)
(song title)
- Ahavta Hagovrim
(song title)
- Ahavti eshar barechem shela prachim la prachim la prachim naglaim
(first line)
- Ahavti ki yishma adonay, et kol tikhanunay: ki hito ozno li
(3 first lines)
- Ahdinokaya Garmon
(song title)
- Ahead of Time: Extraordinary Journey of Ruth Gruber (Video)
- Aheim, Aheim
(song title)
- Aher kum mayn matunele, dayn mame hot dikh lib…
(first line)
- Aher, aher, un gib di hant far tshimbarabarabasa ba,
(first line)
- Aheym
(song title)
- Aheym Aheym
(song title)
- Aheym Aheym (Meyorovits)
(song title)
- Aheym Aheym (Schorr)
(song title)
- Aheym Aheym (Wohl)
(song title)
- Aheym Tsurik
(song title)
- Aheym, aheym, aheym tsurik, moykhl, moykhl, aykh dem glik
(first line)
- Aheym, Kinderlekh, Aheym
(song title)
- Ahin Ahin
(song title)
- Ahot Ketana (Little Sister)
(song title)
- ahouvati otach b'boker
(song title)
- Ahovati otcha b'boker nashkanu omek v'chem rashach al hacmor cosofoah who
(first line)
- Ahovi
(song title)
- Ahuva Li
(song title)
- Ahuva li khamuda li, vy, He mikhtav katan katav, vy,
(first line)
- Ahuva Ozeri/Tsiltsulei Pa'amonim/Ringing bells
- Ahuvahti Yefa Sheli
(song title)
- Ahuvati haichiedah hay lo roah hi lo toda ad camah ahavti
(first line)
- Ahuvati hichidah
(song title)
- Ahuvi
(song title)
- Ahuvti b'shem elion al nah nartzach et kopidon
(first line)
- Ahuvti ki yishma hashem es koili tachaninu, es koi hitu taznu li, v'viyomai akur
(first line)
- Ai
(song title)
- Ai Duli
(song title)
- Ai Raci Ku Ne Draci
(song title)
- Ai-Di-Di-Di-Dai
(song title)
- Ai-Liu Liu
(song title)
- Ai-liu liu, mine kind, shlof ayn. Es zingt der foygl zikh…
(first line)
- Aifo
(song title)
- Aikh ani metagaga, lesetem anashim mekol mini takofot, biker im lomer et haemet,
(first line)
- Aikh bemerkaz hair lyad khaker haetzmaot, matu hazekheronot shel yeldoti,
(first line)
- Ain Ahavot Shemchot
(song title)
- Ain Ani
(song title)
- Ain g'bolot l'chaoshech shanmashach l'kol cvan
(first line)
- Ain Li Pitgamim mailim yafot chadi l'foto otach, ain li kesef l'hagsim lech et..
(first line)
- Ain namo ahava
(song title)
- Ain't Easy Being Cool
(song title)
- Ain't Gonna Study War No More
(song title)
- Ain't She Cute
(song title)
- Ain't We Got Hanukah Fun?
(song title)
- Aina Zorga (Blue Eyes)
(song title)
- Ainu kichot mi bli loroh et ha'shamaim, mi bli lirot kichot shel yam yarok shel
(first line)
- Air
(song title)
- Air Bachiana Brasiliera No. 5
(song title)
- Air Du Film Toutes Dybbuk
(song title)
- Aire du Mujer
(song title)
- Airs of Ascent/ A medley of old time tunes and Klezmer melodies presented by flutist Akiva Ben Horin and the Klezmerya Ensemble for Jewish Music
- Aizh Yom He Li Smoal
(first line)
- Aj lju lju
(song title)
- aj-aj-aj
(song title)
- Ajde Jano
(song title)
- Ajde jano kudu da prodamo, ajde Jano, ajde duso kucu da prodamo,
(first line)
- Ajuar Nuevo
(song title)
- Akacos Ut
(song title)
- Akara (Ben Chaim)
(song title)
- Akara (Havkin)
(song title)
- Akatsies farlirn kale-blumen, di binen zaynen troyerik fartrakht, di letster…
(first line)
- Akatsies Vals
(song title)
- Akavia Said
(song title)
- Akavia the son of mahalalel said: Reflect upon three things,
(first line)
- Akavya ben Mahalalel Omer
(song title)
- Akavyo Ben Mahalalel
(song title)
- Akavyo Ben Mahalalel (Alter)
(song title)
- Akavyo Ben Mahalalel (Gold)
(song title)
- Akavyo Ben Mahalalel (Rosenblatt)
(song title)
- Akdamut
(song title)
- Akdomus
(song title)
- Akdomus (Der Oremans Akdomus)
(song title)
- Akdomus Un Af Bri
(song title)
- Akedat Itzkhak
(song title)
- Akedat Yitskhak
(song title)
- Akedes Itsik
(song title)
- Akh Du (nign Simkha)
(song title)
- Akh Elent Vi A Shteyn
(song title)
- Akh Got Helf Unz
(song title)
- Akh Ir Zise Kinder Yorn
(song title)
- Akh Leylokim Domi Nafshi
(song title)
- Akh mayn libe Sore-Dvoshe vos zhe zitstu do in gas un kukst oyf der levone? Akh, antshuldik, kh'hob fargesn bist nokh…
(first line)
- Akh mayn libe Sore-Dvoshe voszhe zitstu do in gas un kukst oyf der levone?
(first line)
- Akh Nem Mikh Liber
(song title)
- Akh Nit Gut
(song title)
- Akh nit gut, ikh hob keyn frey mut, es get mir nit…
(first line)
- Akh nokh dem oysgus blutbod shturm, vos di velt hot durkh…
(first line)
- Akh Odesa
(song title)
- Akh odesa, proshtshay odesa, prashtshaytie vi rebiata,
(first line)
- Akh Pi Vodka
(song title)
- Akh Rasia
(song title)
- Akh Shel Salim
(song title)
- Akh shlof zhe, mayn tayere zunele, es...tsu bald di nakht,
(first line)
- Akh Ti Raboyno Shel Oylom
(song title)
- Akh ti serdtse mayo kassalpoye, Atchevo=zhe ti malchyzh...
(first line)
- Akh troyert badoyert, dem groysn frishn brokh:
(first line)
- Akh Ty Dushechka
(song title)
- Akh ty raboyno shel oylom zatkhem ti ni shotrish…
(first line)
- Akh Ty Serdtse (O My Clumsy Heart)
(song title)
- Akh Vi Sheyn
(song title)
- Akh vi sheyn -- akh vi sheyn, khanele iz sheyn, zet vi reyn,
(first line)
- Akh vi shver iz mir dos leyden, mayn tayer kind,
(first line)
- Akh Vi Voyl Un Akh Vi Gut
(song title)
- Akh vos klingt ir kirkhen gloken, hert shoyn af,
(first line)
- Akh vos zey ikh dort, ikh gloyb nit mayne oygn, tsu iz dos..
(2 first lines)
- Akh vu iz zi henie, atzind? Dos libe dos goldene kind….
(first line)
- Akh Ya Habibi
(first line)
- Akh ya habibi
(2 first lines)
- Akh Ya Habibi (nign)
(song title)
- Akh ya habibi (repeated)
(first line)
- Akh yene nakht yene gliklikh nakht hot freyd un a shir….
(first line)
- Akh! (3x) Alta alta va la luna, cuando 'mpeca amanecer,
(first line)
- Akh! nit gut! Ikh hob keyn fraye mut. Es geyt mir ayn mayn..
(first line)
- Akh, day harts iz oykh mayn harts, ales vos ikh…
(first line)
- Akh, dos esn vos dayn mame hot tsugegreyt iz gevesn geshmak,
(first line)
- Akh, du reboynu shel olam, vos tustu oyf dayn tevye, vos?
(2 first lines)
- Akh, elnt vi a shteyn, finster un troyerik, ikh bleyb aleyn
(2 first lines)
- Akh, got helf unds azoy vi di yidn in mitsrayim….
(first line)
- Akh, ir yidelekh, yidelekh, tayere yidelekh, vos...fun dortn
(2 first lines)
- Akh, kalt un blas un vist, mayn yugent geyt avek,
(first line)
- Akh, kalt un blas un vist, mayn yugent geyt avek…
(first line)
- Akh, mayn libe Sore-Dvoshe, vos zhe zitstu in gas…
(first line)
- Akh, pod sosnoyu, pod zelyonoyu, spat polozhite vy menya...
(first line)
- Akh, shlof shoyn mayn tayere zindele, es falt dokh shoyn...
(first line)
- Akh, shlof zhe, mayn tayere zunele, es falt dokh shoyn tsu bald di nakht,
(2 first lines)
- Akh, troyert, badoyert dem groysn frishn brokh, zoln trerern zikh mern un…
(first line)
- Akh, un a heym tsu shpot un shand…
(first line)
- Akh, ven ikh nor raykh vere,
(first line)
- Akh, vi di yorn zaynen farforn, Zayt Ikh bin milner ot o do?
(first line)
- Akh, vi fray un freylekh geven iz dos lebn, s'hot di zun azoy heys gebakt,…
(first line)
- Akh, vi sheyns s'iz itster oyf di pagoda, es brent mayn...
(first line)
- Akh, vi sheyns s'iz itster oyf di pagoda, es brent mayn…
(first line)
- Akh, yene nakht, yene gliklekhe nakht,
(first line)
- Akh, yene nakht, yene gliklekhe nakht, hot...un a shir...
(first line)
- Akha li et khener a'al mishkhavi od meyat od mizeyr yavo...
(first line)
- Akhad hu mesefer hamedinot mehairdan leyam, shtaim mesefer medinot hseyom ahad..
(first line)
- Akhake Lo
(song title)
- Akhaleyl Behalili
(song title)
- Akhar Hazoharaym Shel Shabat
(song title)
- Akhar Katsir
(song title)
- Akharei Hatzema
(song title)
- Akharey Moti (Glantz)
(song title)
- Akharey Moti (Grad)
(song title)
- Akharey moti sifdu kakha li. haya ish - uru eynenu od.
(4 first lines)
- Akharey Shenesat
(song title)
- Akhas
(song title)
- Akhas Shoalti
(song title)
- Akhas shoalti mayays hashem osoh avakaysh, shivti bevays...
(first line)
- Akhashaverish Shpil
(song title)
- Akhat shtayim, akhat shtayim, vayt der veg biz Yerusholaim,
(2 first lines)
- Akhbushl iz a mayzele, a froshl, mit a fisele a lumen,
(first line)
- Akhes V'akhes
(song title)
- Akhes, v'akhes, vel aykh onheybn tsu fartaytshen vos der...
(first line)
- Akheynu
(song title)
- Akheynu Kol Beys Yisroel
(song title)
- Akheynu Kol Beys Yisroel (Rosenblatt)
(song title)
- Akheynu Kol Beys Yisroel (Video)
(song title)
- Akheynu Kol Beys Yisroel (Zilberts)
(song title)
- Akheynu kol beys yisroel,
(first line)
- Akheynu kol beys Yisroel, hanesunim batsoro uvashiveyo, ho'oymdim beyn uveyn…
(first line)
- Akheynu, akheynu kol beyt yisroel
(first line)
- Akheynu, akheynu, kol beys yisroel, Akheynu, akheynu, kol beys yisroel
(first line)
- Akhi Yonaton (My Brother Jonothan
(song title)
- Akhim, s'refa! Akhim!
(first line)
- Akhke lo b'khol yomsheyovo, V'af al pi sheyismame'a,
(first line)
- Akhrei Shekavar haiti can vehaiti sham od lo hevanti mehu hamakom lefarokh...
(first line)
- Akhris Hayomim (Yid)
(song title)
- Akhris Hayomim (Yid, Purim Shpil)
(song title)
- Akhrit Hayomim
(song title)
- Akhrit Hayomom Purim Khevra Simkha Purim D'bobov
- Akhshav
(song title)
- Akhshav, akhshav, b'emek yisroel, tumba, tumba, tumba,
(2 first lines)
- Akhshav, akhshav, b'emek yisroel, tumba, tumba, tumba, hey tumba tumba tumba..
(first line)
- Akht A Zeyger
(song title)
- Akht a zeyger, akht a zeyger, es iz zeyer shpet,
(first line)
- Akht Kleyne Brider
(song title)
- Akht kleyne brider, fun a groysn flam, zingen shtume lider..
(first line)
- Akht Likhtlekh
(song title)
- Akht likhtlekh zenen mir, akht likhtlekh, akht. Likhtik, freylekh brenen mir…
(first line)
- Akhtsik Er Un Zibetsik Zi
(song title)
- Akhtsik Er Un Zibetsik Zi (Video)
(song title)
- Akhtsik er zibetsik zi
(song title)
- Akhtung, akhtung,..ale pasazshrirn…zenen gebetn,..hobn zi valize, hon nisht keyn
(first line)
- Akiva (Rabi Akiva)
(song title)
- Akiva Ben-Horin and Rashit/Jewish Music Ensemble
- Ako leka tshee, ekolaka tshueo, eko leke tshee tshee tshueo,
(first line)
- Akolti naknikiah
(song title)
- akoshov hashamayim ti'taem lechaiach
(first line)
- Akshones
(song title)
- Aktsie In Geto
(song title)
- Al 'N Yetta
(song title)
- Al Admatenu
(song title)
- Al ahavatecha esh te geviyi, shalom lecha shalom yom hashevi
(first line)
- Al ak taaminu li, ki beeinaim sheli, hatzahok otef et hadamaut,
(first line)
- Al Akhas Kamo Vekhamo
(song title)
- Al akhas kamo vekhamo tova khefula umkhupelet lemakom...
(2 first lines)
- Al and Yetta always sit togetha, watching TV every single night…
(first line)
- Al At Le'al
(song title)
- Al Borot HaMayim
(song title)
- Al Capone
(song title)
- Al Chet (Der Nayer)
(song title)
- Al Chifah
(song title)
- Al Chof Eylat
(song title)
- Al comtemplar no vi a otro amado que a Ti
(first line)
- Al davar atid al takhshov tamid - ze minhag garu, garu.
(first line)
- Al Dio Alto
(song title)
- Al dio alto, con su grasia, Mos mande mucha ganansia.
(first line)
- Al ele ani bokhiya eyni yorda maim ki rakhak mimeni meshiv nafshi
(first line)
- Al Elohi Shamaim
(song title)
- Al Eyle Ani Vukho
(song title)
- Al eym haderekh shemo misgoleles, shoshana khakhlilas eyniym
(first line)
- Al Gag Adom
(song title)
- Al gag adom yonah yoshevet yonat ha'ahavah ha'ruach min hayam noshevet kalal
(first line)
- Al Gay Soos Admoni
(song title)
- Al Givot Sheikh Avreyk
(song title)
- Al Ha'derech etz omet tzmorto tashoach, etzvohu tziporah l'enchot ha'ruach
(first line)
- Al Ha'derech shouv yiord ha'arev ha'fondek toveh b'shekah
(first line)
- Al ha'givah sheiahta malchotech at marinah mahetech lafar
(first line)
- Al ha'ira yefot yanim, al ha'ira, al ya'ir pereh al kicar ha'talyamim al rusi…
(first line)
- Al ha'or
(song title)
- al haboker mitor'rer od lifnai litush shinaim
(first line)
- Al HaDerech
(song title)
- Al HaDerech Ez Eomer
(song title)
- Al Haderekh
(song title)
- Al haderekh ets omed vekulo kafuf hu,
(2 first lines)
- Al Haderekh Ets Omeyd
(song title)
- Al haderekh eyts omeyd vekhulu kofuf hu,
(first line)
- Al haderekh eyts omeyd...
(first line)
- Al hadvash veal haokets, al hamar vehamatok,
(6 first lines)
- Al Hagel Hakol
(song title)
- Al Hagesher hayashan
(song title)
- Al hahol hakham hanoshek leyam, kef regla ketana lo tashuv lashem,
(first line)
- Al Haifa
(song title)
- Al Hakefek
(song title)
- Al haketzeh, alkatzah ha'lashon zeh omed lefotz pitom eretzeh
(first line)
- Al Hakol
(song title)
- Al hakol adonay eloheynu anakhnu modim lakh...
(first line)
- Al hamachaneya yareach al hamarea sareah
(first line)
- Al Hamerpeset
(song title)
- Al Hamnokha
(song title)
- Al hanegev yored lil hasativ, vematzit kukvim kharesh khareshm, et haruakh...
(first line)
- Al Hanirim Haaforim
(song title)
- Al Hanisim
(song title)
- Al Hanisim (Albrecht)
(song title)
- Al Hanisim (Alter)
(song title)
- Al Hanisim (Bishko)
(song title)
- Al Hanisim (Folk Melody)
(song title)
- Al Hanisim (Stolovoy)
(song title)
- Al hanisim ve'al hanifloes ve'al hatshues, af undzere vegn vaksn nisim, helden..
(first line)
- Al hanisim, v'al hapurkon, v'al hag'vuros, v'al hat'shous...
(11 first lines)
- Al hanisim, v'al hapurkon, v'al hag'vuros, v'al hat'shous…
(first line)
- Al hanisim, v'al hapurkon, v'al hag'vuton, v'al hatushuos...
(first line)
- Al Hanism (Bloemendal)
(song title)
- Al Hanism (Davidson)
(song title)
- Al Hanism (Frimer)
(song title)
- Al Hanism (Isaacson)
(song title)
- Al Harekhev
(song title)
- Al Harim
(song title)
- Al harim ohleh haboker, bshvilim roheh yoreda, ehdarim chitru hashoket,
(first line)
- Al harim ole haboker, bashvilim roa yorda, adorim kitru...
(3 first lines)
- Al harim oleh haboker, Bashvilim roah yorda, Adarim kitru...
(2 first lines)
- Al Harishonim
(song title)
- Al Harofeh
(song title)
- Al Hasela Hakh
(song title)
- Al hasela hakh, hakh! Al hasela hahk, hakh, hakh!
(3 first lines)
- Al Hashkhita
(song title)
- Al hatan
(song title)
- Al Hatsadikim
(song title)
- Al hayam kochev zoher, vhoo rechok kmo chalom, vooli idi oto tashig,
(first line)
- Al Horishonim
(song title)
- Al Horishonim (Cohen)
(song title)
- Al Horishonim (Nowakowsky)
(song title)
- Al horishonim v'al ho-akharonim dovor tov vekayom le'olam...
(7 first lines)
- Al Jolson/ A Khazn Oyf Shabes/ Hebrew Chant
- Al Kanfe Hakesef
(song title)
- Al Kanfei
(song title)
- Al Kapav Yavi
(song title)
- Al Kav Hamaim
(song title)
- Al kav hamaim omed lo haidiot hazeh, hu od maat yara ze od maat yakra,
(first line)
- Al Ken Bakodesh (Leken Bekodesh..)
(song title)
- Al Keyn
(song title)
- Al Khet
(song title)
- Al Khet (Kwartin)
(song title)
- Al Khet Fun Dem Barditshiver Rebn
(song title)
- Al Khomotayikh Yerusholaim
(song title)
- Al Kol Eleh
(song title)
- Al Kol Eyle
(song title)
- Al koteret baton tzavua bechum mitkalef khonot mimaoofan shalosh yonim eeroniyot
(first line)
- Al Li Lu Li
(song title)
- Al li lu li, shlof zhe eyn, mayn gdule, makh zhe tsu dayne eygelekh,
(2 first lines)
- Al li lu li, shlof zhe eyn, mayn gdule, makh zhe tsu dayne..
(first line)
- Al li lu li, shlof zhe eyn, mayn gdule, makh zhe tsu di eygelekh, di fina
(2 first lines)
- Al llegar, tu andae veloz se oye en cualquier rincon, desde el mar raro confin
(first line)
- Al masa shel hakhaim, tzoedet yakhpa, lefamim al hol naim, lefamim bekera,
(first line)
- Al mi ani oved, rak al etzmi, al mi ani oved, belilot shishi, kashehaverdidut...
(first line)
- Al Na Tomar
(song title)
- Al Na Tomar Li Shalom
(song title)
- Al na tomar: hine darki haakhrona et or hayom histru shmey haanana…
(first line)
- Al Naharos Bovel
(song title)
- Al Naharos Bovel Introduction
(song title)
- Al Neharot Bavel
(song title)
- Al Neharot Bevel
(song title)
- Al Nehorot Bavel
(song title)
- Al Nehorot Bavel (Chajes)
(song title)
- Al Nehorot Bavel (Rossi)
(song title)
- Al nehorot bavel, sham yashavnu, gam bakhinu,
(2 first lines)
- Al nehorot, nehorot bavel, sham yashavnu, ya shavnu bakhinu,
(first line)
- Al nerot, nerot bavel, sham yashavnu, ya shavnu bakhinu,
(first line)
- Al Nibkash hakal kadat al notkaron lagvi hamhar yesh lifamim shasivah lo nodat
(first line)
- Al pani hakvish eha shottah lah
(first line)
- Al Perekh Sheniktaf
(song title)
- Al rekhev he'emasti, zekenim aseret, kol haderekh na'amnu...
(first line)
- Al rosh habrosh shebekhatser simkha vahamula.
(2 first lines)
- Al Sefod Al Bekhot (Haas)
(song title)
- Al Sefod Al Bekhot (Milet)
(song title)
- Al sefod al bekhot be'et kazot al horid rash, avod, avod…
(first line)
- Al sefod al bekhot be'et kazot…
(first line)
- Al Sfat Yam Kineret
(song title)
- Al sfat yam kineret armon rav tiferet. Gan el sham natua,
(4 first lines)
- Al sfat yom kineret armon rav tiferet. Gan el sham natua,
(3 first lines)
- Al Shlosha Devarim
(song title)
- Al Shlosha Devarim (Gold)
(song title)
- Al Shlosha Devarim (Tsur)
(song title)
- Al shlosha devarim, (2x) al shlosha, shlosha devarim...
(3 first lines)
- Al shlosha devorim, al shlosha devaroim, al shlosha...
(3 first lines)
- Al Shlosha Pishey Damesek
(song title)
- Al Ta'amini Lo
(song title)
- Al Taavri L'vad
(song title)
- Al tacvas shechorim v'livanim
(first line)
- Al tadagi lagorelnu
(song title)
- Al Taksho (Psalm 095:08)
(song title)
- Al Talchi macan
(song title)
- Al Talkhi Mekan
(song title)
- Al talkhi mekan, al talkhi mekan, ish li rak otakh, ish li rak otakh,
(first line)
- Al Talmini Lo
(song title)
- al tarvri l'vad yldah barhov bashar golash al tarvi yldah
(first line)
- Al Tashlikhenu
(song title)
- Al Tashlikhenu (Smulevitz)
(song title)
- Al Taster Panecha
(song title)
- Al taster panecha mimeni bejom car li. Hate elaj oznecha, al taster panecha mime
(first line)
- Al Taster Panekha
(song title)
- Al taster panekha mimeni bayon tsar li, hatey elay aznekha..
(2 first lines)
- Al Tatalos
(song title)
- Al tazmu et haeinim
(song title)
- Al Tebalbel Li Yoter Et Hamoakh
(song title)
- Al telachi michan, al telachi maihan, et ekvot ha'zman ha'avout shlach
(first line)
- Al Telekh
(song title)
- Al telekh akshav pashush tishma et heolam kemo sod akhrei khatzot kemo shir...
(first line)
- al tenasi lhavim ki et al cholah kol hashanim she'avru l'lo notnot chnonah
(first line)
- Al Ticchasi
(song title)
- Al tifge bi leazvekh lashuv meakharayikh, ki el asher...
(3 first lines)
- Al Tifgey Bi Le-ozvekh
(song title)
- Al Tifgey Bi Le-ozvekh (Davidson)
(song title)
- Al Tifgey Bi Le-ozvekh (Greenberg)
(song title)
- Al Tifgey Bi Le-ozvekh (Stern)
(song title)
- Al tifgi bi le-ozveich lashuv meiachoryich ki el-asher...
(2 first lines)
- Al Tijuana and his Jewish Brass
- Al Tira (Chai)
(song title)
- Al Tira (Segal)
(song title)
- Al Tira (Yardeini)
(song title)
- Al Tira (Zeira)
(song title)
- Al Tira Avdi Yaakov
(song title)
- Al Tira Avdi Yaakov (Amar)
(song title)
- Al tira avdi Yaakov, Hoy khalamti khalom, Al tira avdi...
(6 first lines)
- Al Tira Israel
(song title)
- Al Tira Mipakhad (Carlibach)
(song title)
- Al Tira Mipakhad (Malovany, et al)
(song title)
- Al tira mipakhad pisom, umishoas reshoyim ki sova uzu...
(first line)
- Al tira mipakhad pisom, umishoas reshoyim ki sova uzu…
(first line)
- Al Tiruni
(song title)
- Al Tisgeri Li Et Adelet
(song title)
- Al Tishalel
(song title)
- Al Tishalu Oti
(song title)
- Al Tishkechini
(song title)
- Al Tiskor
(song title)
- Al titan lah l'lakat
(song title)
- Al Tivchri
(song title)
- Al Toft and His Orchestra/ The Dashing White Sergeant/ Road to the Isles
- Al Toft and Orchestra/ Fado Blanquita/ Charmarita
- Al Ya'azveynu
(song title)
- Al Ze Hoyoh
(song title)
- Al Zos Shibkhu Ahuvim
(song title)
- Al-Ghanor
(song title)
- Alabar quiero al Dios/ que es grande de loores/ que crio para el hombre
(first line)
- Alah Shemot
(song title)
- Alan Sherman/ my son the folk singer
- Alas (Ohime)
(song title)
- Alas, my love, you do me wrong, to cast me off...
(first line)
- Alavar Alavaremos
(song title)
- Alavar quero al dio con taner y cante, siendo el no...
(first line)
- Alavar Quiero Al Dio Con Taner...
(song title)
- Alberto Hemsi/ Coplas Sefardies / Chansons Judeo-espagnoles/ Judio-spanish songs/ Chant Pedro Aledo
- Albukerke
(song title)
- Albumblatt
(song title)
- Albumblatt (World Premiere)
(song title)
- Alcazba
(song title)
- Ale ale in eynem in a hoyz a sheynem, mir veln zikh firn net un fayn, ale ale in eynem in a hoyz a sheynem, mir veln…..
(first line)
- Ale Brider
(song title)
- Ale Brider (Instrumental)
(song title)
- Ale Brider (Medley)
(song title)
- Ale Brider (Video)
(song title)
- Ale Brider / Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band (Video)
- Ale Far Eynem
(song title)
- Ale Far Eyns
(song title)
- Ale Felker Zingen
(song title)
- Ale felker zingen, yeders hot ober zayn lid,
(2 first lines)
- Ale felker zingen, yedes folk hot zikh zayn gezang.
(first line)
- Ale felker zingen, yedes folk hot zikh zayn lid.
(3 first lines)
- Ale gevoyen zikh tsu tsu mayn nusakh fun lid, ale, nor nit..
(first line)
- Ale Glaykh
(song title)
- Ale hayzlekh vayse farziglt unter vinters keyt un shlos, az dos gesl glantst…
(first line)
- Ale In Eynem
(song title)
- Ale in eynem!
(first line)
- Ale khamda libi, Vekhus na ve'al titalim.
(4 first lines)
- Ale lakh, ale tants, di gantse mishpokhe, ya ba ba ba bom, ale zing, ale es
(first line)
- Ale Lebn Fray
(song title)
- Ale mayne khavertes zokn az ikhn bin mies, nit keyn ponim,
(first line)
- Ale Mayne Nekhtns Zaynen Shtign
(song title)
- Ale mayne nekhtns zaynen shtign vos hobn nor tsu dir geflirt
(first line)
- Ale Mener Ale Vayber
(song title)
- Ale mener hobn lib tsu krikhn mit di hent, ven men zeyt a...
(2 first lines)
- Ale menshn oyf der velt, hobn...vos der andere tuen,
(first line)
- Ale Menshn Tuen Dos
(song title)
- Ale Menshn Viln
(song title)
- Ale Menshn Zaynen Brider
(song title)
- Ale mentshn forn iber a veg, es ligt a tayere blum,
(first line)
- Ale mentshn shtrebn zeyer kinder oystsugebn, men filt zikh…
(first line)
- Ale mentshn viln, yeder eyner vil, eyner vil a bisl,
(2 first lines)
- Ale mentshn zaynen brider, royte gela shvartse vayse, lender, felker un klimatn,
(first line)
- Ale mentshn zaynen brider, royte gele, shvartse, vayse,
(first line)
- Ale Montik
(song title)
- Ale montik vasht di mame, helf ikh mamen vashen,
(first line)
- Ale montik vasht mayn mame, helf ikh mamen vashn,
(first line)
- Ale shmeylkhen zaynen heylik, dayne merer, nem mayn dank,
(first line)
- Ale tantsn, a vals, jazz, ale tantsn, ale ale tantsn,
(2 first lines)
- Ale Toldus Noyekh
(song title)
- Ale toldus noyekh, fun bromfn hot men koyekh, a bisl vayn...
(first line)
- Ale Trinken
(song title)
- Ale trinken (7x), der yam trink di taykhn, di zun trinkt...
(first line)
- Ale vartn, yung un alt, breng derleyzung, kum shoyn bald. mit moshiekh ben...
(first line)
- Ale Vaserlekh
(song title)
- Ale Vaserlekh (Pancour)
(song title)
- Ale vaserlekh flisn avek, di gribelekh blaybn leydik,
(5 first lines)
- Ale vaserlekh flisn avek, di gribelekh blaybn leydk,
(first line)
- Ale vaserlekh flisn avek, uni gribelekh blaybn leydik, nito aza mentsh oyf...
(first line)
- Ale vaserlekh, zey geyen iber, ale gribelekh zeynen leydik, oysgerisn zol...
(first line)
- Ale Vayber Zoln Lebn 100 Yor
(song title)
- Ale vegn firn ergets, yeder veg bazunder trogt mayn goyrl,
(first line)
- Ale Viln Zingen
(song title)
- Ale viln, ale viln, der vil koved, der vil gelt,
(first line)
- Ale Yidn
(song title)
- Ale yidn, zeyt tsufriden mit vos ir hot un vos ir vet nokh..
(first line)
- Ale zogn di moderne tsayt iz sheyn, nor ikh...
(first line)
- Ale, ale in eynem in a hoys a sheynem, mir veln …
(first line)
- Ale, ale kumen on, ale, ale tupen mit di fis,
(first line)
- Alef Bet (Kraus)
(song title)
- Alef Bet (Shemer)
(song title)
- Alef Bet Song
(song title)
- Alef Beys
(song title)
- Alef Beys (Eng)
(song title)
- Alef Beys (Kinnor Children Choir)
(song title)
- Alef Beys Giml (Alphabet Song)
(song title)
- Alef beys giml daled hey, vov un zayin, khes un tes,
(2 first lines)
- Alef Beyt Girl
(song title)
- Alef shnot or bini u'vin ha'esh mahacokav shememul shea v'arbaim dakot beni u'v.
(first line)
- Alef, als ding farmogt der nogid, beys, broyt, feylt dem...
(first line)
- Alef, arbus, bet iz bobe, giml iz a grober goy, dalet, daley, vos iz dalet....
(first line)
- Alef, bet vet, alef, bet, vet, gilm, dalet hey,
(first line)
- Alef, eyngemakhst, est der nogid, beys, beydelekh grizet...
(first line)
- Alef, eyngemakhst, est der nogid, beys, beydelekh grizet…
(first line)
- Alef, she's the first girl that caught my eye,
(first line)
- Alef-An Odler
(song title)
- Alef-an odler, beys-a bonder, giml-a glekl,
(first line)
- Alef-Beys Lid
(song title)
- Aleia
(song title)
- Aleichem V'Aleinu
(song title)
- Aleichem, Sholem : The Fiddle / Howard Da Silva
- Aleko
(song title)
- Aleli Nafshi
(song title)
- Alenu Leschiabeach
(song title)
- Aleph Bet/ Cesar Lerner/ Marcelo Moguilevsky
- Aleph Duo A to Z in Jewish Music
- Aleph-Beit (Haas)
(song title)
- Ales Far Gelt
(song title)
- Ales Farloyrn
(song title)
- Ales farloyrn, ales farfaln, khotsh dos harts zogt neyn,
(first line)
- Ales farloyrn, ales farfaln, khotsh dos harts zogt neyn, elent vi a shteyn layd
(first line)
- Ales farloyrn, ales farfaln, khotsh dos harts zogt neyn, elent vi a shteyn…
(first line)
- Ales farloyrn, ales farfaln, khotsh... elent vi a shteyn,
(first line)
- Ales in eynem iz nishto bay keynem, tsu raykh tsu orem,
(first line)
- Alevanta Sultanatchi
(song title)
- Alex Marcus Goldman Orchestra (second album)
- Alex's Intro to Kalman Piece
(song title)
- Alex's Intro to Korngold Piece
(song title)
- Alex's Intro to Weill paino piece
(song title)
- Alexander Tamir at Piano (Video)
(song title)
- Alexander Tarski, Conductor/ Gerer Dance Tunes Composed by Yankel Talmud
- Alexander Uriyah Boskovich
- Alexander's Ragtime Band
(song title)
- Alexandra Gorelik Ikh Hob Dikh Tsufil Lib
- Alexandra Gorelik sings A Violet &..Jewish Traditional Songs
- Alexandrovitsh, Misha Radio Interv
(song title)
- Alexandrovsky
(song title)
- Aley Giva
(song title)
- Aley giva sham bagalil, yoshev shomer uvefiv khalil,
(first line)
- Aley giva sham bagolil Yoshav hashomer,
(first line)
- Aley givah sham bagalil, yoshev shomer uvefiv khalil,
(2 first lines)
- Aley givah sham yoshev shomer...
(first line)
- Aleyn
(song title)
- Aleyn bin ikh a galitsianer, gevolt vern an amerikaner,
(3 first lines)
- Aleyn Gezukht Zikh Tsores
(song title)
- Aleyn In Veg
(song title)
- Aleyn Oyf Der Velt
(song title)
- Aleyn Vos Hot Es Far A Zinen
(song title)
- Aleynu
(song title)
- Aleynu leshabeakh la-adon hakol. Lasays gedula leyotsayr…
(first line)
- Aleynu leshabeyekh ladon hakol. Lasays gedula leyotsayr...
(7 first lines)
- Alfonsina
(song title)
- Alfred, Jean/ Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen/ Hatikva
- Alfred, Jeanne/ Kleyne Mikhelke/ Ay-li-lu-li Shlof
- Alhambra Performs Judeo-Spanish Songs
- Ali
(song title)
- Ali Ali (Halikha Lekesariya)
(song title)
- Ali Ha'esh (Heb, Rise O Flame)
(song title)
- Ali omu yekka
(song title)
- Ali V'er
(song title)
- Ali v'er, ali b'er ali, uts'ki mei faz letokh hadli.
(first line)
- Ali V'er/Zemer Lakh
(song title)
- Alice and the Last Hour
(song title)
- Alice Blue Gown (Yid)
(song title)
- Alice Svigals and Uli Geisendoerfer: Beregovski Suite
- Alicia Svigals / Fidl / Klezmer Violin
- Alie-lulie, alie-lulie, shlof mayn tayere in ru, voyl iz dem vos hot a mame un a
(2 first lines)
- Alie-lulie, alie-lulie, shlof shoyn mayn tayere in ru,
(2 first lines)
- Alie-lulie, alie-lulie, shlof, mayn kindele, un ru,
(first line)
- Alie-lulie, alie-lulie, shlof, mayn tayere, in ru,
(first line)
- Alie-lulie, alie-lulie, shlof, mayn yingele, un ru,
(first line)
- Alie-lulie, alie-lulie, voyl iz dem vos hot a mame, un a...
(first line)
- Alina Ivakh/ Feijgele
- ALittle Off The Top
(song title)
- Aliza Kashi Hello People Vol 2
- Aliza Kashi/ Folk Dances (Yemeni/Chassidic)
- Aliza Kashi/ Live In Concert
- All Call (Yid)
(song title)
- All day long we march along in the desert heat, now the...
(first line)
- All day you sit, wondering what became of it.
(first line)
- All for you: collection of love songs
- All Has Passsed Away (Yid)
(song title)
- All I Ask of You
(song title)
- All I really want is you you eyes no ones quite as hot as you make me sweat
(first line)
- All I want is a room somewhere, far away from the cold...
(first line)
- All I want is seven happy years, without worry, without woe,
(2 first lines)
- All In The Family (Eng)
(song title)
- All Is Vanity
(song title)
- all iz gebornen in telenesh, all fire kinder, ma mama got fire kinder, nacheh…
(first line)
- All Love Which Depends
(song title)
- All love which depends upon some material cause, When that ceases,...
(first line)
- All Men Are Brothers (Eng, German)
(song title)
- All my life's a circle, sunrise and sundown, the moon rose..
(first line)
- All night I was walking the baby, ohh…oh, his eyes are blue,
(first line)
- All Night Long (Eng, Heb)
(song title)
- All praises to thee we bring, To thee our fathers' God,
(first line)
- All right all right ever'body, a lot of pipl didn't pay da dues here, you listen
(first line)
- All right ever'body, pliz children, get on da line, ve gonna give you di baloons
(first line)
- All right, now all the children, vi gonna have a parade, and vi gonna give oud..
(first line)
- All right, this was my dream, in the beginning I dreamt we..
(first line)
- All round de little farm I wandered when I was young,
(first line)
- All Seasons Israeli Medley (Instr)
(song title)
- All the animals that I eat, must chew the cud and have...
(first line)
- All the beans are brown and it's Friday, I was so eager...
(first line)
- All The Children (Eng, Az Der..)
(song title)
- All The Fine Young Men (Irish)
(song title)
- All the fish in the ocean, all the birds in the sky, all the trees in the forest
(first line)
- All the folks in our circle, brokers, shopkeepers, clerks in banks…
(first line)
- All The Pretty Horses (Eng)
(song title)
- All the towns are building store malls by the score,
(first line)
- All The Way Home (Eng)
(song title)
- All These Stones
(song title)
- All through the ages, Prophets and sages bewailed Jerusalem,
(first line)
- All week song I work in the shop, I work and work and never stop,
(first line)
- All you lonely girls, whose hubbies stay out nights, don't be chumps all...
(first line)
- All's Freylekh (Instr)
(song title)
- Alla Milchtein: Musical Journeys Through the Jewish Diaspora
- Allegro
(song title)
- Allegro Energico
(song title)
- Allegro Scherzando For Violin...
(song title)
- Alles fur die Freiheit
(song title)
- Alles In Eynem
(song title)
- Alles is di Vohnung nun gevorden, Schlafraum, Strasse,
(first line)
- Alles Ist Di Wohnung Nun Gevorden
(song title)
- Alles Kan Beter
(song title)
- Alley Cat (Yid)
(song title)
- Allmachtiger, meine Kraft ist zu Ende
(song title)
- Allright children, who always manages to drop his toast...
(first line)
- Alma
(song title)
- Alma Corazon Y Vida
(song title)
- Alma Gluck / Efrem Zimbalist / Hatikva
- Alma shatah beambatia, al glim khalom, al gli shel khom, he hogeget et...
(first line)
- Alma Y Vide Y Coravon
(song title)
- Almighty God, we beseech thee, send thry threefold blessing.
(first line)
- Almonds and Wine (Video)
(1 song title,1 album)
- Almost every day I hear some kind friend say, Sophie dear, I think you're much…
(first line)
- Alnat
(song title)
- alol l'ban bashekt tem lagoa kmo esh shamkasti azlah
(first line)
- Alona Omeret
(song title)
- Alone and loose, almost a cryin', there's no use denyin,
(first line)
- Alone I Set Out Upon My Way
(song title)
- Alone On The Road
(song title)
- Along Piterskaya (Russian)
(song title)
- Along the River Volga (Medley)
(song title)
- Along The Sea Shore
(song title)
- Along The Seashore Poems and Songs by Nathan Yonathan
- Along time ago, there lived in Scotland, an almone
(first line)
- Along time ago, way out in di west, di early settlers were aving tsuris mit di..
(first line)
- Alosza Awdiejew W Repertuarze Zydowskim
- Alovon
(song title)
- Alpayim Shanah (2000 Years)
(song title)
- Alphabet Song (Yid, Alef Beys...)
(song title)
- Alright, get down,...give it to me, give it to me,
(first line)
- Als Avek Mit Dem Roykh
(song title)
- Als Far Gelt
(song title)
- Als ich noch a kleinkind war in meiner muter am, fuhite ich mich wohlig dort,…
(2 first lines)
- Als kind bin ikh, geven a bren, k'hob als getun oyf gikh,
(first line)
- Als kind hob ikh gevust, ikh muz aleyn zikh alts farzorgen,
(2 first lines)
- Als man zahlt tausend vierhundert, Auch sieben und siebzig..
(first line)
- Als Ob (German)
(song title)
- Als vader weer bladert in zijn fotoboek dan sta je verstedld als hij weer vertel
(first line)
- Als wir jungst verschnitt jejanger waren.
(first line)
- Als yung bin ikh geven a bren, kh'hob alts getun oyf gikh,
(first line)
- Alsding iz bay mir farshtelt, mit der shvartse...
(first line)
- Alt Ney Kasrilevke
(song title)
- Alt-Nei Kasrilevke by Sholom Aleichem
- alt. shul Kale Bazetsn
(song title)
- Alta Alta E La Luna
(song title)
- Alta Alta Es La Luna
(song title)
- Alta alta es la luna, cuando 'mpeca 'sclarecer,
(first line)
- Alta Alta Va La Luna
(song title)
- Alte Lider (Der Rebe Hot Gehey...)
(song title)
- Alte Moyd
(song title)
- Alte Philosopher
(song title)
- Alte Sher
(song title)
- Alter Bulgar
(song title)
- Alter Donald (Old MacDonald)
(song title)
- Alter donald hot a farm, i ay i ay ay, un oyfn farm hot...
(2 first lines)
- Alter Ego
(song title)
- Alter Rebees Nign - Four Sections
(song title)
- Alter Sher
(song title)
- Alter Yidisher Tants
(song title)
- Altmodishe Balade
(song title)
- Alts Far Gelt
(song title)
- Alts Far Gelt (Instr)
(song title)
- Alts Geyt Avek Mitn Roykh
(song title)
- Alts Heybt Zikh Un Fun Dir (Y, H)
(song title)
- Alts Hot Der Doktor Farbotn
(song title)
- Alts in bin ikh geven a ruekh, o boy, ikh hob gehat...
(3 first lines)
- Alts In Eynem
(song title)
- Alts in eynem iz nishto bay keynem, az dos iz do,
(3 first lines)
- Alts In Lebn Endert Zikh
(song title)
- Alts kind bin ikh geven a reuch, o boy, ikh hob gehat boy friends asakh,…
(first line)
- Alts Tsulib Parnuse
(song title)
- Alts Vos Iz Eynzam
(song title)
- Alts vos iz eynzam, hot di farb fun mayn troyer, un alts, vos farshemt iz on mid
(2 first lines)
- Alu Alu
(song title)
- Alu Alu 1
(song title)
- Alu Alu Alu l'eretz avot l'eretz avot…
(first line)
- Alu alu l'erets yisroel avot, le'ar tsenu alu beshir u vim..
(first line)
- Alu L'erets Avot
(song title)
- Alu, alu, l'erets avot, l'artsenu alu beshir uvimkholot,
(3 first lines)
- Alzo, ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to introduce myself...
(first line)
- Am Ekhad Lev Ekhad
(song title)
- Am Israel Chai
(song title)
- Am Koydesh (Yid)
(song title)
- Am Koydesh (Yid, Heb)
(song title)
- Am koydesh, shteyt oyf un geyt lavoydes haboyre!
(3 first lines)
- Am nign Belov (Instr)
(song title)
- Am Shabos
(song title)
- Am Teetisch (German)
(song title)
- Am Yisroel Chai
(song title)
- Am Yisroel Chai (Af Tselokhes...)
(song title)
- Am Yisroel Chai (Efnt Tir Un...)
(song title)
- Am Yisroel Chai (Heb, Instr)
(song title)
- Am Yisroel Chai (Kosher Widow)
(song title)
- Am Yisroel Chai (Od Avinu Khay)
(song title)
- Am Yisroel Chai (Video)_
(song title)
- Am Yisroel Chai (Yid, Dror)
(song title)
- Am Yisroel Chai (Yiddish)
(song title)
- Am Yisroel Chai (Zilberts)
(song title)
- Am Yisroel Chai Hora (Yid)
(song title)
- Am yisroel chai, am yisroel chai
(first line)
- Am Yisroel chay (3), Ad b'li dai (3)
(2 first lines)
- Am Yisroel khai (12), od ovinu khai…
(first line)
- Am Yisroel Khai -Yisroel Du Vest..
(song title)
- Am Yisroel Khay, Am Yisroel Khay, ad beliday ad beliday….
(first line)
- Am Yisroel khay...Od Ovinu Khay...
(first line)
- Am'cha Yisrael
(song title)
- Ama V'doni
(song title)
- Ama yikorah
(song title)
- Amad Ha'gorila bakeleh gorila tzaour v'chazak
(first line)
- Amamiyah (Instr)
(song title)
- Aman Dermendi (Turkish)
(song title)
- Aman Doctor (Heb)
(song title)
- Aman doktor topa me churiya Porke kero yo vivir De los yantos i la maerekiya....
(first line)
- Amapola
(song title)
- Amar Amar
(song title)
- Amar Rabbi Elazar
(song title)
- Amar Rabi Akiva
(song title)
- Amar Rabi Akiva, ve-ahavta le-reakha, le-reakha kamokha,
(first line)
- Amar Rabi Akiva, veahavta lereakha, lereakha kamokha,
(3 first lines)
- Amar Rabi Elazar
(song title)
- Amar Rabi Yitskhak
(song title)
- Amar Sephardic Song & Dance Ensemble Sephardim & Ashkenazim Jews
- Amar, amar, amar, amar, rabi elazar, amar rabi...
(4 first lines)
- Amar, amar, arar, rabi lazar, amar,
(2 first lines)
- Amarat zeh oshah lach tov kashat larachov yiradat
(first line)
- Amazing Songs for Amazing Jewish Kids with Judy Caplan Ginsburgh
- Amber Trio Plays Michael Wolpe
- Amda n'aro mul hakotel,
(first line)
- Ame Me
(song title)
- Amelia Earhart's Last Flight
(song title)
- Amen
(song title)
- Amen (Ladino)
(song title)
- Amen ben chelo kan, haor vehatzel, meaz vemetamid yisraelim, etzbanim,
(first line)
- America (Heritage)
(song title)
- America is a lovely land, its a joy to be here,
(first line)
- America The Beautiful (Eng)
(song title)
- American Jewish Art Songs Paulina Stark
- American Medley
(song title)
- American Rabbi Talks With
(song title)
- American Shadkhen/Amerikaner Shadkhn (Video)
- American Tune (Yid)
(song title)
- Americhka Songs by Yom Tov Ehrlikh
- Amerika (Recitation, French)
(song title)
- Amerika dos land dos traye vi a guter tsimes gefelstu mir,
(first line)
- Amerika dos land dos traye vi a guter tsimes gefelstu mir, bist far undz yidn…
(first line)
- Amerika hot fun klentstn biz grestn, amerika hot fun...
(first line)
- Amerika iz a farkerter velt, a golden land far narunim,
(first line)
- Amerika iz a golden land, dos git a yeder tsu, mit shvindlers, feykers, blofers, ales heyst do "kompani", a griner kumt
(first line)
- Amerika iz a land, vi yeder...tsu makhn...
(first line)
- Amerika mayn vunderland, eybik yung un likhtik land,
(2 first lines)
- Amerika mayn vunderland, mayn eybik yung un likhtik land,
(first line)
- Amerika, a land nur fun hurry up, eyner loyft in biznes,
(3 first lines)
- Amerika, a land nur fun hurry up, eyner loyft in biznes, running to your shop,
(first line)
- Amerikaner Alef Beys
(song title)
- Amerikaner Fir Kashes
(song title)
- Amerikanskaya
(song title)
- Amerike a medinele, a mekhaye kh'lebn, es rut oyf ir dos skhinele, ikh zol es
(first line)
- Amerike Amerike
(song title)
- Amerike Ganef
(song title)
- Amerike Hot Erklart
(song title)
- Amerike hot erklert, zi makht di velt bakant, az england muz opgebn di yidn..
(first line)
- Amerike hot erklert, zi makht di velt bakant, az england...
(first line)
- Amerike iz a golden land, lang un breyt nur vi a..
(first line)
- Amerike iz gor farkert, zog ikh aykh, yeder arbet do vi an oks, vinter'z bizi bay silk veysts a sakh un zumer bay cloaks
(first line)
- Amerike Mayn Vunderland
(song title)
- Amerike, amerike, du bist far mir a glik,
(first line)
- Amerike, bist groys un raykh, du host in zikh a..
(first line)
- Amerike, Hurrah For Uncle Sam
(song title)
- Amerike, vos hot a groysn shem, Amerika, hurrah for Uncle...
(3 first lines)
- Ameritshke
(song title)
- Ameritshke a medinele, a mekhia, kh'lebn' es rit oyf ir a…
(first line)
- Ameryka
(song title)
- Amidst My Life
(song title)
- Amigos Para Siempre
(song title)
- Amir and Efrath/ 51 Holiday Songs for Eyal
- Amir Klugman HaHofesh Bahutz
- Amir Klugman: Khofesh Bakhuts
- Amkha yisroel yibane, am yisroel khay ve-kayom.
(first line)
- Amkho
(song title)
- Amkho (Labortori)
(song title)
- Amkho Sher Un Ayzn
(song title)
- Amkhu Hashem Yedaku
(song title)
- Amkhu hashem yedaku venakhloskhu ye'anu,
(first line)
- Amnan Ken
(song title)
- Amnun, amnun amnun amnun vu iz er? In tol fun yarden kemft..
(first line)
- Amol hot a yidl geheysn yidl. Hot yidl, dos yidl, geshpilt..
(2 first lines)
- Amol hot zikh mayn vaybl shtark tseflamt: "genug in shop dir zitsn! Az vern zol der gantze shop farzampt! Genug shoyn…
(first line)
- Amol hot zikh mayn vaybl shtark tseflamt: "genug in shop dir zitsn!"…
(first line)
- Amol in shtetl, ven m'hot emetsn gerufen mit a fartsoygenen nomen iz er geven…
(first line)
- Amol is geven a surele, a meydele a sheyns, gehat hot zi a briderel, a briderel
(first line)
- Amol iz der zikurn oykh a guter un az me bet bay im a toyve-tut er,
(first line)
- Amol iz geven a boiberik, iz dortn geven a baydele, oy, oy, a baydele,
(first line)
- Amol iz geven a mayse, Di meyse iz gor nit freylekh.
(3 first lines)
- Amol iz geven a mayse, hot di mayse genumen fregn a kashe...
(first line)
- Amol iz geven a meydl, hot zi a yingl gelibt, es libt...
(first line)
- Amol iz geven a meyse, di meyse iz troyerik un sheyn,
(first line)
- Amol iz geven a pastekhl, iz im farloyrn gegangen a shof, geyt er barg arop,
(first line)
- Amol iz geven a pastekhl, iz im farloyrn gegangen a shof, geyt er barg aroyf,
(first line)
- Amol iz geven a pastukhl, iz im farloyrn gegangen a shof.
(first line)
- amol iz geven a yidele, a yidele, a yidele…
(first line)
- Amol iz geven dem yidn zayer voyl un gut…
(first line)
- Amol ven der leyb iz in hunger geven, hot er di khayes in...
(first line)
- Amon Yom Ze
(song title)
- Amor In Budapest
(song title)
- Amorosa (Cardoso)
(song title)
- Amos
(song title)
- Amours Me Fait Comencier
(song title)
- Amphibian Night
(song title)
- Amsterdam Huilt
(song title)
- Amsterdam Klezmer Band / Zaraza
- Amsterdam Klezmer Band/ Katla
- Amsterdam Klezmer Band/ Remixed
- Amsterdam Klezmer Band: Mokum Live at Studio 150
- Amy Shapiro sings Yiddish and other songs. Oy Mama
- Amy Ziegelbaum, flute/ Laura Leon-Cohen, piano/ Blessings of Beauty/ Judiac Gems by...
- An Afternoon Of Jewish Music
(song title)
- An Afternoon Of Yiddish Art Song
- An Afternoon of Yiddish Song and Poetry/ Cantor Roslyn Barak/ Poetry Reading by Rabbi Edward Zerin (Video)
- An Afternoon On The Grass
(song title)
- An Akteritse
(song title)
- An Allem Sind Die Juden Schuld
(song title)
- An Alte Kashe
(song title)
- An Alte Mil
(song title)
- An alter almen zayer raykh zayn vayb iz ersht tsvey vokhn..
(first line)
- An Alter nign
(song title)
- An Alter nign (Medley)
(song title)
- An alter yidish por farheyrat shoyn akht yor, mit tsvey kinder kumen do in land,
(first line)
- An Alter Zhok
(song title)
- An American In Paris (Instr)
(song title)
- An American Treasure/A Gala Concert
(song title)
- An American Treasure/A Gala Concert Celebrating Yiddish Theatre (Video)
- An American Treasure: 2003 Gala Concert Celebrating Yiddish Theatre
- An American Treasure: 2003 Gala Concert
(song title)
- An Ancient Melody
(song title)
- An Ander Tsayt
(song title)
- An ander tsayt, an ander plats,(3) frimorgn, halb-akht...
(first line)
- An Arbetlozer
(song title)
- An Der Weser
(song title)
- An Die Music
(song title)
- An Easy Prey
(song title)
- An Einem Sonnigen Abend (German)
(song title)
- An elenter vint - a veynendik kind, in a farnakhtiker sho
(3 first lines)
- An emese eyshes khayil a tayere, kayn trayere fun dir z'nito
(first line)
- An emese eyshes khayil, an emese eyshes khayil, a tayere...
(5 first lines)
- An emese eyshes khayil, oy an emese eyshes khayil, a tayere kayn trayerer fun ir
(first line)
- An emese eyshes khayil, oy, oy, an emese eyshes khayil,
(first line)
- An Emeser Kontsert (Video)
(song title)
- An epidem ir letste yorn hot aykh shtark farshpreyt,
(first line)
- An epidemik iz oyf undz gekumen, dos gantse land itst mit...
(first line)
- An eternity around the afterglow, Of a mighty stars remains
(first line)
- An Evening In Meskha
(song title)
- An Evening in Moscow (Medley)
(song title)
- An Evening Melody
(song title)
- An Evening With George Gershwin / Donna Morein, Mezzo Soprano/ Alexander Frey, Piano
- An Evening With Herschel Bernardi Chocolate Covered Matzohs
- An Evening With Jacob Sandler
- An Evening With Mike Nichols and Elaine May
- An Evening With Nico Feldman Israeli & Yiddish Folk Songs
- An Eytse
(song title)
- An Eytse (A Matter Of Advice, Eng)
(song title)
- An Eytsele Tsum Vaser-Treger
(song title)
- An here I stand, I am your legacy within my heart, our martyrs so close to me,
(first line)
- An ikh dermon zikh in mayne kinder yorn, punkt vi a kholem..
(2 first lines)
- An Image
(song title)
- An intimate friend of the Czar was I, an intimate friend...
(2 first lines)
- An Irish boy was leaving, leaving his native home,
(first line)
- An Israeli Winery
(song title)
- An L.A. Coke-dealer, a Georgia faith-healer
(first line)
- An Oak Tree Fell
(song title)
- An Ode Fun Yidish
(song title)
- An old cowpunch went out to lunch beyond the pearly gates,
(first line)
- An old cowpunch went out to lunch beyond the pearly gates.
(2 first lines)
- An Old Legend
(song title)
- An Old Love Song
(song title)
- An Old Man With Children/
(song title)
- An Old Song
(song title)
- An Old Song (Tuwin)
(song title)
- An Olga
(song title)
- An Olga (To Olga)
(song title)
- An Only Kid
(song title)
- An orem meydl, elent aleyn, kumt in shop arbet zikh betn, dos boss dort,..
(first line)
- An Orthodox Song (Ani Ma'amin)
(song title)
- An Ortopedisher Fish
(song title)
- An Oster nign
(song title)
- An Oysher Album Moishe & Fraydele Oysher, Marilyn Michaels
- An Oysvarf Fun Der Natur
(song title)
- An so my friends, we come to this week's special event,
(first line)
- An Sylvia
(song title)
- An umglik tsu mayn shokhn iz gekumen, zayn vayb iz fun im...
(2 first lines)
- An UmheymlekheShayle
(song title)
- An Undoing World
(song title)
- Ana
(song title)
- Ana Adonay (Heb)
(song title)
- Ana adoshem hoshia, na, ana adoshem hatslikha na, adoshem aneynu beyom korenu…
(first line)
- Ana Avda
(song title)
- Ana avda deku
(first line)
- Ana Avda Dekudsha Berikh Hu
(song title)
- Ana avda dekudsha berikh hu, desagidna karney umikama dikar orayte
(first line)
- Ana avda dekudsha brikh hu desagidna kame umin kame dikar orayte…
(2 first lines)
- Ana be'khoakh be'khoakh gdulat l'minkha tatir tserura kabale
(first line)
- Ana Be'koakh
(song title)
- Ana Dodi (Davidson)
(song title)
- Ana Dodi (Greenberg)
(song title)
- Ana dodi v'amar kumi lakh rayati yafti ulkhi lakh,
(2 first lines)
- Ana el na
(song title)
- Ana Frank (Monologue)
(song title)
- Ana ha'shem ha'vishoah nah ana hashem hazlichah nah
(first line)
- Ana hagaver otzmat ototikh, kaan ani lo shome lo yode,
(first line)
- Ana Halakh Dodech
(song title)
- Ana halakh dodekh, hayafa banashim, Ana pana dodekh,...
(3 first lines)
- Ana Hashem
(song title)
- Ana Hashem Hashiah nuh, Ana Hashem Hazlichah nuh.
(first line)
- Ana hashem hoshia na, ana hashem hatslikha na,
(4 first lines)
- Ana N'havek
(song title)
- Ana n'havek, ana n'ezak, ana n'prakhek ,elamad d'aili, hu ohev ota, vehe oto,
(first line)
- Ana Pana Dodech (Aldema)
(song title)
- Ana Pana Dodech (Biederman)
(song title)
- Ana Pana Dodech (Davidson)
(song title)
- Ana Pana Dodech (Heiman)
(song title)
- Ana pana dodekh hayafa banashim, hayafa banashim ana...
(2 first lines)
- Ana pana dodekh hayafa banashim, hayafa banashim...
(4 first lines)
- Ana T'Lachi
(song title)
- Ana Tavo Lefanekha
(song title)
- Anachnu
(song title)
- Anah halach dodech, hayafah banashim, hayafah banashim,
(first line)
- Anakhnu Beshia
(song title)
- Anakhnu Haroim
(song title)
- Anakhnu makirim otakh, ata hoshev acshav aleynu, anakhnu makirim otakh,
(first line)
- Anakhnu Me'oto Hakfar
(song title)
- Anakhnu Nebur
(song title)
- Anakhnu Nebur (Medley)
(song title)
- Anakhnu Shneynu
(song title)
- Anani yodeah mianin pitom hofat lzidi kechulah kechliom
(first line)
- Ananim aviveynu, geshem, kor vesa'ar az,
(first line)
- Anarchy Defined in Yiddish Poetry
(song title)
- Anarchy In The Ukraine
(song title)
- Anashim katzrim shemedabrim maher, besafa katzuva hem maspikim yoter,
(first line)
- Anashim mastirim mekhashvut anashim metkhalkhim letomem manasim meshanim...
(first line)
- Anashim Tovim
(song title)
- Anat
(song title)
- Anat Atzmon/Yaakov Bodo: Tsu Zingen un Lakhn (Video)
- Anatevke (Eng)
(song title)
- Anatevke (Instrumental)
(song title)
- Anatevke (Medley)
(song title)
- Anatevke (Yid)
(song title)
- Anatevke, anatevke, shtetl mayns, shtetl sheyn, anatevka,
(first line)
- Anatevke, Anatevke, we leave the town we love so, to a...
(first line)
- Anathema
(song title)
- Anatholy Bonder/Gevolt AlefBase
- Anatoliy's Freylekhs (Instr)
(song title)
- Ancestral Steppes
(song title)
- Ancient People...Noah's Covenant
(song title)
- And all...from Asseria, and the disbursed ones from the...
(first line)
- And everone 'neath their vine and fig tree, shall live in..
(first line)
- And Every Man With His Vine
(song title)
- And every man with his vine and fig tree, shall live at...
(first line)
- And finally we are as the times are We meet to part and go our separate ways
(first line)
- And here I stand, I am your legacy within my heart, Our martyrs so close to me.
(first line)
- And here is old Picasso and the dove and dreams as...
(first line)
- And I will betroth thee unto me forever…
(first line)
- And if it's no more than a bedroom, our world,
(first line)
- And if you want a song to thrill you with romance right, .
(first line)
- And it shall come to pass in the end of days, that the...
(2 first lines)
- And It Was Evening And It…
(song title)
- And Let Her Works Praise Her
(song title)
- And let her works praise her in the gates,
(2 first lines)
- And now the UN in condjunction with the UJA…
(first line)
- And now, my husband dear, my feelings deep, I must express, I'd even shed a tear
(first line)
- And now, the food is here, though I face the final question,
(2 first lines)
- And Said The Fathers/ Niggunim of The Rebbe Mr. Elimelech Meliz'ansk, may his merit sheild us, Conducting: Rav Chiam Bent
- And The Angels Sing
(song title)
- And The Angels Sing (Yid)
(song title)
- And the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden...
(2 first lines)
- And the Lord said Arise Oh Light and He pronounced her name in the…
(first line)
- And the Lord said Arise Oh Light and he pronounced her name in the…
(first line)
- And The Priest And The People...
(song title)
- And the world was a void, all was in chaos, and darkness...
(first line)
- And The Youth Shall See Visions
(song title)
- And there was evening and there was morning of the Shabat...
(2 first lines)
- And they were married and lived happily ever after
(first line)
- And Though He May Tarry (Narrat.)
(song title)
- And you, my young comrades, in wind blown shirts and crimson cravets,
(first line)
- Anda Jaleo (Spanish)
(song title)
- Andante Cantabile
(song title)
- Andemoz Al Kafe
(song title)
- Anderleto
(song title)
- Anderleto, mi Anderleto, Mi kerido i namorado.
(first line)
- Anderw Weissgerber Plays Hebrew Melody by Joseph Achron (Video)
- Andi Joseph/ I've Got Shabat Feeling
- Andi Joseph/ It Was A Miracle
- Andonis (O Antonis, Greek)
(song title)
- Andre Die Das Land So Sehr Nicht..
(song title)
- Andre Ochodio & Pressburger Klezmer Band/ Shalom
- Andre Ochodlo sings Mordechaj Gebirtig & Ewa Kornecka
- Andre, die das Land so sehr nicht liebten, warn von Anfang..
(first line)
- Andrea Baron / The Time of Singing
- Andrea Pancur/ Federmentsh/Lider Fun Yidishland
- Andrews Sisters/ Bay Mir Bistu Sheyn/ Joseph! Joseph!
- Andy Statman Nashville Mornings New York Nights
- Andy Statman Zev Feldman Jewish Klezmer Music
- Andy Statman Flatbush Waltz Jazz and Orig Comp for Mandolin
- Andy Statman/ Avodas ha Levi: Archival recordings from the 1990's
- Andy Statman/ David Grisman Songs of our Fathers
- Andy Statman/ Old Brooklyn
- Andy Statman: Awakening From Above
- Andy's Ride
(song title)
- Andy's Ride (Instr)
(song title)
- Ane, Tzvey, Drei
(first line)
- Anee Mits'taeret
(song title)
- Anelio
(song title)
- Aneynu (Answer Us, O Lord, Heb)
(song title)
- Angel
(2 song titles)
- Angel Eyes
(song title)
- Angel's Lullaby (Instr)
(song title)
- Angelina (Yid)
(song title)
- Angstikeyt
(song title)
- Ani
(song title)
- Ani Amilam (Surrounded)
(song title)
- Ani ani ma'amin, ani ani ma'amin,
(first line)
- ani ani shelech (repeat) pomot libi rak kashet sochevet l'tzidi
(first line)
- Ani Ani Shoshana
(song title)
- Ani Ashuv (Heb, I Will Return)
(song title)
- Ani b'erez shel af achad bli yiladim katnim
(first line)
- Ani bator ha'ma'agal v'mabitah v'ev shem tzal al ha'retzpah
(first line)
- Ani Chaya Li Miyom Leyom
(song title)
- Ani chih li myom liyom mafazeh et yimi laruach anshim metchatnim savivi
(first line)
- ani doag lech ki kashat lo eiti
(first line)
- Ani Eliykum
(song title)
- ani garah mool ha'mayim, bain sudot b'bain chol
(first line)
- Ani Habazelet (Heb)
(song title)
- Ani Hadal (Heb)
(song title)
- Ani halakhti bayaar bier shamakhti bas kol, do iz,...
(first line)
- Ani holakhti beyar veshamarti bas kol,
(7 first lines)
- Ani holakhti beyar veshamarti bas kol. Dos heyst: ikh bin gegangen in vald..
(first line)
- Ani holakhti beyar veshamarti bas kol. Dos iz: ikh bin gegangen in a vald…
(first line)
- Ani Holechet Eili
(song title)
- Ani Holekhat Elay
(song title)
- Ani hu ish hamuzika, sheshar shirim yafim, lekol hayeladot sheka'an,
(first line)
- Ani Koh Ohev Agadot (Hebrew)
(song title)
- Ani Kuni Leml
(song title)
- Ani Ladodi
(song title)
- Ani ladodi li, v'dodi li, ani ladodi li, v'dodi li, elohayim hashoshanim…
(first line)
- Ani lo mataim lach
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Abraham)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Alter)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Ehrlich)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Fastag)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Helfman)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Kesler)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Levitan)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Lorand)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Margules)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Miller)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Miron)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Muller)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Muzikas)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Parness)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Propis)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Shenker)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Tshernikhovsky)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Varshaver Geto Lid)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Video)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Viznitz Rebbe)
(song title)
- Ani Ma'amin (Weiss)
(song title)
- Ani ma'amin be'emuno shleymo bevias hamoshiakh
(first line)
- Ani ma'amin, be'emuno shleymo, ani ma'am bemuno shleymo…
(first line)
- Ani ma'amin, ani ma'amin be muno shleymo bevias hamoshiakh..
(first line)
- Ani ma'amin, ani ma'amin, be'emuno shleymo bevias hamoshiakh
(7 first lines)
- Ani ma'amin, ani ma'amin, undzer gloybn, undzer gloybn, fest vi ayzn un shtol,
(first line)
- Ani ma'amin, Be'emuna shelema. Beviat hamashiach, Im kol zeh, achake loh
(first line)
- Ani ma'amin, be'emuno shleymo bevias hamoshiakh
(first line)
- Ani ma'amin, be'emuno shleymo bevias hamoshiakh.
(38 first lines)
- Ani ma'amin, be'emuno shleymo bevias hamoshiakh. .
(first line)
- Ani ma'amin, be'emuno shleymo, ani ma'amin (2x), ani, ani ma'amin…
(first line)
- Ani ma'amin, ikh gloyb in dem az der boyre, gebentsht zol zayn…
(2 first lines)
- Ani ma'amin, ikh gloyb in dem az der boyre, gebentsht...
(first line)
- Ani ma'amin, ikh tu gloyben, emes, emes, az der basherter...
(first line)
- Ani ma'amin, ikh tu in dem ales gloyben, emes, az der...
(first line)
- Ani ma'amin, zogt der Yid, Ani ma'amin gloybt der Yid,
(2 first lines)
- Ani ma'amin, zogt der Yid, Ani ma'amin loybt der Yid,
(2 first lines)
- Ani Maamin
(song title)
- Ani margisha beshinui lamorot sherakol narah lagamri moikar ani margisha beshinu
(first line)
- ani matfallat--ani matfelal shall yeshah shalom al kol bnai ha'aonoshot
(first line)
- Ani matfillat -- ani matpalal
(first line)
- Ani mati achlach yaldash sheli ktana shezot tehia ha milchama ach ronah ani mati
(first line)
- Ani Mavtiakh Lakh
(song title)
- Ani mavtiakh lakh yalda sheli k'tana, shezu tihiye...
(2 first lines)
- Ani mavtiakh lakh yaldi sheli ketana shezu tihiye...
(first line)
- Ani Mechelt lecha shetiah meiushar b'chol derech shetvachar
(first line)
- Ani Mekana
(song title)
- Ani mibat mahachanum vzeh oseh lidah atzum ha'aviv halef havalo miyadeah yishum
(first line)
- Ani mibitz mehacholon hazman omed milechet
(first line)
- Ani Mikhtav Lakh / Songs Of The Yom Kippur War
- Ani Minagen
(song title)
- Ani minagen! Ma ata minagen? Ani minagen! Minagen ba'kordion
(first line)
- Ani Mitsfat
(song title)
- ani mokan lakchat al etzmi et kol chovot hashok haolmi
(first line)
- ani nagrigento b'katzah sitziliah
(first line)
- Ani Navi Ani
(song title)
- Ani navi ani, kemo yeled ani, shyesh lo rak shney tsvaim.
(first line)
- Ani noladeti b'eretz yisroel avi higa miteyman llfney shanim yesh li kinor…
(first line)
- Ani noladeti el ha'manginot v'el ha'shirim shel kol ha'medinot
(first line)
- Ani noladeti el hamanginot ve'el hashirim shel kol hamedinot…
(4 first lines)
- Ani noladeti el hamangionot ve'el hashirim shel kol hamedinot…
(3 first lines)
- Ani Noladti
(song title)
- Ani nose imi et tsaar hashtika et nof haelem shesarafnu az mipachad haloamart...
(first line)
- Ani Nosea
(song title)
- Ani Noseh Imi
(song title)
- Ani Od Chai
(song title)
- Ani Ohav Otakh
(song title)
- Ani ohev belila zeh mafhid oti ani hoshev beboker zeh meir oti,
(first line)
- Ani Ole Lirushalayim
(song title)
- Ani oleh lyirushalyim, ohli banu et mekadesh, ani noseh al hachatafim, cedai...
(first line)
- Ani omayd al hagesher yorek, besira horeyk sheli m'basuta...
(first line)
- Ani Osa Li Manginot
(song title)
- Ani osah li manginot atzuvot, lesame'ach et libi kshe'atuv li, ve'ashot li kach
(first line)
- Ani Parchach
(song title)
- ani pokach t'ainim la'elokim kol yom
(first line)
- Ani Pokeach et enai mavat el hasmim
(first line)
- Ani Purim
(song title)
- Ani purim, ani purim, sameyakh umvedeyakh,
(2 first lines)
- Ani raiti kama hem halkhu, yoter medai mehem lo khazru, haverim nefradu batim...
(first line)
- Ani rotzai l'shkoach et tam saftaich
(first line)
- Ani Rotze La'atzor
(song title)
- Ani rotze shetolkhli lauf kemo notzah kala lehistakhrer ani…
(first line)
- Ani rotzeh ketzat mehaprili, verotzeh gam dovdevan shemair einaim,
(first line)
- Ani rotzeh lehaamin bedvarim shealaihem gdelati, khiokh metokh khiva, sheain...
(first line)
- Ani S'vivon
(song title)
- Ani shover t'rosh lo yodea ma lasot veshakhor li beeynaim veani oved etzot,
(first line)
- Ani V'ata
(song title)
- Ani v'ata n'sha'ne haolam, ani v'ata az yavou kvar kulam
(first line)
- Ani v'gam ha'safta yesvanu poh batzotah al ha'safsol she'baginah v'safta shuv...
(first line)
- Ani v'hatzal sheli ha'valkim verchov
(first line)
- Ani vhatzal sheli
(song title)
- Ani Yachol
(song title)
- Ani yakhol ani yakhol, yakhol ma? Lizrom, potakh et hapeh bemakom milim,
(first line)
- Ani Yesheynu
(song title)
- Ani Yishnah V'lavi Er
(song title)
- Ani yodaat sheatah alof belahakhmia li, vesiprat li shebenit veyala im brikha,
(first line)
- Ani Yoshev Li
(song title)
- Ani yoshev li kan vadad, k'var t'sha khodsim,
(first line)
- Ani zocheret yamim yafim, ani zocheret hof zahav, hazechernet lo merafim,
(first line)
- Ani Zokher (Heb)
(song title)
- Anicuta Draga
(song title)
- Anilevitsh, Mordecai Dairy Excerpt
(song title)
- Anim Z'mirot
(song title)
- Anim Z'mirot ki eylecha nafshi ta'arot
(first line)
- Anim zmiros veshirim e'erog, ki eylekho nafshi sa'arog.
(3 first lines)
- Anim Zmirot
(song title)
- Anim Zmirot (Brun)
(song title)
- Anim Zmirot (Gottlieb)
(song title)
- Anim Zmirot (Zevitt)
(song title)
- Anim zmirot veshirim e'erog, ki eylekho nafshi sa'arog.
(first line)
- Anissa (Arabic)
(song title)
- Anita Ammersfeld singt juddische Lieder
- Anna Attacked (Instr)
(song title)
- Anna Hoffman Jacob Jacobs Medley
(song title)
- Anna Hoffman, Jacob Jacobs/ Der Chulim/ Fishel Duvid Der Milomid
- Anna Shvartzman
(song title)
- Annaim yefim mtzoririm al ha'tikrah notzolim lat alech lhagad todah
(first line)
- Anni Ma'amin
(song title)
- Annie Lubin/ Der Yezer Hore/ A Pintel Mit'n Oig
- Annie Lubin/ Gevald Rooms/ Yontif
- Annie's Got A Fella
(song title)
- Annie, Ikh Shtarb Avek Nokh...
(song title)
- Anniversary (Eng)
(song title)
- Anniversary Song
(song title)
- Anniversary Song (Jolson)
(song title)
- Anniversary Waltz
(song title)
- Announcement 1
(song title)
- Announcement 2
(song title)
- Ano avdo kekudsho brikh hu
(first line)
- Ano Avdo Kekudsho Brikh Hu
(song title)
- Ano Bekhoyakh
(song title)
- Anoche en durmiendo, Yo en suenyo te vi
(first line)
- Another day has gone for keeps into the bottomless pit...
(2 first lines)
- Another day has gone for keeps, into the bottomless pit of time,
(2 first lines)
- Another Glass Of Wine (Instr)
(song title)
- Another Inch
(song title)
- Another Mention
(song title)
- Another String Of Yarns (Eng)
(song title)
- Another Time Another Place (Eng)
(song title)
- Another time, another place (3), morning, half awake...
(first line)
- Another War is Over
(song title)
- Anpatiou/Anastopoulos/ Laliatopoula/ Horiatopoula
- Anshey Hekhayl (Soldiers)
(song title)
- Anshim Masfir
(song title)
- Anshtot Sheva Brokhes (City Noise II)
(song title)
- Ansina dize la muestra novia
(song title)
- Ansina dize la muestra novia Komo se yama la kavesa? Esto no se yama la kavesa
(first line)
- Anthem
(song title)
- Anthology of Jewish Folk Song
- Anthology of Jewish Music / Yiddish Hebrew & Klezmer
- Antigones of Soho received the tradition from Simon the Just
(first line)
- Antigonos Of Socho
(song title)
- Antiochus IV
(song title)
- Antiouchus (Eng)
(song title)
- Antkegn dem vos ir zogt, beygt zikh, un az dos vus beygt...
(first line)
- Antloyfn ?
(song title)
- Antloyfn? Ikh ken nit. Ikh vil nit antloyfn.
(first line)
- Antloyft Mit Mir
(song title)
- Antrakt
(song title)
- Antshuldik, Ikh Bin Farnumen
(song title)
- Antshuldikt
(song title)
- Antshuldikt Froyleyn
(song title)
- Anu Amecha
(song title)
- Anu Banu Artsa
(song title)
- Anu Banu Artza
(song title)
- Anu banu artza, livnut ulihabanot ba…
(2 first lines)
- Anu Banu Artza/Yalel, Yalel
(song title)
- Anu Mifagesh (We Will Meet)
(song title)
- Anu Nifgash
(song title)
- Anu Nihaye Harishonim
(song title)
- Anu Nosim Lapidim (Instru)
(song title)
- Anu nosim lapidim Beleylot afelim, Zorkhim hashvilim...
(first line)
- Anu Olim
(song title)
- Anumlt, malkele in troym - du host gevigt a vig,
(first line)
- Anumlt, Malkele, In Troym
(song title)
- Anushka (Instr, Medley)
(song title)
- Any Time Of The Year
(song title)
- Anytime Of The Year
(song title)
- Anzy, Tzvey trit and trot and tront and treit
(first line)
- An…s'hot geregent un ikh hob bagegent in dem naser…a yingl hot gerisin, shmates
(first line)
- Aod Yom
(song title)
- Aonot
(song title)
- Aotiont Porchot Babor
(song title)
- Aoua (French)
(song title)
- Ap Ton Kaymo Mou Pino (Greek)
(song title)
- Apelbom, Bela (Eng)
(song title)
- Apikorsim
(song title)
- Apotek
(song title)
- Apparently a wedding service entirely in Hebrew - text not available
(first line)
- Apple & Honey - The Dance (Instr)
(song title)
- Apple Pickin' Girl (Instr)
(song title)
- Apple trees are growing, the golden sun is glowing,
(first line)
- Applebaum Medley (Heb)
(song title)
- Applebaum/Freidenberg/.../ Du Mekhuteneste/ Unter Berg Flien Toybn Porn
- Applebaum/Kukles/ Tif In Veldele/ Klezmorimlekh
- Apples And Honey (Eng, Heb)
(song title)
- Apples and honey on Rosh Hashana (2x), good new year to you,
(first line)
- April In Portugal (Parody)
(song title)
- April Showers
(song title)
- April Showers (Yid, Zun Un Regn)
(song title)
- Apta-Medzibuz Nigunim Sung by Jonasan Weiss
- Aquarius
(song title)
- Aquarius-Tnu lashemesh Yad
(song title)
- Aqurela Du Brazil (Instr, Medley)
(song title)
- Arab Dance (Tchaikovsky, Parody)
(song title)
- Arab Refugee Problem
(song title)
- arab stom
(first line)
- Araber Tants
(song title)
- Araber Tants (Tchaikovsky, Parody)
(song title)
- Arabian nign and Dance
(song title)
- Arabic Romance (Arabic ?)
(song title)
- arak el ha'ei ha ruach ha tov shani slanalabi layal tov nitga shuv pitom ha'u...
(first line)
- Arava
(song title)
- Arava Ho Arava
(song title)
- Arava ho arava, lemar'ekh libi ava,
(first line)
- Arava, arava eyn kets, eyn habokrim tara, lo arar lo dardar,
(6 first lines)
- Arayn Un Aroys
(song title)
- Araynfir (Boiberik)
(song title)
- Araynfir (Klezical Trad, Family..)
(song title)
- Arbaa Kolot Del Mesias Y Del
- Arbatanu
(song title)
- Arbayim Shana (Heb)
(song title)
- Arbert froyen, laydnde froyen! Froyen, vos shmakhtn in hoyz un fabrik,
(first line)
- Arberter froyen, leydende froyen! froyen vos shmekhtn in hoyz un fabrik
(2 first lines)
- Arberter froyen, leydende froyen! froyen vos shmekhtn in hoyz un fabrik,
(2 first lines)
- Arberter froyen, leydende froyen! froyen vos shmekhtn in...
(4 first lines)
- Arberter froyen, leydende froyen! froyen vos shmekhtn in…
(first line)
- Arbet (40x), S'roysht in fabrik azoy vild machinen az oft..
(first line)
- Arbet (Mitn Zegele)
(song title)
- Arbet, arbet shnayt di zangen fun di koses hert di klangen..
(first line)
- Arbeter Froyen
(song title)
- Arbeter Froyen (Video)
(song title)
- Arbeter fun ale lender, fareynkt aykh ale banand, shoyn tsayt tsu dervakhn, an ende tsu makhn fun shklaferay in yedn……
(first line)
- Arbeter Ring Himen
(song title)
- Arbeter ring sher (tea house sher)
(song title)
- Arbeter-Romans
(song title)
- Arbetlozer Marsh
(song title)
- Arbeyt (Ehrlikh)
(song title)
- Ardelena (Instr)
(song title)
- Are Two
(song title)
- Are You Laughing Or Crying
(song title)
- Are you one of the homeless feeling the lie of the land?
(first line)
- Are you ready to hear your lesson for today? Yes teacher (2x), are you ready..
(first line)
- Arekhekhem (Video)
(song title)
- Arele Diamond/ Gems of the Synagogue
- Arema Et Nayanotch
(song title)
- Ares, Dov/ Chanita/ Palmakh
- Ares, Dov/ The Brigade Song/ Ma'apalim
- Areshas S'fosenu
(song title)
- Areshas S'fosenu (Alter)
(song title)
- Areshas S'fosenu (Machtenberg)
(song title)
- Areshas S'fosenu (Nakhman)
(song title)
- Areshas S'fosenu (Solomon)
(song title)
- Areshas S'fosenu (Taub, Samuel)
(song title)
- Areshas S'fosenu (Taub, Saul)
(song title)
- Areshes s'fosenu ye'erav lefonekho,
(6 first lines)
- Arestantn
(song title)
- Argentine Dance (Tango Argintino)
(song title)
- Ari (Exodus, Instr)
(song title)
- Ari Halevi / The Night
- Ari Klein/ The lonliest nation of them all/ Chassidic Nigunim sung and composed by Ari Klein
- Aria "Rachel"
(song title)
- Aria From Halka
(song title)
- Aria From the Opera Fair Maid of Perth
(song title)
- Arias And Barcarolles
(song title)
- Arias And Barcarolles Prelude
(song title)
- Arias and Songs of Love/Louis Danto, Tenor/ With the Prague State Opera Orchestra
- Ariba
(song title)
- Ariba (Part 1, Yid, Eng)
(song title)
- Ariba (Part 2, Yid, Eng)
(song title)
- Arie Braun Sings from Jerusalem
- Arie Fun Tsvey Sunim
(song title)
- Ariel
(song title)
- Ariel (Yid, Ehrlich)
(song title)
- Ariel Lazarus / Keter Malchut / Sephardic Prayers and Songs
- Ariel Zilber "Walking Alongside You" - The Gathering
- Ariela Pearl - Pearl From Warsaw
(song title)
- Ariela's First Step (Instr)
(song title)
- Arik and the Eynshteyns
- Arik Einshteyn / Shalom Chanoch / Plastline
- Arik Einstein / Behind My Glasses/ Miki Gabrieluv/
- Arik Einstein/Yoni Rechter / When I was a Kid
- Arik Enshteyn, Debut Album
- Arik Enshtien- Black of mine
- Arik Livnat
- Arioso (From "Israel In Egypt)
(song title)
- Arioso From 3 Songs Without Words
(song title)
- Aris San/ Ani Ohev Otach
- Arise my love my fair one, and come with me to the fields...
(first line)
- Arise ye pris'ners of starvation, arise ye wretched of the earth, for justice…
(first line)
- Arise ye prisoners of starvation, arise ye wretched of the earth, for justice…
(first line)
- Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion/ Songs of Zion, specially selected by Hed Arzi fo El Al / The airline of the people of Israel
- Aristokrantish, vi groys un vi breyt, milionen mentshn...
(first line)
- Arkady Chuchiny in Yiddish Songs
- Arkady Gendler (b), Field Recording
- Arkady Gendler (c), Field Recording
- Arkady Gendler / My Hometown Soroke / Yiddish Songs of the Ukraine
- Arkady Gendler / Yidishe Lider
- Arkady Gendler Concert / Sing In Yiddish: History of One Teacher's Meeting (Video)
- Arkady Gendler Concert/ Sing In Yiddish
(song title)
- Arkady Gendler Sings Zelik Barditchever's Songs/ Freyen Zikh iz Gut (Video)
- Arkady Gendler/ A Remarkable Life (Video)
- Arkady Gershberg and his Orchestra MAM...
- Arkan (Instr, Hutzul Dance)
(song title)
- Army Band
- Aromimkha
(song title)
- Aromimkha adonay ki diliani, velo simakha oyvay li.
(first line)
- Aron Saltiel Jiddische Lieder
- Aron, was hast du geton?
(song title)
- Aroni, Zvi/ Sim Sholom/ Where Can I Go
- Arons Khosid Tants (Instr)
(song title)
- Around The Band (Video)
(song title)
- Around the Band (Video) / From CD Y-055(a) Les Yeux Noirs
- Around The World (Instr)
(song title)
- Aroys
(song title)
- Aroys geyn oyf der bina,...dos iz nit keyn kunts,
(first line)
- Aroys Iz Gegangen A Yid
(song title)
- Aroys Iz In Vilna A Nayer Bafel
(song title)
- Aroys iz in Vilna a nayer bafel, tsu bringen di yidn fun...
(4 first lines)
- Aroys iz in Vilna a nayer bafel, tsu bringen di...fun...
(first line)
- Aroyskumen Zolstu Mayn Meydl
(song title)
- Aroyskumen zolstu mayn meydl, ven shtil vet shoyn shlofn di nakht,
(first line)
- Aroyskumen zolstu mayn meydl, ven shtil vet shoyn shlofn...
(first line)
- arram kelezmorim gevalt ike hinde by unzine by tzu adre hassene reb dovid'l krok
(first line)
- Arrange..Of Tradl Sephardic Chants
(song title)
- Arrivals/Departures
(song title)
- Arrivals/Departures (Winograd)
(song title)
- Art And Culture Of Terezin (Eng)
(song title)
- Art Bailey's Orkestra Popilar/Branch From The Tree
- Art Raymond Presents
- Art Raymond Requests Your Presence At a Jewish Wedding
- Art Songs of the Cantor Composer Louis Garb, tenor
- Arthur Fields/ Going Out of Egypt/ An Only Kid
- Arthur Fields/ I Am Khalutz/ Little Jewish Cousins
- Arthur Fields/ O Palestine Is Beautiful/ The Watchman of the Tower
- Arthur Pryors Band/ Oyf A Yidishe Khasene.../ Shprintse's Likht Bentshn
- Arthur Shoyer / From Reel to Reel Recording and Field Recording at Penn
- Artik
(song title)
- Artsa Alinu
(song title)
- Artsa Alinu (Medley)
(song title)
- Artsa Alinu 1
(song title)
- Artsa alinu K'var kharashnu vegam zaranu Aval od lo katsarnu
(first line)
- Artsa alinu k'var kharashnu vegam zaranu aval od lo katsarnu
(15 first lines)
- Artseynu Hakatantonet
(song title)
- Artsi, arstsi, moledet yisroel, shirim...
(3 first lines)
- Artur Gelbrun Lament For the Victims of the Warsaw Ghetto
- Artza Alinu Israeli Chircle Dance
(song title)
- Artzenu Haktantaonet
(song title)
- Arum A Nakhtikn Tish
(song title)
- Arum a nakhtiky tish zenen mir brider gezesn, a oreme...
(first line)
- Arum Dem Fayer
(song title)
- Arum dem fayer iz ales liber, di nakht iz tayer,
(2 first lines)
- Arum dem fayer iz ales liber, di nakht iz tayer, mir zingen lider, un zol di…
(first line)
- Arum dem fayer iz altsding liber, di nakht iz tayer,
(first line)
- Arum dem fayer mir zingen lider, Di nakht iz tayer,
(9 first lines)
- Arum dem fayer mir zingen lider, di nakht iz tayer,
(2 first lines)
- Arum dem fayer mir zingen lider, Di nakht iz tayer, men vert nit mider, un zol
(2 first lines)
- Arum dem fayer, mir zingen lider, der nakht iz tayer...
(first line)
- Arum dem fayer, mir zingen lider, di nakht iz tayer,
(first line)
- Arum Sambatyon
(song title)
- Arvit (Hebrew)
(song title)
- Arvolera
(song title)
- Arvolera, Arvolera, Arvolera muy gentil! En la rama demas...
(2 first lines)
- Arvoles
(song title)
- Arvoles horan por huvias y montanas por aire, ansi horan los mhs ojos por ti…
(first line)
- Arvoles Iloran
(song title)
- Arvoles Iloran Por Lluvias
(song title)
- Arvoles iloran por lluvias y montana por aires,
(5 first lines)
- Arvoles lloran por lluvias Y montanas por aires, ansi lloran los mis ojos por ti
(first line)
- Arvoles yoran por luvias I montanyas por ayres ansi yoran los mis ojos
(first line)
- Arvolicos D'almendra
(song title)
- Arvolicos De Almendra
(song title)
- Arye Arye
(song title)
- Aryeh (Heb, Kum Leybke, Tantsn)
(song title)
- As a child, I was wild when the band played, how I ran...
(first line)
- As cool as wine, the wind is sighing, though silent...
(first line)
- As Der Rebbe Tanst
(song title)
- As di mame leygt mikh shlof'n in meyn vigele, vigt si mikh…
(2 first lines)
- As far as I know...
(first line)
- As I came by Turra market, Turra market for to fee,
(first line)
- As I fly over you...what a lovely view,
(first line)
- As I Rovbed Out (Eng)
(song title)
- As I roved out, one May morning, one may morning, early,
(first line)
- As I walked out on the streets of Old Moscow,
(first line)
- As I was lumbering down the street, Down the street, down...
(first line)
- As I was walkin' down a dark and lonely street,
(first line)
- As I watch you light the evening candles, there's a...
(first line)
- As I watched you light the evening candles, there's a...
(first line)
- As I watched you light the sabbath candles, there's a...
(2 first lines)
- As I went out in Dublin City, round the hour of twelve...
(first line)
- As If
(song title)
- As Kosher As The Wanna Be
(song title)
- As Long As You're Healthy
(song title)
- As men fort keyn mar del plata, darf men hobn mazltate,
(2 first lines)
- As Simple As That (Eng)
(song title)
- As the sun sets on Jerusalem, upon the ancient Temple we have built to all the..
(first line)
- As the sun sets upon Jerusalem, upon the ancient temple we have built,
(first line)
- As Time Goes By (Eng)
(song title)
- As we bless
(song title)
- As we come marching, marching, in the beauty of the day
(2 first lines)
- As we come marching, marching, in the beauty of the day,
(2 first lines)
- Asader Leseudoso (Heb)
(song title)
- Asbeel
(song title)
- Ascot Gavotte
(song title)
- Ascot Gavotte (Instr)
(song title)
- Asentada en mi Ventana
(song title)
- Asentada en mi ventana Lavrando yo una rida Asperando al mi kerido
(first line)
- Aseres Hashvotim (Ten Tribes, Yid)
(song title)
- Aseriko De Kindze Anjos
(song title)
- Aseriko de kindze anjos, Su ermozure ez una, Ja empeso...
(3 first lines)
- Aseyh
(song title)
- Ash, Khayele, Araynfir
(song title)
- Asher Bara
(song title)
- Asher Barah
(song title)
- Asher barah soson besimcha choson v'chaloh, giloh reenoh, deetzoh v'chedvoh…
(first line)
- Asher Baro (Aerobics, Carlebach)
(song title)
- Asher Baro (Aerobics, Chait)
(song title)
- Asher Baro (Aerobics, Drebin)
(song title)
- Asher Bidvoro
(song title)
- Asher boro sason vesimkha khosn vekalo,
(first line)
- Asher boro soson v'simkha khosn v'kalo,
(5 first lines)
- Asher boro soson v'simkha khosn vekalo,
(first line)
- Asher Melekh
(song title)
- Asher Nosan Lonu Toras Emes
(song title)
- Asher Sfeirot
(song title)
- Asher Yotzar
(song title)
- Ashers Hering Un Mashke Tants
(song title)
- Ashir lach shir atik noshan a shir lach zemer al shoshan, hayo hayu lifnei…
(2 first lines)
- Ashir lakh shir atik, noshan, ashir zemer al shoshan.
(6 first lines)
- Ashira la'adonay ki gaoh gaah, sus verokhovo rama bayam…
(first line)
- Ashira Ladonay (Exodus 15:01)
(song title)
- Ashira ladonay ki goa ga'a sus verukhvu remo bayom,
(2 first lines)
- Ashira laShem
(song title)
- Ashira Lashem (Psalm 104:33)
(song title)
- Ashira lashem bekhayay Azamra le'elohay be'odi
(2 first lines)
- Ashira laShen bechajaj, azamra leWlokaj beodi, jeerav alav sichi, anochi esmach
(first line)
- Ashira na li'didi schirat dodi le'karmo. Kerem haja lidid bekeren ben schamen.
(first line)
- Ashira/Suddenly Spirited
- Ashireh Li/composed by Moshe Goldman/Sung by the Camp Shalva Choir/ Moshe Laufer, Arranger/CampShalva #5
- Ashkenaz/Music of the Jews of Eastern Europe (Video)
- Ashkenazim (Heritage)
(song title)
- Ashkenazim /Jewish Vocal Quartet/ Fun Yener Zayt Lid/
- Ashliyot
(song title)
- Ashre yoshve be-tekha, od yehalelukha selah, tsadik adonay be-khol derakhav…
(first line)
- Ashrei
(song title)
- Ashrei (Bat-Kol)
(song title)
- Ashrei (Davidson)
(song title)
- Ashrei (Davidson, Brin)
(song title)
- Ashrei (Ephros)
(song title)
- Ashrei (Kalib)
(song title)
- Ashrei (Shlisky)
(song title)
- Ashrei (Variants, Examples 30-35)
(song title)
- Ashrei Ho'ish
(song title)
- Ashrei Ho'Ish (Malitz)
(song title)
- Ashrei Ish (Psalm 112:01)
(song title)
- Ashrei Ish Shelo Yishkokheko
(song title)
- Ashrei ish shelo yishkokheko, uven odom yisamets bokh,
(2 first lines)
- Ashrei kol yerei Hashem haholech bidrachav, yagiya kapecha kee tochel, ashrecha
(first line)
- Ashrei Yoshvei Beitecha
(song title)
- Ashrei Yoshvei Beitecha Od Yehalelucha Selah
(first line)
- Ashrenu
(song title)
- Ashrenu, ma tov helkenu, Uma na-im goralenu, Uma yafah y'rushatenu.
(first line)
- Ashrey Hagafrur (Greenberg)
(song title)
- Ashrey Hagafrur (Helfman)
(song title)
- Ashrey hagafrur shenisraf vehitsit lehavot.
(2 first lines)
- Ashrey hagafrur shenisraf vehitsit lehavot. Ashrey halehava sheba'ara besitrey..
(first line)
- Ashrey Hoish (Psalm 001:01)
(song title)
- Ashrey yoshvey beytekha, od yehalelukha sela, tsadek adonay bekhol drakhav…
(9 first lines)
- Ashreykhem Yisroel (Heb)
(song title)
- Ashreynu
(song title)
- Ashreynu (Taub)
(song title)
- Ashriach
(song title)
- Ashrynu ma tov chelkenu uma noyim gorleynu umo yofo…
(2 first lines)
- Ashrynu ma tov khelkenu uma noyim gorleynu umo yofo...
(6 first lines)
- Ashto Shel Banatz
(song title)
- Ashugar de novia galana
(song title)
- Asis Vesukot
(song title)
- Askinu seudoso, fun di makholim tsu shalosh suedes,
(2 first lines)
- Askinu seudoso, fun di makholim tsu shalosh suedes, esn mir bekhadvoso un mit.
(first line)
- Askinu Sudoso
(song title)
- Askinu sudoso dim'hemnuso, Shlemosos khedvoso d'malko...
(5 first lines)
- Asli Sukot
(song title)
- Asma Asmaton(Song Of Songs, Greek)
(song title)
- Aspiration
(song title)
- Asriel's Broyges Tants (Instr)
(song title)
- Asriel's Theme (Instr)
(song title)
- Asshole From El Paso
(song title)
- Asshole From El Paso (Video)
(song title)
- Assorted Old Yiddish Songs from the Herman and Elizabeth Rudolf Collection, Tape 2
- Asters D'automne (Russian)
(song title)
- Astor, June/ My Mother's Sabbath Candles/ Mir Zol Zayn Far Dir
- Astrid Ruff / chanson yiddish / Ivresses
- Astrid Ruff/ Chante, Reyzele, Chante!/ Chansons De Femmes En Yiddish
- Asur Lekaleyl
(song title)
- Asur Lohayitiesh (Heb)
(song title)
- at first I was afraid, I was petrafied, to think that I could make it with no
(first line)
- At A Hebrew Wedding Ceremony (Ins)
(song title)
- At Adama
(song title)
- At adama belev midbar, lelo tsel ets lelo matar.
(2 first lines)
- At At (Heb, Slowly Slowly)
(song title)
- At barchov ovrat v'ani suv nidam mahyofi shelach mahabat hacham
(first line)
- At Grandmother's
(song title)
- At Granmother's
(song title)
- At Hakhi Hakhi
(song title)
- At hasipur hazeh mathilim mehasof, ania im noasim hagia al hahof,
(first line)
- At Home With The Barry Sisters
- at lo rotzach oti chacha lefahot at omeret
(first line)
- At Midnight
(song title)
- At My Cradle
(song title)
- At Night In The Ghetto
(song title)
- At one I was born, at two I grew up, at three i took a lover, at four i married
(first line)
- At rotza sheanikh lakh, ani manikh ani manikh, ain makom leramzim, az ani kam...
(2 first lines)
- At shoma'at ha'ruach zara ustavit oreakh tsoed el beytekh shehekhvir…
(first line)
- At Shomaat
(song title)
- At shomaat haruach zera vesetuit, orkha tzoad al beitkha shehakhuir,
(first line)
- At shommat haruakh zera vestuit, orkha tzoed al beitkha shehakhoir,
(first line)
- At te tsi nye te po vodu khodela, ay te tsi nye te fartukh..
(first line)
- At Telekhi Besade
(song title)
- At ten o'clock this morning, Mr Chairman, the Jewish State..
(first line)
- At Terezin
(song title)
- At that time there was created an underground passageway...
(first line)
- At The Balalaike (Russian, Instr)
(song title)
- At the beginning of the First World War, when the Turkish...
(first line)
- At the Café Sambor
(song title)
- At the close of the day, all is calm and still,
(first line)
- At the close of the day, when the sun fades away,
(first line)
- At The Forest Border (Instr)
(song title)
- At the Gate
(song title)
- At The Rabbi's Table
(song title)
- At The Same Time
(song title)
- At The Samovar
(song title)
- At The Seder
(song title)
- At The Store
(song title)
- At Ve'ani Ve Aruakh
(song title)
- At Volgi Da Dona (Russian)
(song title)
- at yotzet man ha'maim at yotzet lach vevged yam
(first line)
- Ata bichartanu mikol ha'amim, ahavta otanu veratzita banu, veromamtanu mikol
(first line)
- Ata Echad
(song title)
- Ata echad veshimcha echad, umee ki'amcha Yisrael, goi echad ba'aretz. Tiferet…
(first line)
- Ata Ekhad Veshimkha Ekhad
(song title)
- Ata Ekhad Veshimkha Ekhad (Halbershtam)
(song title)
- Ata ekhad veshimkha ekhad umi kamkha, kamkha yisroel,
(7 first lines)
- Ata Khonantonu (Alter)
(song title)
- Ata Khonantonu (Brun)
(song title)
- Ata Khonen
(song title)
- Ata mapil od kovia, neftakhot delet hadasha, kama khikiti, kama bekhiti,
(first line)
- Ata Niglayso
(song title)
- Ata Niglayso (Ganchoff)
(song title)
- Ata od tagaleh et ha'olam em tritzeh oh lo tritzeh esh ad tzman
(first line)
- Ata Seter Li (Ato Seyser Li)
(song title)
- Ata yoshev levad al hachol eem mikachol, galei hayam yotzim bemachol bekachol...
(first line)
- Ata Zokher (God Remembers, Heb)
(song title)
- Atah ha'abah ani holed
(song title)
- atah harot es yini, tihilim rak bashpati matvodod al mol kulam
(first line)
- atah holech ali v'bah v'bah v'bi nogah
(first line)
- atah holech eli v'bah v'ki niga
(first line)
- Atah holech lamakarr
(song title)
- atah holech lamakrar lamzeg lach od kosit shel v'vadakah
(first line)
- Atah l'davet main tavoi tzad lo atolechet ach masa ha'drakhim
(first line)
- Atah ouza mahmakhtzor
(song title)
- Atanu
(song title)
- Atcha (Yugoslav)
(song title)
- Atem Sholom
(song title)
- Atlantic Orch./ Mayn Sheyne Blum (valts)/ Di Nakhtigal (valts)
- Ato izo mahmachtzor asiti tzod lo achzor hanon
(first line)
- Ato Nigelso
(song title)
- Ato Seyser Li (Psalm 032:07)
(song title)
- Ato Sokum (Psalm 102:14)
(song title)
- Ato Vekhartonu
(song title)
- Ato Vekhartonu (Shenker)
(song title)
- Ato Vekhartonu (Taub)
(song title)
- Ato vekhartonu mikol hoamim ohavto osonu verotsey bonu,
(5 first lines)
- Ato Yodea
(song title)
- Ato Yodea (alder)
(song title)
- Ato Yodea Rozey Olom
(song title)
- Ato Yotsarto
(song title)
- Ato Yotsarto (Bloemendal)
(song title)
- Ato Yotsarto (Mandelbaum)
(song title)
- Ato Yotsarto (Rosenblatt)
(song title)
- Atoh Hareisoh
(song title)
- Atoh hareisoh lodaas ki Hashem Hu HoElokim. Ein od milvadoh.
(first line)
- Aton Lech
(song title)
- Atse Shitim Omdim
(song title)
- Atse shitim omdim (repititive with nigun)
(first line)
- Atsey hatsaftsafot shirim lakh shir al derekh,
(first line)
- Atsind ven mir shteln di toyte a denkmol, di toyte, vos...
(first line)
- Attention please, attention, we just came back from the coast, we brought a…
(first line)
- Attention, all you sucker Jews, attention, attention, ah, easy Irving, dees kid
(first line)
- Atto Bechartonu
(song title)
- Attorney Strit
(song title)
- Atu khoynen leudom das, umelameyd leeynoysh binu
(first line)
- Atur Mitzcheich
(song title)
- Atzilut Souls On Fire Music for the Kabbala
- Au altinke fidele, hengt of der vand, sder spiler a yidele..
(first line)
- Au Bureau Des Contributions
(song title)
- Auchwitz
(song title)
- Audio Inaudable
(first line)
- Audio Inaudible
(4 first lines)
- Audio inaudible
(first line)
- Audio not audible
(first line)
- Audo Lo-Eil
(song title)
- Auf Dem Kirchhofe
(song title)
- Auf Dem Wasser Zu Singen
(song title)
- Auf Dem Way Zur Akeido
(song title)
- Auf Ihrem Grab Da Sheht Eine Linde
(song title)
- Auf ihrem grab da sheht eine linde, drin pfeifen di vogel im abendwinde,
(first line)
- Aufwiedersehen Herr Frohlich
(song title)
- Aufwind Junge Jorn Jiddische Lieder
- Aufwind Jiddische Lieder & Klesmermusik Gassn Singer
- Aufwind Jiddische Lieder & Klesmerusik Awek Di Junge Jorn
- Aufwind / Live
- Aufwind/ inejnem/ Jiddische Lieder & Klesmermusik
- August, Jan/ Miserlou/ Babalu
- August, Jan/ Without You/ My Shawl
- Aunt Rose's Livlihood
(song title)
- Aupres De Blonde
(song title)
- Aupres De Cette Grotte Sombre
(song title)
- Aura L'aura
(song title)
- Auro Lemordecai
(song title)
- Aus Der Familie Der Strausse
(song title)
- Aus Der Tiefe
(song title)
- Aus der tiefe rufe ich dich, oh ewiger, herr, erhore meine stimme
(first line)
- Auschwitz-Birkenau (Instr)
(song title)
- Aussi Bien Que Les Cigales
(song title)
- Authentic Israeli Folk Songs and Dance
- Authentic Israeli-Oriental Folk Songs Featuring Yeminite and Druze Influences
- Authentic Klezmer Wedding Band
(song title)
- Autobiografie Oyf Eyn Fus
(song title)
- Autobiographical
(song title)
- Autumn (Avisar)
(song title)
- Autumn (Or)
(song title)
- Autumn Dream
(song title)
- Autumn Has Come
(song title)
- Autumn has come, how shall I celebrate...?
(first line)
- Autumn is over the long leaves that love us, and over the…
(first line)
- Autumn Landscape (Latvian?)
(song title)
- Autumn Leaves
(song title)
- Autumn Wind
(song title)
- Autumn Winds Waltz
(song title)
- Av Harahamim Hu Yerahem Am Amussim
(song title)
- Av harakhaman, hoshienu lema'an shemkhe, av harakhaman, al..
(first line)
- Av Harakhamim
(song title)
- Av Harakhamim (Brody)
(song title)
- Av Harakhamim (Carlibach)
(song title)
- Av Harakhamim (Dunajewski)
(song title)
- Av Harakhamim (Fuchs)
(song title)
- Av Harakhamim (Glantz)
(song title)
- Av Harakhamim (Goldsmith)
(song title)
- Av Harakhamim (Heilbrun)
(song title)
- Av Harakhamim (Hershman)
(song title)
- Av Harakhamim (Paikov)
(song title)
- Av Harakhamim (Pinchik)
(song title)
- Av Harakhamim (Pincus)
(song title)
- Av harakhamim heytiva virtsonkha es Tsiun
(first line)
- Av harakhamim heytiva virtsonkha et Tsiun
(7 first lines)
- Av Harakhamim Hu Yerakham
(song title)
- Av harakhamim, heytiva birtsonkha es Tsiun, tivne humos...
(first line)
- Av Harchaman
(song title)
- Av Horahamim
(song title)
- Avadim Hayenu
(song title)
- Avadim Hayinu/ Once We Were Slaves/Warren Byrd, Piano/David Chevan, Bass
- Avant Le Cinema
(song title)
- Avar Khage
(song title)
- Avarkha
(song title)
- Avarkha et hashem
(first line)
- Avatikhim
(song title)
- Avatikhim misadot genuvim…
(first line)
- Avdim hayinu, hayinu. Ata bney khorin, bney khorin,
(8 first lines)
- Ave Maria
(song title)
- Ave Maria Gratia plena Maria, ave dominus Dominus tecum Benedicta tu...
(first line)
- Aveenu Malkenu
(song title)
- Avek
(song title)
- Avek Der Shabos
(song title)
- Avek der shabos oyf a vayse shney, a groyser emeser...
(first line)
- Avek di shoyn tsentlike yorn, farbaygn (?) azoy vi a vint,
(first line)
- Avek Di Yunge Yorn
(song title)
- Avek Fun Mayn Fenster (Go Way...)
(song title)
- Avek fun mayn fenster, avek fun mayn tir,
(2 first lines)
- Avek mayne yorn vi gikh un geshvind, vi shnel opgeforen…
(first line)
- Avek mayne yorn, vi gikh un geshvind, vi shnell opgeforen iz mir atsind,…
(first line)
- Avek mayne yorn, vi gikh un geshvind, vi shnell opgeforn...
(first line)
- Avek, avek iz der zumertog yunger, bleter fargelte lign afn rog, un di rayones,
(2 first lines)
- Avek, avek zenen shoyn tsendilike yorn, fargagngen azoy vi..
(first line)
- Avek, iz avek der zumertog yunger, bleter fargelte lign afn rog,
(first line)
- Avek, iz avek der zumertog yunger, bleter fargelte lign...
(first line)
- Aven vi en gang ha svurit;
(first line)
- Avenging And Bright
(song title)
- Avenging and bright falls the swift sword of Erin,
(first line)
- Avi
(song title)
- Avi hidlek neyrot li, veshamash lo avuka. Yodim atem...
(first line)
- Avi hidlik neyrot li, veshamash lo avuka. Yodim atem…
(first line)
- Avi Hoffman's Too Jewish? / A Mensch & His Musical
- Avi Sinvani Live
- Avi Toledano / Greatest Hits
- Avigayil (Abigail)
(song title)
- Avigdori-Fershko, K. and S./ Songs: Yiddish/
- Avinu Av Harakhman (Man)
(song title)
- Avinu haav harachaman hamrachem rachem aleinu, veten belibeinu bina lehavin...
(first line)
- Avinu malkanu ja'tanu l'panecha. avinu malkanu an lanu melech, elo atah.
(first line)
- Avinu Malkeinu
(song title)
- Avinu malkeinu sh'ma kolenu. Avinu malkeinu chatanu l'faneycha.
(first line)
- Avinu Malkenu
(song title)
- Avinu malkenu (Izak Algazi)
(song title)
- Avinu Malkenu Chaneinu vanenu ki eyn banu masim a se imanu tsedaka va chesed...
(first line)
- Avinu malkenu kabel berakhamim uveratson et tfilateynu
(first line)
- Avinu malkeynu sh'ma kolenu, avinu malkeinu chatanu l'faneycha, avinu malkeinu..
(2 first lines)
- Avinu Malkyenu
(song title)
- Avinu shebamayim tsur Yisrael v'goalo, bariech et m'dinat..i
(2 first lines)
- Avinu Waltz
(song title)
- Avir harim tsalul ka-yayin, Ve-reakh oranim, Nisa be-ruakh…
(first line)
- Avir harim tsalul kayayin, The mountain air is clear and...
(first line)
- Avir harim tsalul kayayin, Ve-reakh oranim, Nisah beruakh…
(first line)
- Avir harim tsalul kayayin, Vereakh oranim, Nisa bereaukh haarbayim in kol..
(first line)
- Avir harim tsalul kayayin, Vereakh oranim, Nisa bereaukh.
(first line)
- Avir harim tsalul kayayin, Vereakh oranim, Nisa bereaukh...
(43 first lines)
- Avir harim tsalul kayayin, Vereakh oranim, Nisa bereaukh…
(first line)
- Avir harim tsalul kayayin…
(first line)
- Avissar, Pinkhas
(song title)
- Avitar
(song title)
- Aviv
(song title)
- Aviv Gfen Mistakes
- Avo Al Banat
(song title)
- Avodath Hakodesh (Sacred Service)
(song title)
- Avodim Hayinu
(song title)
- Avodim Hayinu (Hyams)
(song title)
- Avodim Hayinu (Schwartz)
(song title)
- Avodim Hayinu (Secunda)
(song title)
- Avodim Hayinu Italy 16th Century)
(song title)
- Avodim Hoyinu (Rebbi Alter)
(song title)
- Avot
(song title)
- Avot V'emot
(song title)
- Avraham (Oy Avram)
(song title)
- Avraham Batika Nash
(song title)
- Avraham Fried Forever One
- Avraham Fried / We Are Ready
- Avraham Fried sings "Yiddish Gems" ...by R' Yom Tov Ehrlich
- Avraham Fried sings "Yiddish Gems" 2...by R' Yom Tov Ehrlich
- Avraham Fried sings Yiddish Gems composed by R' Yom Tov Ehrlich/Arranged by Yaron Gershovsky
- Avraham Fried/ Ovinu Malkeynu/ Our Father Our King
- Avraham Un Sore
(song title)
- Avraham Yogeyl
(song title)
- Avraham, avraham, batika nash
(3 first lines)
- Avram (4) tate, vos hostu gemakht, host avegeshikt mayn...
(first line)
- Avram Avino
(song title)
- Avram Ovinu
(song title)
- Avram Ovinu Musert Lutn (Video)
(song title)
- Avre este abajour bijou, Avre la tu ventana
(first line)
- Avre Este Abajour, Bijou
(song title)
- Avre este abajour, bijou, avre la tu ventana, por ver tu...
(first line)
- Avre Este Abat-Jour Bijou
(song title)
- Avre este abat-jour bijou, avre la tu ventana, por ver tu cara morena, al dio…
(first line)
- Avre tu
(song title)
- Avre Tu Puerta
(song title)
- Avre Tu Puerta Cerrada
(song title)
- Avre tu puerta cerrada, qu'en tu balcon luz no hay.
(8 first lines)
- Avre tu puerta cerrada, Qu'en tu balcon luz no hay. El amor a ti vela.
(first line)
- Avre tu puerta cerrada; Que en tu balcon luz no hay,
(first line)
- Avre Tu Puerta Serada
(song title)
- Avremele
(song title)
- Avremele (Gilrod)
(song title)
- Avremele ben yidl, genug dir zikh plugn…
(first line)
- Avremele Der Tankist
(song title)
- Avremele mayn zunenyu, folg nor dayn tatn, vel dir fargebn..
(first line)
- Avremele Melamed
(song title)
- Avremele Un Yosele
(song title)
- Avremele Un Yosele (Video)
(song title)
- Avremele, gib nor a kuk, di zun, vi sheyn zi shaynt,
(5 first lines)
- Avreml
(song title)
- Avreml Der Marvikher
(song title)
- Avreml, ven veln mir hobn a kind? Mir zenen beyde shoyn alte layt, bay laytn..
(first line)
- Avri Leeder HaAnashim HaKhadashim
- Avrix mi galancia que yo va amanencer, la nocho yo no...
(2 first lines)
- Avrix mi galancia. Que ya va'manecer. La noche yo no durmo.
(first line)
- Avrix Mi Galanica
(song title)
- Avrix mi galanica. Que ya va'manecer. La noche yo no durmo.
(2 first lines)
- Avrohom mit Terekh
(song title)
- Avrom Der Shuster
(song title)
- Avrom Goldfaden Oyf Der Elter
(song title)
- Avrom Karpinovitch
(song title)
- Avrom Karpinovitsh / Vilna Mayn Vilna (Video)
- Avrom Ovinu
(song title)
- Avrom Ovinu Fort...Akeyde
(song title)
- Avrom Ovinu Musert Lutn
(song title)
- Avrom Ovinu Neged Sore Imuna Shiri Hakhumash - Itsik Manger
- Avrom Ovinu Pravet A Sholom..
(song title)
- Avrom ovinu zitst oyf der shvel un shnitst zikh a teytl fun beyn,...
(first line)
- Avrom Ovinu..Yitzkhakn Tsu Der Akade (Video)
(song title)
- Avrom Reisen: Di Genite Kale
(song title)
- Avrom Shikt Eliezrn Zukhn Far... (Video)
(song title)
- Avrom Shikt Eliezrn Zukhn Far…
(song title)
- Avrom Tate
(song title)
- Avrom Un Sara (Akeydes Yitskhok)
(song title)
- Avrom Un Sore (Manger,Video)
(song title)
- Avru shanim meaz haita yelda, vezot haita hatekufa hakhi yafa, noladet…
(first line)
- Avrum's nign
(song title)
- Avu Bistu Geven (In Droysn Iz...)
(song title)
- Avu Bistu Geven (Tokhter Mayne..)
(song title)
- Avu bistu geven az di gelt iz geven un der lebn iz gevezn...
(first line)
- Avu bistu geven, tokhter mayne getraye? Geven in a kvuta...
(first line)
- Avu keyn zayn der rebe? Un der Nemirover flegt skikhos-tsayt
(first line)
- Avu men tuen zikh, nor ahin, traybt men undz fun umetom,
(first line)
- Avu nemt men di eydes, zey zoln shteyn do un hern az...
(first line)
- Awake and Come Down
(song title)
- Awake, o north wind; and come thou south; blow upon the garden,...
(first line)
- Awakening (Babel)
(song title)
- Awakening (Kroke)
(song title)
- Away
(song title)
- Away above my head, I see the strangest sight,
(2 first lines)
- Away You Go
(song title)
- Awek Awek awek siz ailsenisj, mir hobn nit kejn tsait, awek awek awek, bald
(first line)
- Awek Awek Awk
(song title)
- Axerica De Quinze Anos
(song title)
- Ay (12x) lomir ale zayn tsufridn,
(first line)
- Ay a freyd, ay, ay a simkhe, s'iz der yom tov, sheyn un...
(first line)
- Ay ay ay
(song title)
- Ay Ay Ay (Nign)
(song title)
- Ay Ay Ay (Rosenberg)
(song title)
- Ay Ay Ay (Sterner Choir)
(song title)
- Ay ay ay ay ay ay (2x) kumt ale, kumt ale, kumt ale in shul
(first line)
- Ay ay ay ay yi....
(first line)
- ay ay ay didi di…
(first line)
- Ay ay ay lekhaim rabi chaim….
(first line)
- Ay Ay Ay Mazl Tov
(song title)
- Ay ay ay mazl tov, mazl mazl mazl tov, ay ay ay mazl tov, ay mazl tov,
(first line)
- Ay Ay Der Rebe Geyt
(song title)
- Ay ay der rebe zol mir gezunt zayn (3x), ay ay, der rebe...
(first line)
- Ay Ay Hora
(song title)
- Ay Ay Ya Da Dy
(song title)
- Ay ay, der rebe geyt (3x), zol er kumen gezunterheyd,
(4 first lines)
- Ay ay, lomir loybn, ay ay, lomir gloybn,
(first line)
- Ay ay..a Hartsikn gut helf aykh un a heymishen borukh habo..
(first line)
- Ay Bay Yababay
(song title)
- Ay Da Bim Bom
(song title)
- Ay day day…zing mit undz oyb du kenst nit keyn lid, oyb ale lider hostu fargesn,
(first line)
- Ay day digi digi day (3x), Shpilt a freylekhs, shpilt a freylekhs, in der rod…
(first line)
- Ay day digi digi di (3x), Shpilt a freylekhs, shpilt a freylekhs, in der rod…
(first line)
- Ay Day Yababay
(song title)
- Ay Di Day Da
(song title)
- Ay Digiday Polka
(song title)
- Ay gotenyu, ven du shikst mir tsi mayn man in hoyz ahin, ze vus iz geven mayn..
(first line)
- Ay Hot Er Mikh Baredt
(song title)
- Ay ke Buena
(song title)
- Ay ke Buena ke fue la ora Ke vos alkansi Kon diez Minianim de djente
(first line)
- Ay le lule
(song title)
- Ay Li Lu Li
(song title)
- Ay li lu li lu, ay li lu li lu, shlof shoyn mayn tayer...
(3 first lines)
- Ay li lu li shlof mayn kind, makh zhe tsu di eygelekh,
(2 first lines)
- Ay li lu li shlof mayn lib kind, makh zhe tsu di eygelekh,
(first line)
- Ay li lu li shluf, mayn libes kind…
(first line)
- Ay li lu li, shlof (2x), es shteyt in shoyb bay undzer tir,
(3 first lines)
- Ay li lu, hershele, s'tut dayn tate vign dir,
(first line)
- Ay Liluli Shlof
(song title)
- Ay liluli shlof, mayn libes kind !
(first line)
- Ay lomir zingen dos sheyne lid, haydl didl dam, vi di...
(2 first lines)
- Ay Lu Lu (Shevakh)
(song title)
- Ay lu lu li lu, ziser kholom du, makh di eygelkh dir tsu,
(first line)
- Ay lu lu lu lu shlof mayn kind, ay lu lu lu lu shlof gezunt,
(2 first lines)
- Ay lu lu lu lu, Unter Yideles vigele, shteyt a shney vays tsigele,
(first line)
- Ay Lu Lu Lu Shlof Mayn Gedule
(song title)
- Ay lu lu lu, kind mayn lebn, ay lu lu lu, shlof mayn kroyn,
(first line)
- Ay lu lu lu, nakht un regn,ay lu lu lu, nakht un vint, in der nakht un in der…
(2 first lines)
- Ay lu lu mayn shepsl, mayn kleyner, shlof zhe tayerer, nu shlof...
(first line)
- Ay lu lu, nakht un regn, ay lu lu, nakht un vint,
(3 first lines)
- Ay lu lu, s'vigt ayn mikh der vint, ay lu lu, zay ruik...
(first line)
- Ay lu lu, shlof mayn feygele, shlof, ay di lulu, lulu, shlof mayn tayer kind...
(first line)
- Ay lyu lyu, mayn shepsele mayn kleyner, shlof zhe tayerer…
(first line)
- Ay Mancebo
(song title)
- Ay mancebo tan gentíl, si por la Francia Partías, a mi amor saludes, -Que señal
(first line)
- Ay mancebo, ay mancebo
(song title)
- Ay nisim (5) min hashomayim, ay nisim (4) on a shir, zingt men tantst men,...
(first line)
- Ay Nshomah
(song title)
- Ay Rumenye (6x), geven a mol a land a zise, a sheyne, dort tsu voynen iz..
(2 first lines)
- Ay s'iz gut, ay s'iz gut, un ay s'iz gut, s'iz gut undz….
(first line)
- Ay shem amok betakh tokhnu, tamonim kolot vezekhronot,
(first line)
- Ay Te Tsi Nye Te (Ukrainian)
(song title)
- Ay triste, que vengo
(song title)
- Ay triste, que vengo Vencido d'amor, Maguera pastor.
(first line)
- Ay Vay Irene (Good Night Irene)
(song title)
- Ay Vi Gut
(song title)
- Ay vi say,...mitn gantsn prakht, ken men zitsn a gatntse...
(first line)
- Ay Yai Yai
(song title)
- Ay Yay Yay
(song title)
- Ay yi, ay yi, ay yi, zing ikh mir a zemerl, a zemerl aza.
(first line)
- Ay! Rumania, geven a mol a land a zise, a sheyne.
(first line)
- Ay! Rumenye x4, hata e pa'em sham khemdat yameynu,
(first line)
- Ay! rumenye, geven a mol a land a zise, a sheyne, ekh rumenye, geven a mol...
(2 first lines)
- Ay! Rumenye, geven a mol a land a zise, a sheyne.
(4 first lines)
- Ay! Rumenye, oy, geven a mol a land a zise, a sheyne.
(first line)
- Ay, amerike ganev, meshuge...kh'l zol zyn gezunt. Bay mir..
(first line)
- Ay, Amerike ganev...hert, bay mir a khazn iz der grester zakh in der velt,
(first line)
- Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, evdu adoy shem be simkho frey zikh..
(first line)
- Ay, ay, ay, da kumt tsu geyn der tate blymenfeld, er iz bestimt der beste...
(first line)
- Ay, ay, shoyn tsayt tsu shteln di khupe, di khupe iz shoyn..
(first line)
- Ay, ay...rumenye, geven a mol a land a zise, a sheyne.
(first line)
- Ay, bay, bay, bay, WEVD, Every Sunday morning over WEVD,
(first line)
- Ay, I like she, ay, ay, ay, I like she, in a...
(first line)
- Ay, ikh hob es, ay, ay ikh hob es, vos ale hobn nit,
(first line)
- Ay, in a mazldike sho…mit shrek un mit…far a kale a yesoyme, far a zise neshome,
(first line)
- Ay, khane pesl, khane pesl, her, zol brenen gants florida...
(first line)
- Ay, mano suave tenia A tocarla, nadie se atrevia
(first line)
- Ay, odes, odes, odes, odes, ay dos iz a shtetele odes,
(first line)
- Ay, ogezolyet oyfn hartsn, makht men a lekhaim,
(2 first lines)
- Ay, Rumenye Rumenye, geven a mol a land a zize ir a shayne
(first line)
- Ay, Seattle! My rainy town, my damp delight, my marvelous...
(first line)
- Ay, why did you die?
(first line)
- Ay, yi, biribidi bim bom,
(first line)
- Ay,..raboysay, ladies un gentlemen, ay, s'iz bavust far..
(first line)
- Ay-Day-Deday-Day...
(song title)
- Ay-di-di-di-di, (x6) ka ha hot di hodi? Myna es traie,
(first line)
- Ay-lyu-lyu un ay ay-lu-lyu: der nisnboym bin ikh un dos nisele bistu.
(first line)
- Ay..gotenyu, ay..geloybt zolstu zayn vus du host in mir...
(first line)
- Ayah
(song title)
- Ayal - Ayale
(song title)
- Ayalet Ahavim
(song title)
- Ayallah
(song title)
- Ayde Ijika Mia
(song title)
- Ayei Emtzoeka
(song title)
- Ayei emtzoeka v'ayei lo imatzech em emk shamaim shem atah v'atzer shoal hanaecha
(first line)
- Ayelet Ahavim
(song title)
- Ayelet Hashakhar (Heb Song Cycle)
(song title)
- Ayelet Hashakhar (Morning Star)
(song title)
- Ayer te vi andando a la orilla del rio fur donde yo te conoci te vi tan bella…
(first line)
- Ayey Mekom Kevodo
(song title)
- Ayey mekom kevodo, kevodo maley olam, meshorsov sho'alim...
(first line)
- Ayi Ayi Los Kampos Vedres
(song title)
- Ayil Ben Karnayim
(song title)
- Ayil, Ayil (Instr, The Ram)
(song title)
- Ayil, Ayil (The Ram)
(song title)
- Aykee maykee jeyke sam, vir da boyz det eat no ham,
(first line)
- Ayl Zikh Nit
(song title)
- Ayl zikh, ayl zikh, loyf geshvinder! S'fayft oyf dir shoyn..
(3 first lines)
- Ayle, lyule lyu- vig im, vig im tsu..Es iz a daytsh...
(first line)
- Aylel-liule liule, shlof zshe ayn mayn gduule, makh zshe ysu dayne eygelekh di fayne, shtey oyf vider…
(first line)
- Ayli lyu-li ay-li lyu-li Sleep my dear one in peace happy is he who has a mother
(first line)
- Aym Veulo
(song title)
- Ayngehilt in groyen takhles himl, mit vays tshtrekte bentshndike hent,
(first line)
- Aynladung Tsum Tants
(song title)
- Aynzam zitz ikh vi gefangen fun a zeltenem gefil…
(first line)
- Ayuma B'har Hamor
(song title)
- Ayyeh meqom kevodo
(song title)
- Ayyu-ha s-sqi / Qum Yedid nafsi
(song title)
- Ayze Mazal
(song title)
- Ayzik Mayzik
(song title)
- Ayznban Geshikhtn
(song title)
- Az A Libe Shpiln
(song title)
- Az a shidduch
(song title)
- Az a soykher vet aykh shvern kit kolerlay shvues, az er farkoyft aykh untern kern, ir khapt loyter metsies, vuzhe nemt
(first line)
- Az a tate hot dervaksene tekhter, oy oy oy, muz er dokh trinken, der tate iz dokh biter, a veytog iz der muter,…
(first line)
- Az A Yid Iz A Kremer
(song title)
- Az A Yid Iz A Soykher
(song title)
- Az A Yid Iz A Soykher (Video)
(song title)
- Az a yid iz a soykher, a mekler a mol oykh er, koyft a mol a zekele bay a goy,
(first line)
- Az a yid shteyt oyf in der fri, hot got di neshome zayner..
(first line)
- Az a yingele zet an alef, zug mir zunenyu, vi azoy-zhe makht es, ay ay,...
(first line)
- Az al tagidu she-ani rak madamiin v'cakof l'ushar machafash et mah
(first line)
- Az aleksander pavlovitch is malekh gevorn….
(first line)
- Az Aleksender Pavolitsh
(song title)
- Az b'bit ha'sefer al ha'kir tomonah vhoker chorsh bev at ha'adamah
(first line)
- Az bachu shama nachu marvadaiot shemsh chamad maynachemet
(first line)
- Az bakatach kashaganu lifrak bi bichoshos bo-non
(first line)
- Az bakatah kashahgonu lifrak bi bihohosh bo-non
(first line)
- Az der ... iz gezesn a fus iber a fus, mit a lib...
(first line)
- Az der rebbe es, shlingin al le chassidim, az der rebbe trink, gesen al le chass
(first line)
- Az der rebbe tantst, tansen al le chassidim, Az der rebbe zingt, zinggen al le..
(first line)
- Az der Rebbe Vil
(song title)
- Az Der Rebe
(song title)
- Az der rebe elimelekh iz gevorn zeyer freylekh,…
(first line)
- Az der Rebe Elimeylekh iz gevorn a bisl freylekh, iz ...
(2 first lines)
- Az der Rebe Elimeylekh iz gevorn a zeyer freylekh, iz ...
(first line)
- Az der Rebe Elimeylekh iz gevorn azoy freylekh, iz gevorn...
(first line)
- Az der Rebe Elimeylekh iz gevorn eyn mol freylekh,
(first line)
- Az der Rebe Elimeylekh iz gevorn gants freylekh, iz gevorn..
(first line)
- Az der Rebe Elimeylekh iz gevorn lustik freylekh,
(4 first lines)
- Az der rebe elimeylekh iz gevorn zayer freylakh, is gevorn.
(first line)
- az der rebe elimeylekh iz gevorn zeyer freylekh
(first line)
- Az der Rebe Elimeylekh iz gevorn zeyer freylekh, hot er..
(2 first lines)
- Az der Rebe Elimeylekh iz gevorn zeyer freylekh, iz gevorn zeyer freylekh,
(5 first lines)
- Az der Rebe Elimeylekh iz gevorn zeyer freylekh, iz gevorn zeyer freylekh,…
(2 first lines)
- Az der Rebe Elimeylekh iz gevorn zeyer freylekh, iz gevorn..
(61 first lines)
- Az der rebe Elimeylekh iz gevorn zeyer freylekh, iz gevorn..
(first line)
- Az der rebe est, Az der rebe est, shlingen ale khasidim,
(3 first lines)
- Az der rebe est, Az der rebe est,shlingen ale khasidim,
(first line)
- Az der rebe est, geynets, lakht, tantst, zingt, cries
(first line)
- Az der rebe est, Un az der rebe est, Shlingen ale khasidim,
(2 first lines)
- Az der rebe lakht (2x), lakhn ale khasidim,
(first line)
- Az der rebe lakht, Az der rebe lakht, lakhn ale khasidim,
(2 first lines)
- Az der rebe lakht, Az der rebe lakht, lakhn ale kinder,
(first line)
- Az der rebe nemt zikh praven dem tish, makht er dos mit...
(first line)
- Az der rebe shteyt oyf fun tish, git a vunk tsum gabe reb...
(2 first lines)
- Az der rebe shteyt oyf fun tish, tut a vunk tsum gabe reb...
(3 first lines)
- Az der rebe shteyt oyfn tish, un git a vunk dem gabe shepsl,
(first line)
- Az der rebe shteyt uf fun tish, git a vunk dem gabe shepsl', esn di khasidimlekh
(first line)
- Az Der Rebe Tantst
(song title)
- Az der rebe tantst, Az der rebe tantst, Tantsn ale khasidim,
(3 first lines)
- Az der rebe veynt, az der rebe veynt, veynen ale di khasidim
(first line)
- Az Der Rebe Vil
(song title)
- Az Der Rebe Zingt (All The Chil..)
(song title)
- Az der rebe zingt, Az der rebe zingt, zingen ale khasidim,
(7 first lines)
- Az der rebe zingt, Az der rebe zingt, Zingen ale khasidim,
(first line)
- Az der rebe zingt, zinining ale chasidim, ay bye bye bye bye,zingin ale chasidim
(first line)
- Az Der Rebe...
(song title)
- Az Der Rebe...(Video)
(song title)
- Az der rebi elimeylekh iz gevorn zeyer freylekh, iz gevorn..
(4 first lines)
- Az der ruekh shpilt zayn fidl tantst der oylem in transt inem rod fun tsvies,..
(first line)
- Az Der Tate Vil Nit
(song title)
- Az Der Troyer Farganvet Zikh In Harts
(song title)
- Az der velt farendert zikh, khap im on..nisht..khap im on..mitn shpan avek, farn
(first line)
- Az Di Baleboste Geyt Arayn
(song title)
- Az di baleboste geyt aroys, kinder, kinder, lakht ze oys, az di baleboste...
(first line)
- Az di bobeshi, di altetshke, iz oysgegangn, hobn feygelekh gezungn,
(first line)
- Az Di Fartvayflung Iz Groys
(1 song title,1 first line)
- Az di mame baynakht, sitst farzorgt un fartrakht,
(first line)
- Az di tate zogt yo, iz yo, di tate zogt neyn, is neyn,
(first line)
- Az Di Yidn Veln Forn Keyn Erets-Kanan
(song title)
- Az di yidn veln forn keyn eretz kanan, veln zay forn mit an aygener yidisher ban
(first line)
- Az di yontefdike teg heybn zikh on bavayzn, ver ikh bay...
(first line)
- Az di yontefdike teg hoybn zikh un tsu bavayzn, ver ikh…
(first line)
- Az di yontefdike teg hoybt zikh un tsu bavayzn, ver ikh...
(first line)
- Az di yontefdike teg nemen zikh bavayzn, ver ikh bay mir a..
(8 first lines)
- Az di yontovkike teg heybt zikh on bavayzn..manishtana halaylo haze mikol.......
(first line)
- Az Dos Meydl (Medley)
(song title)
- Az Du Bist Do, Iz Friling Do
(song title)
- Az Du Forst Avek
(song title)
- Az Du Forst Avek (Instr)
(song title)
- Az Du Forst Avek (Instr, Medley)
(song title)
- Az du forst avek, oy, az du forst avek, oyf vemen loztu...
(2 first lines)
- Az du in harts iz mir shver, aha, aha, nokh epes hob ikh a bager
(first line)
- Az du in harts iz mir shver, aha, aha, nokh epes hob ikh a bager,
(first line)
- Az Du Kenst Nit Un Veyst Nit…
(song title)
- Az Du Vest
(song title)
- Az Du Vest Batsoln Bruder
(song title)
- Az Du Vest Batsoln Bruder (Levin)
(song title)
- Az du vest batsoln bruder, vest du in kaliasn forn,
(5 first lines)
- Az du vest batsoln bruder, vest du in karotn forn,
(3 first lines)
- Az du vest batsoln, bruder, vestu in kalyasn forn, Ay-lyu-lyu-lyu-lyu
(first line)
- Az du vest geyn, guter bruder, in gas arayn un du vest bagegenen a yidn a…
(first line)
- Az du vest nit zayn derkegn, volt ikh dir mayn harts gegeben
(first line)
- Az du zest An Alef Yingele
(song title)
- Az du zest an alef, yingele, zog zhe, zunenyu, vi makht es? Ay ay, un nokh a taysh? A shtekele, vi zhe makht es in eynem
(first line)
- Az es dakht zikh mir, du bist…yener froy, vert a himl...
(first line)
- Az es kumt der liber peysekh, vider oyf dos nay, nishtso...
(2 first lines)
- Az es kumt fraytik oyf der nakht, oy, s'farganign,
(2 first lines)
- Az eskuvodon en is ott leszek
(song title)
- Az eymer hot dervaksene tekhter, oy, oy, oy, muz men dokh...
(first line)
- Az fleg kumen fraytik oyf der nakht, oy, s'far ashires
(2 first lines)
- Az fun gorer velt iz ir farblibn, bloyz ir kinds a laylke un nit mer--vemen zol
(first line)
- Az Gamatsav Hanokhekhi
(song title)
- Az Got Vet Gebn
(song title)
- Az got vet gebn gezunt un lebn veln mir forn tsu undzer rebn, oy der rebenyu,
(first line)
- Az got vet gebn gezunt un lebn, veln mir forn tsu der rebn,
(first line)
- Az greyt zikh tsu di nakht, shtern vartn shoyn,
(first line)
- Az hakhlatnu acshav sheanakhnu baim aleichem yoter memoach, pakhot bekoach...
(first line)
- Az ikh bin a gute meydl veyst men dokh gevis, yeder zogt az ikh bin eydl…
(first line)
- Az ikh bin a gute meydl, veyst men dokh gevis, yeder zogt…
(first line)
- Az ikh bin a kaptsn kent ir zogn, vos ikh gey iz opgetrogn,
(2 first lines)
- Az ikh bin gekumen kayn rakhmestrivke, hob ikh dort tsvey...
(first line)
- Az ikh bin gekumen kayn rakhmestrivke, tsvey sheyne shvesters hob ikh dort...
(first line)
- Az ikh bin geven a yingele a kleyne, bin ikh gevezn zeyer...
(2 first lines)
- Az Ikh Dermon Zikh
(song title)
- Az ikh dermon zikh in mayne kinder yorn, pinkt vi a kholem
(first line)
- Az ikh dermon zikh in mayne kinder yorn, pinkt vi a kholem, vert mir ales klor,
(first line)
- Az ikh dermon zikh in mayne kinder yorn, pinkt vi a kholem..
(7 first lines)
- Az ikh dermon zikh in mayne kinder yorn, un vi a kholem..
(2 first lines)
- Az ikh heyb zikh un dermonen, yene sheye zise tseyt,
(first line)
- Az ikh kuk zikh arum, un vil banemen dayn zin,
(first line)
- Az ikh tu mir dermonen mayn kinderishe yorn, punkt vi a kholem, zet es mir oys vu zet oys dos heyzele,…
(first line)
- Az ikh tu mir dermonen mayne kindershe yorn, Punkt vi a kholem zet dos mir oys.
(first line)
- Az Ikh Vel Nit Blaybn (Monologue)
(song title)
- Az ikh vel nit blaybn, vegn mir ver vet shraybn,
(first line)
- Az Ikh Vel Zingen "Lekha Dodi"
(song title)
- Az Ikh Vel Zingen "Lekha Dodi" (Video)
(song title)
- Az ikh vel zingen "lekha dodi" zolt ir zingen tshiri biri bi,
(first line)
- Az ikh vel zingen "Lekha Dodi", zolt ir zingen "chiri biri..
(first line)
- Az ikh vel zingen "Lekho Dodi", zolt ale ir zingen tshiri...
(first line)
- Az ikh vel zingen "Lekho Dodi", zolt ir zingen tshiri biri..
(12 first lines)
- Az ikh vel zogn "Lekho Dodi", zolt ir zogn tshiri biri bom,
(2 first lines)
- Az ikh vel zogn: "Lekho doydi" zolt ir zogn "Tshi-ri-biri bim." Az ikh vel zogn
(first line)
- Az ikh veys nisht tsi in kholem, tsu efsher gor oyf der vor, hob ikh zikh...
(first line)
- Az Ikh Vil
(song title)
- Az ikh vil nisht, ikh vil nisht, ikh vil nisht zayn keyn...
(first line)
- Az ikh vil, zog ikh "asher oyzar es hoodom bekhokkmo", feter, ver zayt ir?
(2 first lines)
- Az ikh vil, zog ikh mir; "Asher yotser et haodom b'khakhmo."
(4 first lines)
- Az ikh vil, zog ikh mir; Asher yotser et haodom b'khakhmo."
(first line)
- Az Ikh Volt Gehat A Dos Vos Ikh Meyn
(song title)
- Az ikh volt gehat a dos vos ikh meyn…
(first line)
- Az Ikh Volt Gehat Dem Keysers Oytsers
(song title)
- Az ikh volt gehat dem keysers oytsres mit zayn gantse melukhe…
(first line)
- Az ikh volt gehat dem keysers oytsres mit zayn gantse...
(2 first lines)
- Az ikh volt gehat dem keysers oytsres mit zayn gantsn…
(2 first lines)
- Az Ikh Volt Gehat Koyh
(song title)
- Az Ikh Volt Geven Der Boyre Haoylem
(song title)
- Az ikh volt geven der boyreh ho oylem vos volt ikh getun….
(first line)
- Az im talvi mapa mahar, tishiri li pareakh, ani asim oto beagratel behol,
(first line)
- Az In Droysn Geyr A Regn
(song title)
- Az In droysn geyt a regn vern di shtayndelekh nas, un az a maydele shpilt a libe
(first line)
- Az ir vilt zog ikh; "Asher yotser et haodom bekhokhmo"
(2 first lines)
- Az Kashifrem katzah ha'chabli al tarim shachar ani acka kmo tzalil manbal
(first line)
- Az Kavukem
(song title)
- Az Lama Shelo N'khayakh?
(song title)
- Az m'hot feygele…khasene tsu makhn, hot men…
(first line)
- Az Ma Eym Ani Temania
(song title)
- Az ma kara lakh, ani ben adam besakh hakol, tamid menaseh lehiot seviva,
(first line)
- Az me Ha'matzoo T'Fransah
(first line)
- Az men derlebt tsu di nayntsiker yorn ver shmuest nit nokh an eyns:
(first line)
- Az Men Farzukht
(song title)
- Az Men Farzukht (Medley)
(song title)
- Az Men Farzukht Un S'Iz Gut
(song title)
- Az men farzukht un s'iz gut, vilt zikh nokh a mol,
(6 first lines)
- Az Men Fort Keyn Sevastopol
(song title)
- Az men fort keyn sevastopol, in nit vayt fun simferopal,
(first line)
- Az men fort keyn sevastopol, in nit vayt fun simferopal, dortn iz a stantsye…
(first line)
- Az men fort keyn sevastopol, iz nit vayt fun simferopal,
(23 first lines)
- Az men fort keyn sevastopol, iz nit vayt fun simferopal, dortn iz a stantsye faran. Ver darf zukhn naye glikn? S'iz a…
(first line)
- Az men fort keyn sevastopol, iz nit vayt fun simperopal,
(first line)
- Az men fort keyn sevastopol, iz nit vayt fun simperopel,
(first line)
- Az Men Gibt - Nemt Men (Video)
- Az men hot mir dem priziv gebrakht, Di mos hot men genumen..
(first line)
- Az Men Ken Nit Nemt Men Zikh...
(song title)
- Az Men Muzshe, Muzshe Men
(song title)
- Az Men Redt
(song title)
- Az men trogt a likhtike zun in harts ful mit…
(first line)
- Az Men Zet Mit Trern...
(song title)
- Az men zopt fun mir dos blut aroys, Un mitshet mikh pamelekh, lomir mikh mayne..
(first line)
- Az men zopt fun undz dos blut aroys, Un mitshet mikh...
(2 first lines)
- Az Men Zukht Gefint Men
(song title)
- Az Men Zukht Gefint Men (Video)
(song title)
- Az mentshn vos hobn a tropikal town, zey gefinst zikh a...
(2 first lines)
- Az Meshiakh Vet Kumen
(song title)
- Az Meshiakh vet kumen, veyst ir vos vet zayn? Nu, nu, nu,
(first line)
- Az Meshiekh Vet Kumen
(song title)
- Az Meshiekh Vet Kumen (Zbaraher)
(song title)
- Az mir veln derhern un mir veln derlebn, der bashefer...
(first line)
- Az nisht keyn emunah tsuzamen mitn gelt, vos zhe toyg di…
(first line)
- Az nisht keyn emunah tsuzamen mitn gelt, vos zhe zrbestu af der velt
(2 first lines)
- Az Nisht Keyn Emune
(song title)
- Az nisht keyn emune mitn gelt, vos zhe arbestu oyf der velt
(first line)
- Az nisht keyn libe tsuzamen mitn gelt, vos zhe lebestu af der velt
(first line)
- Az nit bashert, s'iz nit bashert, di ... oykh gor nit vert,
(3 first lines)
- Az nit bashert, s'iz nit bashert, nisht darfn zorgn oyf gornisht mer,
(first line)
- Az s'flegt kumen fraytik oyf der nakht, ay, s'farganign,
(first line)
- Az S'iz Nishtu Keyn Mazl
(song title)
- Az se shtelt zikh avek der sheyner fayner yung…
(first line)
- Az Shiru (Shir Hu Lo Rak Milim)
(song title)
- Az tshipe trayne iz in shtub arayngekumen, hit zi ir...
(3 first lines)
- Az tshipe trayne iz in shtub arayngekumen, hit zi ir…
(first line)
- Az vey dem tatn un vey der mamen, vos zey hobn a zun,
(2 first lines)
- Az Yashir Moshe
(song title)
- Az yashir moshe uvne yisrael et hashira hazot,
(3 first lines)
- Az yeder zogt az ikh bin a shlimazl, vos zol ikh ton,
(first line)
- Az Yekhiel iz gevorn tsen yor alt hobn shoyn ale ayngezen...
(first line)
- Az yom hah li samiol
(song title)
- Az yosl der klezmer shpilt af a simkhe tantst di khevre vi a kvalye in yam,
(first line)
- Az yosl der klezmer shpilt oyf a simkhe, Tantst di khevre vi a khvalye in yam.
(first line)
- Az yosl klezmer shpilt af a simkhe, tantst di khevre vi a...
(first line)
- Az yosl klezmer shpilt af a simkhe, tantst khevre vi a khvalye in yam,
(2 first lines)
- Az yosl klezmer shpilt af a simkhe, tantst khevre vi a...
(3 first lines)
- Az...ven di makholim tsu shalesh suedes,
(3 first lines)
- az...ven di makholim tsu shalesh suedes..
(first line)
- Az..Zingen "Lekha Dodi" (Yid, Eng)
(song title)
- Aza golden gute boym, hot zikh zibn bletlekh koym, un es dakht zikh az er…
(first line)
- Aza gortn, vu der boym, hot zikh zibn bletlekh koym, un es dakht zikh az er...
(first line)
- Aza Mazel Afn Keyser
(song title)
- Aza Mazl Afn Keyser
(song title)
- Aza Mazl Hot R'yidl
(song title)
- Aza Min Vokh
(song title)
- Aza Yoor Of Meer (A Good Year for Me)
(song title)
- Aza Yor Oyf Mir
(song title)
- Azamar Bishvokhin
(song title)
- Azamar Bishvokhin (Heb)
(song title)
- Azamer Bish Vukhin (inst)
(song title)
- Azamer bishachin lemail go ptokhin, debkhakal ptokhin dainun kdishin,
(first line)
- Azamer Bishvachin
(song title)
- Azameyr bishvokhin lemeyal goy fiskhin, devakhakal tapukhin deunin kadishin,
(first line)
- Azamivishpokhin
(song title)
- Azelkhe Kleyne Hent
(song title)
- Azerbaijani Segah
(song title)
- Azeremoz una merenda, kualo hora vo lo diray?
(2 first lines)
- Azermoz Una Merenda
(song title)
- Azoy (Goodman)
(song title)
- Azoy (Weyh)
(song title)
- Azoy Azoy
(song title)
- Azoy Fayft Men On A Shviger
(song title)
- Azoy fil lider hob ikh gehert, nor ale hobn mir deresn,
(3 first lines)
- Azoy fil velder oyf der velt in zey azoy fil beymer, bay mayn aganik vakst a...
(first line)
- Azoy geyen zey op, azoy shvimen zey op, di amolike lider,
(first line)
- Azoy Geyt Dos Gelt Avek
(song title)
- Azoy Geyt Es
(song title)
- Azoy hobn beyde opgeredt, un zenen tseganen zikh shtile, un mordkhe hot...
(first line)
- Azoy Hot Zikh Ongehoybn Di...
(song title)
- Azoy Iz Geven
(song title)
- Azoy Iz Geven Azoy Vet Es Zayn
(song title)
- Azoy iz geven un azoy vet es blaybn, der e vet krakhtsn un der nogid vet traybn,
(first line)
- Azoy Lang
(song title)
- Azoy lang, azoy lang, zogn mir "zay gezunt", shoyn kemat funem ershtn...
(2 first lines)
- Azoy lang, azoy lang, zogn mir "zay gezunt", shoyn kemat...
(2 first lines)
- Azoy Muz Es Zayn
(song title)
- Azoy Shpilt Men In Odesa
(song title)
- Azoy Shteyt Ungeshribn Oyf A Breyt…
(song title)
- Azoy Tantst Men In Odes
(song title)
- Azoy Vayt Avek Fun Mir
(song title)
- Azoy vaytn zikh di tsaytn, fun bereshis on biz haynt,
(first line)
- Azoy vi a hunt far dem huntshlegers shling antloyf ikh flink
(first line)
- Azoy vi der yam iz tif un breyt, azoy iz mayn harts iz...
(2 first lines)
- Azoy vi di bist, du zolst zikh keynmol nit baytn.
(first line)
- Azoy Vi Du Bist
(song title)
- Azoy vi du bist, azoy zolstu zeyn…
(first line)
- Azoy vi du bist, du zolst zikh keyn mol nit baytn,
(first line)
- Azoy vi Hirshke iz fun shtub aroysgegangen, gezogt hot er "a gute nakht",…
(2 first lines)
- Azoy Vi S'iz Biter
(song title)
- Azoy vi s'iz biter tsu dinen bay yenevits,
(2 first lines)
- Azoy vi s'iz biter tsu dinen bay yenevits, azoy iz dos biter, un take gemeyn,
(first line)
- Azoy vi s'iz biter tsu dinen bay yenevits, azoy iz dos biter, un take gemeyn,
(first line)
- azoy zeget di hailiger mechaber an er b'ornegt fun archos h'chaim
(first line)
- Azoy zogt der badkhn, "oy khodim hakhupe", oy kale lebn...
(first line)
- Azoy zogt der badkhn, oy, koydem a khupe, oy kale lebn, vos iz dos far a mineg
(first line)
- Azoy zogt der feter morkhe tsu ir, -- un der feter mordkhe..
(2 first lines)
- Azoy Zolstu Zayn
(song title)
- Azoy/ Musique Klezmer/ chanson yiddish
- Azoyfil heymishe geshtaltn, baglaytn mayn bazukh
(first line)
- Azzez! Separons-Nous
(song title)
- Azziza (Arabic, Instr)
(song title)
- B Flat Freylekhs
(song title)
- B Flat Sirba
(song title)
- B Minor Bulgar
(song title)
- B Minor Nigun
(song title)
- B'akhris Hayomim
(song title)
- B'akhris hayomim es zol blaybn dem shturem tsu dermonen dem unkenk fun mayn…
(first line)
- B'aviv
(song title)
- B'bichorah Ha'yifah
(song title)
- B'biet Shelcha V'sheli
(song title)
- B'chadri
(song title)
- B'charmi Timan
(song title)
- B'chol Ma'aminim
(song title)
- B'chol Ma'aminim, got darf men dinen, vet im dinen, nit vi a goylem
(first line)
- b'chol medina misuderet yeshnom maganon letif eret
(first line)
- B'chol paam shatah holech niahsar po oto kaev zeh shagorim li hot ha'lev
(first line)
- B'ckol rega cholef gam atah mishtalev basichah shel halev an milah mioteret
(first line)
- B'emek Bet Sh'an
(song title)
- B'emek bet sh'an, Yesh bayit katan, Shokhnim bo shisha...
(first line)
- B'emek Yizrel
(song title)
- B'Eretz Ahavti hasheked poreach
(song title)
- B'hadras Kodesh
(song title)
- B'har Hadumiyot
(song title)
- B'har Hadumiyot sung by Shir Lev/Shir Nash Composer
- B'Kol Ishah The Voice of Women Cantors
- B'li di v'bli oli
(song title)
- b'makom hazeh l'ha'et v'lanuach gam keoshotzdim margishim et ha'ruach
(first line)
- B'makum she'sham nadmu tzipori yam arev
(first line)
- B'malon ha'shomer me'otet la'sho'er me'vakesh lo pachot lo yoteri m nasa…
(first line)
- B'markat
(song title)
- B'mazrach yehsh
(song title)
- B'mitsrayim V'ad Heymo
(song title)
- B'nai Beit T'cha
(song title)
- B'nana
(song title)
- B'oi Besholem
(song title)
- B'rokhes Shel Hanukah
(song title)
- B'rosh Hashana yikateivun Uv'yom tsom kippur yeichateimun Kama ya'avrun v'chama
(2 first lines)
- B'rosh Hashanna
(song title)
- B'Rosh Hashone
(song title)
- B'Rosh Hashono
(song title)
- B'Rosh Hashonoh
(song title)
- B'shadmout biet lechem b'derech efratah
(first line)
- B'shas der shadkhn iz a mol gekumen tsu mayn zeydn,
(8 first lines)
- B'shas der shadkhn iz gekumen tsu mayn zeydn,
(2 first lines)
- B'shas der shadkhn iz gekumen tsu mayn zeydn, dem tate mit der mame a shidukh redn, ay hobn zey geret un geret un...
(first line)
- B'shas der shadkhn iz gekumen tsu mayn zeydn, dem tate mit der mame a shidukh...
(2 first lines)
- B'shem Ha'ahava
(song title)
- B'shem kol hatankistim ufneyhem hame'uvakot, Asher avru et…
(5 first lines)
- B'shum Makom
(song title)
- B'shuv adonay et shivat Tsiun
(2 first lines)
- B'shuv hashem et shivas Tsiun...
(first line)
- B'sof Ha'derech
(song title)
- b'sof hakev haor yibia li boker
(first line)
- b'sof yom shov ird el ha'yam l'vadi l'hargis et harach
(first line)
- B'yachad
(song title)